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14 odd weeks nice one charl your doing great girl and should be proud. It's been great to see you get stronger and find a balance in your recovery. You do what you gotta do. I know what your saying with the site it should be all about helping each other but I guess some people aren't ready to be helped and feel the need to lash out and then you just get some a******** lol. But the majority as you know are great and it's a great site for support and you have been a massive support to me and so many others over the years. That's why I'm here to say thank you for that support it's the reason I'm still here fighting. It's great to see you doing well. I wish you all the success for the new year. Hope 2014 brings you everything you could want and need - you truly deserve it.

Ps Merry Christmas and happy new year hope ya had a good one - I'm a little late lol

Posted : 8th January 2014 7:17 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Arhhhhhhhh I messed up again I h8 myself so much rite now I became complacent!

Posted : 14th January 2014 2:12 am
Posts: 7071

Hey Char...

Don't beat urself up girl...slips are slips...tk it easy.work on what was the issue..maybe contact GC(?

Anything what helps..

Progress not perfection...

Please look after urself

S xxx

Posted : 14th January 2014 2:59 am
Posts: 4422


My dear friend complacency is i believe our biggest enemy. All to easy for addiction to find the gap we leave and it jumps back in. As i know you will learn from your mistake. Make it an other unacceptable reason to gamble. Take new strength. Most of all be kind to yourself.

It is unconditional.

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 14th January 2014 8:45 am
Posts: 0

Hi Charlotte,

Sorry to read about your recent blip but that is all it is. You have done brilliantly recently and I have every faith that you will do so again. Don't be too hard on yourself. I hope that Maddison is doing well.

Take care.

Dave X

Posted : 23rd January 2014 2:24 pm
Posts: 7071

Hey Char,

Please let us know you are ok. Slips are possible in recovery, but we only can learn from them...

Be kind to urself

All the best

Sandra xx

Posted : 23rd January 2014 5:46 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Charlotte

Try not to dwell too much on your slip but rather, look and keep in your mind, how fantastic you have done recently and more importantly, how it has made you feel about yourself.

Take care and very much hope you bounce back from this soon.

Take care.


Posted : 24th January 2014 12:31 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

I'm struggling so much atm, I'm in a bad place. It feels like I'm just going round and round in circles. I'm destroying my life 🙁

Posted : 4th February 2014 11:29 pm
Posts: 7071


There is a way out..snap out of this merry go round..you can do it, you've done it b4...please contact GC ..anything just please believe in urself..don't let the beast to tk over!! You are so much better without it..keep strong..please just contact GC..they will help you to find a way out..stay close by, don't dissapear girl..support is here for u...always..unconditional..

Be kind to urself

S x

Posted : 4th February 2014 11:52 pm
Posts: 2163

Hi Charlotte,

That's the gambl'in compulsion talking. You know you can do this because you have done it before. You also know that this stinking disease feeds on us when we are feeling down. It's gonna be ok Charlotte. Hugs hun. -joanxxxx

Posted : 5th February 2014 12:01 am
Posts: 0

Hi Charlotte

Sorry you are not feeling good at the min. Try to take some time out to reflect back on how good it felt when you were abstaining and how this was also good for Maddie. You have done so well in the past and can do it again, I know you can.

You are a fighter and you will fight this once more. Just try to think of all the costs and benefits of gambling/not gambling. Write these down if it helps.

Take care and don't give up.


Posted : 5th February 2014 12:31 am
Posts: 974

I no the feeling well charlotte. Im in exact same boat. Things are just going round in circles,we must brake this circle though.

Im so down at the minute

all the best

Posted : 20th February 2014 10:22 pm
Posts: 521

Hi Charlotte,

Just wanted to pop by and offer my support, it seems you have had a few slips recently and I can totally understand that you are feeling down. It is very rare for someone to be able to abstain from gambling at the first attempt without slips. Lordy know how many I have had, but it does get easier, fight on another day, you can do this, you have put together some really long periods of non-gambling in the past and can do it again. We are here to help, you have given out so much to people on this site and so many will be willing to help.

Take care


Posted : 25th February 2014 2:57 pm
Posts: 0

hi charlott , 1st day on here , just to say read a bit of ur blog , not really opened my own diary up yet but need to , ive gone 4 days and counting lol , hope you ok , one bit i read of your blog which i completley agree with is it takes away the real me when we gamble , so lets not gamble , keep your chin up

Posted : 28th February 2014 3:55 pm
Posts: 1172

Hiya charl. I hope things are ok and your doing well. Remember the site is here if you need it. Just dropped in to thank you for all the support you have given me in the past, it has meant so much and you should be proud of the help you have given to so many. You were an angel of the site and I know a lot of people on here care about you (me included) and I hope you and your daughter are well. Take care charlotte.

Posted : 28th February 2014 4:24 pm
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