Gambling Man.

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Evening your Lordship !! Just catching up on some reading and noticed your blog. It is amazing how quickly the money situation can change .! Little treats that we wouldnt of dreamed about whilst gambling , as it would have meant dipping into the bookies benevolant fund ?. Enjoy your treats and your weekend sir !!.. All the best for now . Alan who will not gamble today ..

Posted : 10th October 2015 9:27 pm
Posts: 107
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Day 71

I have not been on here for a while so thought i better drop in. The reason i aint been on as much as my urges to gamble have really gone the journey. I have had very little thought on the matter. I Don’t think I will ever be cured however its nice to go through spells of having minimal thought on a horrid addiction. I know if I relapse I will go to extreme levels as this has happened in the past.

What made me come back on my dairy was some of my pals taking about Vegas. Vegas has always been somewhere I wanted to go however I know it’s a place I will never visit in my life as I would be in the casino floors all day and night long not sleeping getting my fix.

So over the past couple of weeks I have purchased all off my window cleaning gear I touched on in a previous post. My girlfriend thinks I am mad however I will prove her wrong J

Works been up and down but feel very good after our holiday away. It was a just deserved break.

The days and time is flying keeping out of betting shops and hitting online bookies. I don’t know where I got the time to do it in the past then again I would only last a few minutes on a fobt before all my cash would disappear.

I will keep up the posts as I owe this forum for being 71 days clean. Without it I would be a wreck right now.

Posted : 18th October 2015 10:58 pm
Posts: 107
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Day 80.

It's been a decent week since my last post minimal urges to gamble.

I was talking to people regarding breaking addiction and willpower is definitely one ingredient in wanting to stop something so badly. If you ain't got that as a starting point then there ain't no point attempting to stop gambling smoking drugs ect.

My willpower is the strongest it has ever been and I am glad I am in a place right now mentally to take on my demon's.

The days of the casino floor are behind me. Chucking hundreds on one spin of the wheel thinking I new red would drop in eventually.

The sports betting that I never gained off or won big as I was staking nothing bets on things I new nothing about.

The low points of virtual cards never winning a hand when lumping on big money.

It's crazy that I am now motoring though the months and I have cash at my disposal that I never thought was possible.

10 days away from the 90 day club and it feels fantastic.

I have yet to go to ga meetings however I will get back to the group soon to share my success.

Posted : 27th October 2015 12:32 am
Posts: 0

Massive well done on 80 days of abstaining and maintaining.

Keep going and stay strong

Suzanne xxx

Posted : 27th October 2015 9:04 am
Posts: 107
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Approaching 90 days.

Feel good to be back on the forum after nearly 10 days away.

Couple of small thoughts in this time of going back to my own ways however looking back at my past history keeps me on track.

Passing the bookies on my way home from work. Should I turn in and have a small flutter to heal a stressful day or carrying on driving home... Driving home was the answer not a smelly bookie on a dark depressing night.

Hears to 180 days.

Posted : 5th November 2015 11:47 pm
Posts: 1701

Nice one LL. 90 days and you are so close to that ton. Don't mess it up with a trip to the bookies. Keep the faith.

Posted : 6th November 2015 2:11 am
Posts: 107
Topic starter

Good evening,

I am half cut right now typing this message and feel the need to get a entry in.

Today has been a day of temptation. A good friend tells me about good wins on online slots. It really gets me seriously thinking about trying a gamble again. The possibility of winning really got me thinking. I have been quite bored today which also did not help. A small bet on the footie. Maybe a bet on a casino online. Instead I decided to troll my Facebook feed of all the gambeling sites that popped up on my way.

It's now late at night and I find my mind thinking of gambeling P****d.

I took to the computer chair and had to revert to the phone and bed to type this out as I new this way would chill me out. I have had a great night out why would I want to do the worst thing possible and hit a random online site?

Christmas is approaching I suppose. The need to give everyone Better material gifts is in my mind. I want lots of nice things for myself. Ect ect.

We all want nice things. We all want a quick fix to get to a position in life. We don't need pain guilt, low confidence that gambling brings to the table. I ain't doing that.

day 92 I will not gamble.

Posted : 8th November 2015 12:55 am
Posts: 0

Hope you have not got a hangover this morning :)))

Thanks for dropping by LL,

92 days well done.

Keep strong it's the only way we do actually win.

Suzanne xxx

Posted : 8th November 2015 10:39 am
Posts: 0

Hi LL thanks for dropping by 🙂 & great work making the right choice yesterday 🙂

Material things mean nothing in the grand scheme of things...I'm pretty sure our loved ones would choose happiness for us over something material anyday, I know I would for me! Happiness is such a difficult emotion to hang onto with Mr Gamble on our backs...Sit him back in the corner where he belongs & keep fighting - ODAAT

Posted : 8th November 2015 6:15 pm
Posts: 0

Hi your lordship ! Well done on making the right choices whilst under the influence , certainly takes some willpower my friend . Sometimes when were in a chilled , relaxed state the demons come a calling ? Glad you were able to chase them away and wake up with your self esteem intact !. Keep up the good work my friend !!. Best wishes Alan ..........

Posted : 8th November 2015 10:52 pm
Posts: 0

Great work, keep focused. I am approaching 200 days, so we can celebrate together! I don't know about you, but I'm fed up of giving my money away, and fed up of gambling. Stay strong and be a winner by not gambling

Posted : 9th November 2015 7:44 am
Posts: 107
Topic starter

Thanks for all the messages of encouragement!

Day 101!

Still on the right path. Feeling great I must say. I have to admit I am sleeping so much better recently. I go to bed and in minutes I am sleeping. Before I would take hours getting to sleep. I wake up and feel so much fresher.

My urges to gamble have been quite minimal. I had another night out with friends over the weekend and had no thought of gambling.

Life is looking good with Christmas approaching.

Posted : 17th November 2015 6:49 am
Posts: 0

Lovely milestone LL, Getting past 100 days, is a great achievement.

Well done you.

Suzanne xxx

Posted : 17th November 2015 8:24 am
Posts: 0

Well done mate really good to see you beating this addiction

Posted : 17th November 2015 11:51 am
Posts: 107
Topic starter

Day 113

Still sticking to my plan of no gambling. i have been able to save, pay for Christmas presents and pay all bills without going into debt. This without doubt has been the longest time i have been able to stop by only putting in small changes into my life.

The depression is long gone. It was if it just lifted overnight. I suffered badly with this for many years and it was a horrible experience. I feel my addiction defiantly had a part to play in this.

My next goal is to get Christmas over. Then I will look forward to the new year in style being closer to 6 months gambling free

I wish everyone well reading and keep fighting in whatever stage you find yourselves at.

Posted : 29th November 2015 12:24 pm
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