Give peace a chance

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Another great song choice Stephen and one I've not heard for a while (thank you Smashed, too).

As we navigate the end of the month, it might be getting darker but inside - inside of us - we're getting brighter. Being gambling free is light. Gambling is the real darkness.

I agree Sharon, ODATT defintiely has the quote of the week, worthy of repitition.

"If your having a bad day, just remember that you've managed to get through every bad day you've had and you'll make it through this one too!"

It reminded me of the great WInstron Churchill who said:

"If you're going through hell, keep going."

Life will chuck stuff at us. We keep going. But don't need gambling to muddy the waters and guarantee make things worse.

All the best all, and as always, really enjoy your diary Stephen.

Posted : 26th October 2017 2:54 pm
Posts: 763

Hi Stephen........Thanks for the encouraging words on my Diary means alot and does help me in my recovery,i am glad you are still marching strong in the right direction keeping that gambling devil at bay, great to see......always enjoy reading your Diary and of course your daily song choice, keep up the good work your are doing great 🙂

Posted : 26th October 2017 3:17 pm
Posts: 3947
Topic starter

Thankyou for posting on my diary, much appreciated.

Merry go round ... Always food for thought in your posts so please keep up the good work.

Sharon ...Thankyou for your ongoing support, I always take on board your good advice.

Mixer ....Thanks for your great contribution to the diaries, you'll always be a hero in my book.

Chartom ... Like all of us you experience doubt and misgivings but it's great the way your tackling it all one day at a time.

Hello Diary. I believe it's a good idea to enjoy and appreciate what is available to us. No point moaning and groaning about what we can't have. My song choice today ( courtesy of Sharon) is ... Morning Has Broken by Cat Stevens ... Morning has broken like the first morning - Blackbird has spoken like the first bird - Praise for the singing - Praise for the morning - Praise for them springing fresh from the world.

Posted : 26th October 2017 6:28 pm
Posts: 3947
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Morning Diary .... Reading through the diaries makes me aware of how much we've all been missing out on. Living in our gambling bubble we blinded ourselves to most of the wonderful things on offer. Seeing everything in black and white we couldn't​ possibly appreciate the vibrant colours all around us. Life is a mystery and should be a great adventure so let's start living it.

My song choice today is ...The Humming by Enya ... And all the light, will be, will be - And all the future prophecy - And all the waves, the sea, the sea - And on the road are you and me.

Posted : 27th October 2017 7:23 am
Posts: 1091

Abstainer wrote:

Morning Diary .... Reading through the diaries makes me aware of how much we've all been missing out on. Living in our gambling bubble we blinded ourselves to most of the wonderful things on offer. Seeing everything in black and white we couldn't​ possibly appreciate the vibrant colours all around us. Life is a mystery and should be a great adventure so let's start living it.

My song choice today is ...The Humming by Enya ... And all the light, will be, will be - And all the future prophecy - And all the waves, the sea, the sea - And on the road are you and me.

Great post to begin a Friday with Stephen 🙂

It's very true. It's not until you leave the crazy roller coaster that is gambling that you realise that you're missing out on some wonderfully amazing things. You forget what it's like to be genuinely happy and at peace.

You're diary is amongst the best on here Stephen. I thoroughly enjoy reading it. If people don't get inspired by reading it then there's something wrong. It's helping me no end! Thanks again and keep up the fantastic work.


Posted : 27th October 2017 9:32 am
Posts: 302

Hi Stephen

Great posts as always, and you used my selection, I did one more as I class you as DJ of the forum, last one promise ;-).

Posted : 27th October 2017 11:02 am
Posts: 3947
Topic starter

Thank you Moorey & Smashed, I have replied on your diaries.

Morning Diary - 170 Days GF. Though I am particularly pleased with my stopping the alcohol 27 years ago today. That really turned my life around for the better and I seemed in control my gambling for many years. However the gambling addiction came back with a vengeance when I took early retirement and had a bucketful of cash. Anyways it's all in the past now hopefully.

My respect and admiration today go's out to a fellow traveller, for a long time he has experienced anxiety and depression exasperated by a compulsion to gamble .... 'changemylife' has battled his demons on a daily basis for a full year and has displayed courage, humour and resolve. My song choice today is a tribute to his achievement.....When The Going Gets Tough The Tough Get Going by Billy Ocean ...I got something to tell you, I got something to say - I'm gonna put this dream in motion, I never let nothing stand in my way - When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

Posted : 28th October 2017 8:57 am
Posts: 859

170 days is fantastic Stephen and with 27 years under your belt alcohol free is something to be proud of You certainly have waded through addictions and troubled waters but come our the other side stronger and no doubt with peace of mind, a You are for sure one of the pillars holding up and supporting many on the forum, I for one am so glad you're here, Hats off to 'change my life' and let's dance to the tune of Billy, take care S:)

Posted : 28th October 2017 12:25 pm
Posts: 1091

Have a great weekend Stephen. 170 days is a brilliant effort. You’ve come a long, long way mate.

Posted : 28th October 2017 12:28 pm
Posts: 3947
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Thankyou Sharon & Moorey. I appreciate your support and encouragement.

Morning Diary. I spent a few hours yesterday down memory lane, which can be a learning exercise, pondering over the whys and wherefores of the past and my addictive behaviour. As a defence mechanism I was sometimes deceitful both to myself and those around me.

My song choice today is ..River Of Deceit by Mad Season ....My pain is self chosen - At least, so the prophet says - I could either burn - Or cut off my pride and buy some time - A head full of lies is the weight, tied to my waist.

Posted : 29th October 2017 10:03 am
Posts: 3947
Topic starter

Morning Diary..... Strange how much i valued the 'gambling buzz, I would sacrifice all kinds of things to satisfy my gambling desires. Money which I frequently handed over to the bookies could have been spent on more worthwhile pursuits.

Holidays for compulsive gamblers can be dismal affairs due to lack of funds and preoccupation with having a bet. On the other hand a holiday for a recovering compulsive gambler can be a rewarding experience to be enjoyed.

Mixer has just enjoyed a short break in Jersey and Moorey enjoys a visit there every year so my song choice today is ...Walk Like A Man by The Jersey Boys ...Walk like a man - Talk like a man - Walk like a man my son

Posted : 30th October 2017 8:24 am
Posts: 859

Hi Stephen, sadly had a few holidays when have been strapped for cash. Yet another of the million reasons to stay GF. Hope you had a super weekend and here's to another GF week. Great song choice...again! S:)

Posted : 30th October 2017 9:42 am
Posts: 531

Hi Stephen. Thanks for the special words you have expressed and the dedicated song 'When the going gets tough'.

We have to be tough - or else we may fail.

It seems that you are learning more and more about yourself through self assessment and analysis. Not a bad thing at all. Even if it makes us grind our teeth with cursing distain. The way we was... And why, and how. But you know, the most important thing is the future which you are carving out very nicely indeed.

Might even see you at one of the music or comedy events in Hull over the next few months. Actually, I am going to the Fruit venue on 16th Nov for a stand up comedy show. Lots of exciting things on the calendar to give us a buzz!

Posted : 30th October 2017 11:15 am
Posts: 1828

Hi Stephen, and what a catchy song choice. Havent heard that in yonks. An absolute toe-tapper. And yet, serious lyrics - boiling down to one immutable truth; we can all talk like a man, but can we WALK like a man too?

I may have related this story before, Stephen - apologies if I have. I was with an old flame, ready to travel from Hull to Zeebruge (for a trip to Bruges). However, as the train passed Goole (I remember thinking I must search for that online!) I suddenly realised I'd forgetten our passports! There was nothing for it - a weekend in Hull. And what a grand weekend we had as it happened! Our base camp was a local town center hotel and the local Wetherspoons and had a great time.

Life is what you make it. And, ironically, I was 100% gambling free at the time! As I am now.

All the best Stephen, and, as I type, I'm toe-tapping along to more Jersey Boy hits. Cherry Ba-bieeee!

Posted : 30th October 2017 9:08 pm
Posts: 1091

Loving your choice of song Stephen. I too haven't heard that in ages!

I echo Mixer's opinion that this diary is a must read and is one I look out for every time I log in.

I enjoy reading your thoughts Stephen, it gives me a hell of a lot of inspiration to keep going myself. You're making such a difference in my early stages of recovery.

Hope you've had a good Monday.

Take care

Posted : 30th October 2017 9:26 pm
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