Going to do it this time.

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Another busy day ahead of me, so very little chance of relapse, feeling loads better now my bone's have stopped aching as much & feel like I've got some energy again.

Still not self excluded from any of the arcades/adult gaming centres yet or any other venue's apart from the online one's, will do this at the weekend when I have a bit more time on my hands.

till later ....

Posted : 6th August 2019 5:58 am
Posts: 212
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That's day 10 put to bed, Not had any thoughts of playing the slots & time for a bit of reflection.  

It seems like an eternity since I last played but it's less than 2 weeks, going to after self exclude from the arcades, bookies, bingo halls & casino's soon, although I only really seem to visit gaming centres to indulge in my gambling habits.

Self exclusion is  a bit pointless in the arcades/adult gaming centre scenario if you ask me, I could exclude from my local centre, ask to be put on the multi operator scheme for exclusion from all centres in a 75 mile radius of my home address, but still be able to go in the majority of centres that I never frequent more than likely, they might take your picture but without any distinguishing features you could deny it was you as there is no requirements to show any identification when you walk into these centres and start playing the machines all the staff do is try to sign you up to a reward program(designed to make you come back)and other you a drink/snack to make you stay.  Would it cost too much to have to swipe in before you could playtime machines, that way if you self excluded there would be no way of playing the machines at any centre, although this would never happen because there profits would suffer too much as it's the problematic gambler who makes them there money. 

As I read other people's diaries, there is plenty I can relate to, I keep asking myself why the government allow's these companies to advertise on TV at prime time when so many people seem to be suffering from this terrible affliction, on certain channels after 8pm on an evening all you get is advertisements for  these companies deposit x get x free, which in reality is a con as well because usually any bonuses have to be gambled upwards of 30 times  

All I can think is that people in high places must own shares in these companies or the tax take for the government in huge and they don't want to loose it.  It show's how much money these companies are making when they can afford to open there gaming centre's 24 hours a day, 7 days a week employing a minimum of 2 staff, some centres have more and only have a handful of customers the majority of the time.

I know in a few local towns to me certain companies have 2 outlets within a stone's throw of each other.  The companies should be made to have window's in there premises where you can see life on the outside, rather than been covered up, so you get into the zone, when you think about it everything inside these gaming centres like the casino's, bingo halls and to some extent the bookmakers are designed to get you addicted, get you into the zone where you just loose all control and all your money.

Well no more for me, I intend to stay clear.

10 days gamble free out of a possible 158 to my first goal.

Till tomorrow  .......

Posted : 6th August 2019 7:05 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6165

Hi  Sparks709

Well done for reaching your 10th day and for checking into the forum regularly to update your diary.  It sounds as if you've also taken the time to read the posts of others and can relate to some of the content.  I hope you get plenty of support from our other forum users.  

I read that you're keeping busy, and so far this strategy is working to keep you away from the slots.  You also reflect in detail about the self-exclusion situation with adult gaming centres, and as it is these that you are vulnerable to gamble in, it is a concern that you're relying on keeping busy alone to keep you away from them.  If you need any additional support and advice, if you haven't already please do call our free HelpLine 0808 8020 133 to chat things through with an Adviser, or you can contact us on Live Chat.

I am glad to see that you're recovering both physically and mentally from your last relapse and that your thoughts are turning towards future plans that you'd not had time for when gambling.  Keep up the great work!

All the best, 


Forum Admin 

Posted : 6th August 2019 8:37 pm
Posts: 212
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11 Days racked up gamble free this time.

Whilst out and about picking up materials for some jobs tomorrow, I passed one of my old haunt and had a little thought of going in for a split second but the hurt is still there, the repulsion of what would happen if I had succumbed to temptation kept me away, why can't this feeling last all the time instead of only for a month or so, it would be so easy to stop if it did.

11 /158 GF


Posted : 7th August 2019 4:24 pm
Posts: 212
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Another day, another dollar and another day that's going to be gamble free, still no urges to play those blasted machines which is good, but cannot let complacency set in, going to have to keep the memories of how I felt at the forefront of my mind for the next couple of months to keep me away.

Till Later ......

Posted : 8th August 2019 5:48 am
Posts: 856

Just keep going, keep busy, plan days.


good start

Posted : 8th August 2019 9:22 am
Posts: 212
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Another day done, no urges/thoughts of playing them machines but that's how it usually happens and then bam something just flips inside your head and all you can think about is playing your favourite slots, telling yourself your only going to have a sneaky £* punt and come home win or loose.

The fact of the matter is it's never only just a sneaky £*, I'll end up staying for hours and spending a fortune, sometimes I might leave even Stevens or up a couple of hundred quid, more often than not I leave with a big hole  in my finances and if I'm lucky enough to leave up they always end up getting it back & more on my next visits.

It's not just about the money although that hurts, it's the amount of time you waste while playing the machines & sinking into depression for the next few days when you take the financial hit of losing a fortune for a relatively small reward/jackpot.

Well no kore, from now on my money and time are going to be spent on things more constructive for my future.

Till later...

Day 12/158 gamble free till new year

This post was modified 6 years ago by Forum admin
Posted : 8th August 2019 7:27 pm
Posts: 212
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Day 13 - What a miserable day, been up since 5 and it's just raining cats & dogs outside, not working today although I ought to, might go for a few hours later but really could do with staying at home and have a day doing the office work, get some invoices sent out and some cash in, the joys of been self employed.

Will have to be careful today, as it's the sort of day I would end up I. the local arcade's, miserable weather can't be arsed to do anything constructive so would end up wasting money & time at arcade, but not today, going to have a day at home, get these invoices & certs done also going to make a start on prepping company accounts for accountant.

hopefully another day free of playing them machines & gambling in general.

Till Later ......

Posted : 9th August 2019 6:21 am
Posts: 212
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Day 14 - woke earlier than usual today 4AM, been out with pooch for a short walk and I swear it's getting busier in a morning, there's loads of people out now at 5.30 asking their furry friend's, going back a few years you never used to see anybody about at that time apart from people going to work.

What to do today ???

Going to have to keep it constructive and gamble free, might have a run out somewhere if the weather holds out although it's forecast rain, rain & more rain today.

Till Later...

Posted : 10th August 2019 5:34 am
Posts: 212
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Another day passed and now 2 whole weeks free of playing them machines

Been out for a walk into the countryside this morning and came across a little art gallery full of reasonably priced original works, there was a few which I was contemplating buying , but I've told myself if I stay away from the slots till the end of September I'll go back and buy something & the if I make it till Christmas I'll buy another.

14 days gamble free, out of possible 159 till new year


Till Later.......

Posted : 10th August 2019 5:35 pm
Posts: 212
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What to do today?? had a bit of a lie in this morning 6AM, Had the pooch out for a couple of hours to local car boot for a muse around then back home for a spot of breakfast.  Going to do a bit of housework for an hour, nip to supermarketer. a few things for work next week, then what will I do one thing is for certain I won't be going into town or anywhere near the slot's, more than likely I'll take a ride out to countryside and go for a walk with the pooch and call in on the parents to see how they are.


Till Later.......

Posted : 11th August 2019 7:56 am
Posts: 212
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Another day wracked up with out playing the slots, busy week ahead so no chance this week

Posted : 11th August 2019 7:54 pm
Posts: 212
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Another day passed with out any thoughts of playing the slots, to be fair not had the opportunity to play.

Thought of buying an old style bandit today as it flashed up on my phone but I don't think I'll bother as it will only lead to thoughts of going out and playing machines to win some cash.


Well that's 16 days / out of a possible 159 gamble free


Posted : 12th August 2019 6:35 pm
Posts: 212
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Another day, another dollar and another day staying away from the slot machines.

Till Later.....

Posted : 13th August 2019 5:59 am
Posts: 212
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17 days now racked up without a penny being spent in the slots machines, going to after be careful as complacency starts to kick I'm around this time, get some more blocks in place, keep coming on here reading my previous diary attempts & other people's diaries to keep them thoughts of what gambling does at the forefront of my mind.

After watching the panorama program the other night it reinforced to me how unscrupulous these companies are, how they make the machines and the games on them highly addictive, at the end of the day everything they do is addictive by design.

Till later

Posted : 14th August 2019 6:37 am
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