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Well done on day 8 boro and keep fighting the good fight!


Posted : 26th February 2014 7:59 pm
Posts: 974
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Cheers linda




DEBT LOAN 1 £580

DEBT LOAN 2 £7100


MAM £870



Can,t feel the same way I felt last tues after losing all that money

Posted : 27th February 2014 9:46 pm
Posts: 0

hi boro i never spoke to you before , but reading your blog mostly 80 pages, it has really inspired me to stop gambling , i have wasted alot more than you 43000 to be exact , and am gutted, and it was 99% all lost on online roullete, dont do it , its pure evil, and should be made illegal, from an outsider its just a game but once the addiction kicks in its down hill from there , but reading your blogg you have given me the strength to beat this addiction , which although is probably an illnes it mainly feels like a drug to me , if this is what drugs feels like then i understand why it is hard to stop taking drugs i always thought they could stop if they wanted , but now i understand why they find it hard to stop with my gambling habbit. Part of the problem with online roulette is its just numbers on a screen and your card involved no physical cash handed over , so it doesnt really feel like you are loosing any money until after you have and its too late , also problem with roulette is you can loose so much of your hard earned money so quickly its obseen, any way good luck , im on day 4 , keep going son you can do it

Posted : 28th February 2014 10:14 am
Posts: 974
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Yeah mate I have lost pretty much everything due to gambling, lost the girl I loved more than anything in the world but I still gambled after she kicked me out. You would have thought that would have made me realise I hav got to change but it didn,t. I stopped for about 10 months felt great but then I thought I could have a few bets on the horses but if I lost I would chase my money on roulette. So basically I cant gamble because I cant stay in control, it is a drug. I have put just about every block in place but I always get round them. I don,t gamble everyday its just when I get an urge but that urge costs me thousands and puts me and my family through hell. But this time has to be last time can,t get anymore credit off bank and I have spent just about all me mams spare money. This is me last chance.

Cheers tryer really appreciate your comments and lets hope we can both this beat this illness,addiction

Posted : 28th February 2014 7:12 pm
Posts: 0

weird you acknowledging my reply , really helped I feel like I told somebody and have half told somebody before but not the amount or anything as its embarrassing and stupid, so now ive told somebody its time to stop , cant believe how many people are suffering from this its unreal, anyway , your right you might be able to control it on the horses , but once you have gambled on the horses I think as it does with me when I buy a scratch card or something , it sparks a flame of wanting to gamble if you know what I mean , and then the seed is planted and its downhill from there you and I then move onto with that flame lit and with a new urge move onto gambling on roulette ect.. which is really dangerous and uncontrollable and which you just cant control , so really what im trying to say is your right don't place a bet on anything not even a scratch card or a horse as all this will do is later spark up another urge and make you gamble loads away on something else , even if you think the bet on the horse is not giving you an urge to gamble on anything else it is but you just might not feel that urge until later so in the nicest possible way mate don't even put a bet on a horse not on anything then you hopefully will kill this urge off . psi do tend to over analyse certain points sorry for that lol, not good luck but well done you can do it

Posted : 28th February 2014 8:05 pm
Posts: 974
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You will get a lot of support if you start a diary mate. But yes it always helps to tell somebody who understands and is going through the same thing. I have told many people who don,t have a gambling addiction about my addiction but they don,t understand they think it should be easy just to stop. But as we no it isn,t in most respects its worse than drink and drugs because they only a certain amount you can drink and only certain amount of drugs you can take but with gambling you don,t stop until all your money has gone. But I can,t gamble on anything or I risk my addiction taken over

Anyway good luck tryer hope you can beat it

Posted : 1st March 2014 2:50 pm
Posts: 0

keep strong mate

Posted : 3rd March 2014 12:44 am
Posts: 974
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Day 13 gamble free

Still down about money I lost. But me daughter said yesterday I love you daddy because you buy me anything I want. It upset me because from now on I won,t be able to buy her much

Posted : 3rd March 2014 9:38 pm
Posts: 0

seriously dood dont worry too much about that , i tell my son no sometimes just because he cant have everything he wants and he still loves me and still wants to see me , so dont think your daughter wont love you anymore if you dont buy her what she wants, i gaurantee she will love you ust as much as its about the attention we show them not what we buy them that counts , obviously we can still buy them stuff now and then but its the attention that matters the most, i dont live with my son he just sees me a couple of time a week and he stays about one night a week and i used to worry about his mom or her boyfriend buying him more than i do , to be honest they probably do and if anything its not a competition not that i think you think that , but sometimes i think my sons mom buys him everything he wants and more but i dont as i dont want him to be spoiled, but he still has fun with me and he loves coming to see me. It will get better you will be able to buy her more the more time goes on so keep your chin up i know it must get you down, but dont think you can buy her what you want by gambling it wont work it will put you further behind . keep going you can do it

Posted : 3rd March 2014 10:30 pm
Posts: 974
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17 days gamble free

Posted : 7th March 2014 7:20 pm
Posts: 0

Well done on 17 days boro- try not to worry about not having things for kids its all material and means nothing. Being a parent to be proud of means much more.


Posted : 7th March 2014 7:58 pm
Posts: 974
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Well got paid fri so that's taken the pressure off a bit. But my wage is just over a thousand every 4 weeks so its going to take a long time to get back on track. But im determined to kick roulette out of my life I don,t need it. I should be going out tonight but got no spare money plus I want to try and save as much as possible

Cheers for commenting on me diary `hardtimes

Posted : 8th March 2014 6:39 pm
Posts: 0

well done boro you can do it keep going roulete is evil don't do it , was my downfall not anymore never ,

Posted : 8th March 2014 11:15 pm
Posts: 974
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Well 3 weeks tomorrow since I blow everything still struggling to come to terms with it. Cheltenham tomorrow as well off work but can,t have a bet because it striggers the urge to go on the roulette if I lose.

debt 6930 loan

580 loan

overdraft 1600

mam 840

total debt at minute £9950

Posted : 10th March 2014 9:50 am
Posts: 4422


Fella good to see you adding gamble free time again, it will only continue to grow your resolve to make the right choice, for it well done it would be easy to throw in the towel and revert to the 'f**k' it mode that would for you like me drive you back to that spinning wheel of doom.

Regarding your debt, have you made a sensible plan you can stick to that does not pressure you into again thinking the answer is in a punt, two things will be guaranteed through abstaining, firstly the debt will not grow and secondly you will through not throwing your hard earnt away be able to pay it back.

In the past two years my debt has continually reduced and add to that the fact that abstinence has without doubt made me more prudent with how I spend the money I have.

Recovery is as much of a lifestyle change as i could have ever made, the things that fill my hours today by and large are productive, certainly put against the countless hours wasted feeding my hard earnt into a machine.

Don't be too hard on yourself my friend, I will myself be close to this wonderful forum this week due to the upcoming racing event.

We did win because we did stop

Enjoy it

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 10th March 2014 12:05 pm
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