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hi smiler,

regarding to who is winning on gambling...

of course bookies only win, they are companies with very high profits!and the high profits are coming from compulsive gamblers.if there 4-5 compulsive gamblers spending in one day 500quid each, imagine how much money they earn.

i m to the point that i hate gambling!i m 53 days gamble free and the longest i stay gamble free, the more i hate gambling!

it ruined my life completely and my 'revenge' is to stay away FOR EVER from it!and i ll try to make as more people as i can to stop gambling. i remember a guy was sleeping in his car outside from a casino for 15 whole days!he didnt want to go home in order to be close to the casino.if that is not called madness or loss of dignity then what is called?i dont know if after months , years i ll be hating gambling as much as now but i reckon i will.

life is too short to give my personal time again to gambling.i wont give not 1 min, not 1 euro again to them.and i hope one day most of compulsive gamblers will realise what they are doing to their selves.this is self destruction.

have a great time in london, spend your time in other things than bookies.dont even look at them when you ll walk on the streets.they dont even deserve a glance.

take care mate


Posted : 31st May 2012 8:10 am
Posts: 0

Have a great day in London. The bookies don't always win: every day one of us stays gamble free they have lost and we have won.

Posted : 31st May 2012 8:58 am
Posts: 0

great post ctw,

yes its true, every gambling free day is a win for us and a loss for the bookies.lets stay like that!gamble free!


Posted : 31st May 2012 9:08 am
Posts: 0

Hi ya,

Just wanted to say, glad you are in a good place at the moment.

Really hope you have a great weekend, don't forget to put on your union jack t shirt , so you blend in.lol

Dusty xxxxxxx

Ps But do remember to leave that ruck sack we are always on about on your front door step, with a bit of luck someone will nick it . He he

Posted : 31st May 2012 11:40 am
Posts: 0

Hiya Smiler 🙂

Glad to see your taking a few well earned days off. Enjoy!

Love Del x

Posted : 31st May 2012 3:12 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Thanks to everyone that has contributed to my diary over the past few days. I have come out the other side of a dark cloud and now moving forwards again. Today I bought a piano for my 5 year old daughter who has just started lessons. If it doesn't stick I'll sell it on. To give my daughter opportunities like this is only something I can do whilst not gambling. I owe this all to my recovery. My recovery I owe to this site. At times it has really annoyed me but only because I found the truth here. Hopefully have a great time in London and spend some quality time with my family!

Take care

Posted : 31st May 2012 7:55 pm
Posts: 0

Morning Smiler,

Thanks for your post, i have my guard up always now , have had a few new misses but they are going to stay misses !

Hope the london trip is really great and you all have a fab time

Keep Strong


Posted : 1st June 2012 6:21 am
Posts: 0

Good Morning...

Thankyou for support earlier on my diary, was very welcoming. So true its our own hands, its just the belief which is sometimes a struggle..

Fantastic last post re: daughters piano, thinking she's going to reap the rewards of a fighting, thoughtful pop's. Good on you and Honor...

Enjoy the smoke, think they've got some celebration going on tis weekend....Enjoy


Posted : 1st June 2012 7:03 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Cheers peeps

As long as I don't head for the homelands of the east end I'll be safe as houses!

Thanks again

Posted : 1st June 2012 7:20 am
Posts: 0

Thanks for the support on my diary, I will take time to read your progress, all 146 pages..thanks again.

Posted : 1st June 2012 11:29 pm
Posts: 0

Think your great Dad Smiler....

Thanks for your continued support on both channels...

Have a good break down London..

Rachel and Dotty xxx

Posted : 3rd June 2012 10:44 am
Posts: 0


Hope you are enjoying you break, bit of a same about the weather. Particularly if you were intending to get involved in any of this weeks celebrations.

The time off work and away from home with the family is probably doing good though.

Have a good one

Dusty xxxx

Posted : 3rd June 2012 2:21 pm
Posts: 2966

Ah Smiler,

Nice that you can do those things for your daugther again : )

Don't know about you, but when I was gambling, and my family had to do without something because of it, the self loathing was awful - and often drove me back to gamble a bit more! what a waste of time eh?

Stupid gambling!

Take care,

f x

Posted : 4th June 2012 1:58 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Great weekend away with family. Weather didn't hinder at all only at the paegeant but just got on with it. London was such a buzz! A few times I told myself I'll just pop off and buy a kebab whilst mum and little one stayed in th hotel. Needless to say I knew what I was up to so I never got the kebab as I didn't feel safe enough walking around with bookies everywhere. I kept thinking that £20 wouldn't hurt as I'm excluded when I get home. Bad thoughts but extinguished as soon as they came upon me. I feel I have got over a big hurdle as I really craved the thoughts and feelings that went along with the whole episode of going into bookies. I sat and dwelled on it for a while and it felt good! However I would not advise you to think about it as it can drag us in. So all in all a god break and back to work tomorrow!

Take care

Posted : 5th June 2012 7:24 pm
Posts: 0

Good for you !!

Well done for not giving in, well done for living along side your addiction instead of letting it control you.

Well done for not eating a kebab , you would have only regretted it in the cold light of day .

So pleased you had a great weekend, now you've got the big holiday look forward to.

You take care

Dusty xxxx

Posted : 5th June 2012 11:53 pm
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