First time explaining

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It started off with dinner money on the roullette in a bookmakers, I was 17 underage it then led to me winning my first *** then losing it thought at that age i was on top of the world always bragging about winning money but yet never having any to do anything or buy anything? I use to gamble alot to try and win money but yet never won. I then got a good job and i would put hundreds in a machine and walk away after losing it all wanting to jump in front of a train you know that sickly feeling? Not good enough for anyone always feeling lonely and like a s**m bag but few days later back to normal back to gambling... really does feel their is no way out of it i lost my job and went a year unemployed and never once bet as i couldnt afford it. Few months ago i got a new job i had money i could buy me and my daughter anything started planning moving out buying a car but then i lost **** on the horses within half an hour and walked out the shop not even bothered in the slightest. The gambling problem doesnt go away even after a year i lost **** and didnt even care today i lost the rest of everything i have and i feel so stressed the only way ill ever be happy is when i have no money i honestly work to give my money away.

This topic was modified 6 years ago by Forum admin
Posted : 2nd August 2019 9:59 pm
Posts: 305

There are many here who understand.

It makes no sense, but we've all been there.

You have to protect yourself...against yourself.  Get blocks in place.  Don't carry unneccasry money, self exclude from shops and get blocking software on computer/phone/ipad.  it is the only way.

All the best on your journey, but i was you 200 odd days ago.  I haven't gambled since i put the blocks in place.  You can do it too!

Posted : 3rd August 2019 5:34 pm
Posts: 2148


You are in the right place Mikey42 and just beginning to understand so there is hope for you.

Its a complex addiction and the sheer power of it completely ruins people. You dont need gambling in your life. Its not the answer you seek. The answers are within you and your goal is a serenity to realise what is really important.

Money is a man made concept and if you let money rule you there is never enough of it. Life is not fair and life can be tough but gambling is never the answer.

They are selling you nothing but the drug of expectation which we became hooked on. The drug of a dream. Nobody is offering you free or easy money. 99.9% of people could play the lottery for countless lifetimes and never win anything to change their lives

Gambling is NOT an income scheme and its NOT a get it back later scheme.

When you understand the illness we were playing to lose and punish ourselves. Thats why it makes no sense other than a drug addiction and mental illness.

If your boss told you that you wouldnt be paid this month you wouldnt work...yet you gamble and chuck it all away.

You need a born again moment to reach out for all the help on offer. The answers for a new life are within you.

Best wishes from everyone on the forum 

Posted : 3rd August 2019 6:34 pm

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