Every Day Is A Second Chance

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Quick update...

Doing ok. As always, life keeps throwing up stuff to challenge me. Got a few worries at the moment, and trying hard not to let them get me down. Just when you think everything's fine and dandy along comes another bit of sh#te to knock you off course 🙁 Trying to be proactive and work out a solution rather than burying my head in the sand. No gambling urges though, so that must be progress.

"This too will pass". I just think it's going to take a while.

LifeBegins x

Posted : 11th January 2016 12:13 pm
Posts: 7071

"This too will pass" is great way to look at those challenges you're facing!
Life is not getting rosy as soon as we stop merry go round huh...it never will, but contious decisions of dealing with "rosy c**P" head on is the only way forward! Keep pushing & believing ☺

Life is for living and sometimes being chucked in the deep end just helps us to see life from every different angle...good & bad is the fruit of human race!

Keep on trucking LB, anything is possible!

S x

Posted : 11th January 2016 2:44 pm
Posts: 0

Hey thanks for your post, and yours may be a quick update:))), but it says a hell of a lot, great to see you getting through tough times, without the crutch of Mr G, we know it would just make things a lot worse.

Take care and keep strong.

Suzanne xxx

Posted : 11th January 2016 4:26 pm
Posts: 0

Hi LB , Good call not burying that head of your's but as life's full of that brown flying stuff, maybe learn to dodge it a bit quicker ?.

LoL !

Stay safe and on track !

Best wishes Alan

Posted : 11th January 2016 4:43 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks for your post LB, :)) keep strong and keep gooooinggg

Suzanne xxx

Posted : 13th January 2016 6:30 pm
Posts: 0

A smile followed by a chuckle, thank you so much for that post on my diary. Starting my day with more dots joined.

I love your diary by the way, the questions your asking yourself. Sometimes I read diarys and think shoot, this person is getting some firm of clarity and your one of them.

Have a good day and I wish you well.

Posted : 14th January 2016 8:08 am
Posts: 0
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Recent activity on here has had me thinking a lot about Transactional Analysis. It's difficult to do it justice in just a few lines, but the basic premise is that we all have three different states: Child, Adult and Parent and we respond to situations and interactions with others from one of these states. The 3 states of child, adult and parent are fluid and we may react to things from any one of the states but will often respond to similar situations from the same state. So,when I'm sulking in the kitchen because OH has forgotten to do something, then I'm coming from my child state. When someone is throwing their toys out the pram, they're coming from their child state. When I'm nagging it's from my parent state etc.

There is also the idea that we have different life positions and how we go about our daily lives is very much affected by what our life position is.

1) I'm ok-you're ok

2) I'm ok-you're not ok

3) I'm not ok-you're ok

4) I'm not ok-you're not ok

Life positions are formed at an early age and greatly influence how we feel about things. If I think I'm not ok but you are then it affects how I interact with you. If I think that I'm not ok and you're not ok (as in the world is not ok) it makes for tough going...never trusting anyone, always on the defensive. With these life positions we sometimes look for things that confirm and support our beliefs (I have "been there" for my sister so many times, and yet she remembers the one thing that I didn't do and overlooks all the good stuff She's def of the I'm not ok-you're not ok camp).

The healthiest interactions are adult to adult and I'm ok-you're ok.

Anyhoo, waffling as usual! It's just that I look around and see people acting from their various life positions and it fascinates me. Of course, not everyone believes in the benefits of TA but I have found it a useful tool for life (not just addiction). So I decided to dig out one of the most useful and easy to understand books that I have about TA to re-read.

I kid you not...It's called "Counselling For Toads"


Posted : 14th January 2016 2:29 pm
Posts: 7071

Ohh..i like this LB ☺..funny enough, just recently touched the same subject in one of my training..could copy & paste what you just said :-)))
Good stuff for sure! & how the book is called just put me in "child state" and made me chuckle lol...d**n...lol lol

There are a lot good literature out there, understanding our behaviours and reactions to situations can be fastinating thing to observe. There is a good read called "chimps paradox", which i read with interest and found it helpful (not if i took much on board..maybe just a slow learner lol)...but the phrase "slowly slowly catchy monkey" can work wonders in recovery & life itself ☺

Thanks for sharing! Hope your life struggles are easing off a little.

Take care and keep putting yourself first!

S x

Posted : 14th January 2016 2:38 pm
Posts: 0


That the 2nd time in one day you've planted a smile on this face followed by a chuckle.

Your ok LB and so am I.

Posted : 14th January 2016 2:58 pm
Posts: 944

Ha ha loving the title, not read that one yet.

All links in with the codependency seen so often in us addicts. xxx

Posted : 14th January 2016 3:05 pm
Posts: 0

Very interesting read LB, :)) Thanks for sharing.

You are doing just fine -ok I am just doing just fine -ok lol.

Suzanne xxx

Posted : 14th January 2016 5:09 pm
Posts: 0

Hi LB , just wanted to pop by and say thank you for your support earlier , loved post 240 by the way and am still smiling at the title , I'm all calm again now but it was much appreciated !


Posted : 14th January 2016 5:47 pm
Posts: 7071

Hi lovely lady, ok..i shall stick to my fav name "mrs Liberty" ☺..be careful cutting down sugar, it is needed for the body in the weirdest way :-/...best not start analysing this 😀
Yes, self analysis is good thing. It drove me to the wall couple of times but all worked out well in the end 😉

The book you mentioned stuck in my head and even if i never read it, i heard of it..racked my brains and remembered that my counsellor mentioned it but said cannot get hold of one...yup, i gave her a lovely "thank you" prezzie on my departure alongside of tonne weighing bouquet lol and hope she enjoyed reading it same as you!!

Training is going well, thank you. A little busy cause if I'm not @ work at weekends, I'm far away from my bed @ attending training..its good cause keeps me busy and i love to learn, not so good - managing work, sleep and rest in general became a little complicated and i can tell on my snappy moods...the key in this is to ride the storm out with me if that makes sense, not many ppl are capable of it and i fully understand that...I'm hard work at the times (ask my Sesuo lol)

But, all this hard job is already paying off & it's all for the good cause and i know i will balance everything out in the end ☺...slowly slowly catchy monkey - i will get there :-))

Hope you are feeling ok & making the most out of your days.

Be proud girl - you are doing it!

S x

Posted : 14th January 2016 6:45 pm
Posts: 0


You do have a knack of putting a smile on this mug. I love your personal journey and questions you ask of yourself.

I guess knowledge is empowering.

I was fortunate as a kid which I'll try and explain later as I ponder your post and use in my self analysis.

I had fully intended to give this forum a rest for the weekend. And try to read/ watch/ speak on lighter notes, as sometimes the noggin needs a rest.

Keep exploring LB, have a good weekend and I wish you well

Posted : 15th January 2016 3:58 pm
Posts: 7071

Hey there!

Chomping on a choc bar (galaxy ropple kid ya not!) and thought about you...how is your new diet going? How many heads you ripped off so far 😀 ☺

Thanks for touching the base and very strangely (rarely happens) i actually read your words few times and kept nodding to myself in agreement - we're actually doing it!!! How good is that girl! ☺
Maybe all this chimps talk helped us lol..or just maybe i am getting a sugar rush now haha..i go for the latter.

But, in all honesty - i think we should do what we are doing and steadily keep reaching for those brighter, lighter days while aknowledge our good job of ACTUALLY DOING IT!!! yay!

Ok, best go cause ya might think I'm high on something lol...

Have a lovely weekend and don't sweat about us nighshift workers at coal places 😉

Take care and keep being kind to you.

S x

Posted : 16th January 2016 1:31 am
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