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Hey Char

Thanks for the post on my diary. You are most definitely one of those people I was talking about! Thank you for all your support! x

Posted : 26th April 2012 12:07 am
Posts: 0

Hi Charlotte,

I think "in recovery" is just a term that is often used loosely and generally on here, though as far as I can recall it's not a word I use or how I view my time not gambling.

I like to think of it as "abstaining from betting" or just plainly "not betting" or "not gambling".

There are plenty of issues around being on this site, plenty of reasons to be here, but I wouldn't get too hung up about people using a term like in recovery.


Posted : 26th April 2012 12:53 am
Posts: 0

Hi Charlotte,

I think "in recovery" is just a term that is often used loosely and generally on here, though as far as I can recall it's not a word I use or how I view my time not gambling.

I like to think of it as "abstaining from betting" or just plainly "not betting" or "not gambling".

There are plenty of issues around being on this site, plenty of reasons to be here, but I wouldn't get too hung up about people using a term like in recovery.


Posted : 26th April 2012 12:56 am
Posts: 2966

Hey Charlotte,

you stay safe you hear? it is ok to be human.

after a while on this forum you kind of get to spotting who is really trying and whos not. I know you have been genuinely trying your best, and that is good enough for me.

hope to catch you on here again soon.

Lots of love,

f x

Posted : 26th April 2012 9:00 pm
Posts: 298

Hey Charlotte... pls don't give up. Tomorrow is another day, and I can't promise it won't be a sh it day.. but there will be a lot more happy days in the future and at the moment it sounds like you could do with some support... and here's a good place to get some.

Hope to see you posting again tomorrow... a fresh start... and like most of us... not our first "new day"... but you've got to keep going.

Jon xx

Posted : 26th April 2012 9:01 pm
Posts: 0

Always here for you Char... x

Posted : 26th April 2012 9:05 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Char,

Just caught the end of chat tonight so didn't really get to find out much of what went on. Just to reiterate what the others have said and that we have all had a problems giving up but keeping that determination to stop will endlessly help. Like others i really hope to see you back here posting soon. Also with your question regarding recovery, i personally believe that as CGs we must never forget that we are CGs because there is no middle ground. If never having another bet means i can live a more fulfilled and happy life then its a small sacrifice to make.

I wish you well


Posted : 26th April 2012 9:22 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Firstly thanks for all your kind words again. I am no longer gamble free! After over 4 months of being gamble free.......... 2day I gambled. I messed up I am a total idiot. I was so engrossed in gambling I 4got 2 pick Maddison up my bf had to do it! which resulted in us having a fight and now I have left him. So not only am I a gambler I am now a single mum at 19, oh life just gets better!! Anyway I think everyone that is on this site fighting this horrible addiction day by day is strong and I would just like to say thanks 2 everyone for all their support on here at times it has kept me going. Not much else to say really just good luck all 🙂 Take care Charxx

Posted : 26th April 2012 9:53 pm
Posts: 298




OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..... If you have read the diaries... which I know you have because you are on most of them... you knowwwwwwww people relapse... most of us do.... but it is the strong ones that come back. You have been honest tonight... very... that is a BIG deal.. and a sign of strength... use it to get better. I am not going to say "hope to see you om here again tomorrow... I am going to say " I'd better see you on here tomorrow!"

Posted : 26th April 2012 10:04 pm
Posts: 0

Right, listen up Char

What would you do if someone you were supporting suddenly relapsed and then gave up? What would you say? Would you tell them they were right to give up? Would you tell them to close their diary down and leave the site?

Or would you tell them to pick themselves up, dust themselves down and start again.. because it's worth it? Because they are worth it??

We both know what your answer would be. Please don't give up Char, for your sake and for Madison's sake.

I don't think there is anyone on this site who has not relapsed at some point or another... it is part of the process. You WILL learn from it and you WILL be stronger for it.

Please don't give up giving up... that truly would be a waste of the last 4 months!

Hope to see you here again soon Char! xxx

Posted : 26th April 2012 10:12 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Charlotte,

I too as many others have fallen off the bandwagon and we try to get back on and start again.

You can do this, you have to give it another try 🙂

You have been so suppotive of others and i know we will all support you still

Come back

Take Care


Posted : 27th April 2012 9:09 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hi all, thanks 4 all your kind words and support. This morning I woke up so tempted to chase my losses. Me and my bf spoke last nite, he was actually really supportive and was only annoyed that I was trying to manage alone and had not told him earlier. He gave me the money I lost this morning, but I would not accept it. I chose to gamble and my actions have consequences. He told me this morning that he did not want 2 lose me and he will take me with the gambling if that's how it is! We have managed to sort things out, I am really lucky to have someone like him in my life:)

So here's what happened, yesterday we were at the pub (me and my friends) had a few drinks, I had suggested the cinema or somewhere else but anyway no excuses!! They were playing the machines and they kept saying 2 me that I was boring and how they felt that I could not have fun and how I do not act like a teenager.... blah blah blah. The normal things (b4 I have been able to brush this off) although honestly it hurts!! Then one of my friends said to me that they don't think I should even socialise with them anymore if I cannot have fun!! neway I just snapped and said I will play them then, I am not who u think I am. So I said to myself just £20, well........ I won over £250, so I carried on... I lost over £300 plus the £250 I won! I know it is not loads compared to other ppls losses on here, but most of all I lost a part of me again to the machine to gambling. I learnt how much I HATE gambling, yesterday I did not eat and last nite I could not sleep. I spoke to some1 this morning and realise now I was just trying to run away, hide how ashamed I feel.... but that would be the easiest thing 2 do. But I managed 4 months in difficult circumstances so with the support of my bf now and here it's day 1.

I was close to leaving this site but last nite unable to sleep, I read something that Rusty had posted and decided to post it on my diary ( I hope she will not mind) it really hit home!

One more attempt

If you are always willing to make one more attempt, you can reach whatever goal you choose. No matter what results you get, the only real failure is when you stop making the effort.

When you are mistaken, you can learn. When you are knocked down, you can get back up.

When you find that you've veered off track, you can correct your direction. When you discover that circumstances have changed, you can make adjustments accordingly.

Eventually, you'll reach the point at which the next attempt you make is the one that will complete the desired accomplishment. What a shame it would be to stop just one effort short of success.

For that next effort will make all the others pay off. Commit yourself to making one more effort, one more attempt, as often as necessary, and anything is within your reach.

Keep making that one more attempt, keep getting back up, and keep moving forward in the direction of your goal, one step after another. And you will surely get there.

I just hope I can get thru 2day, I think this will be an achievement 🙂 I hope everyone is strong and doing well 🙂

Posted : 27th April 2012 10:05 am
Posts: 0

Hi Charlotte,

I'm soooooooo pleased you have come back , great decision.

It's great your bf is so supportive and with this it will help so much.

I know your going to bounce back and not just get to where you were but way beyond it.

Wise words from that thread you found and i hope it can give you the lift you need.

One day at a time , that's all we can do but again a great big WELL DONE for coming back

Good to have you here

Onwards and upwards!

Take Care


Posted : 27th April 2012 10:14 am
Posts: 0

hi charlotte19,

well done for coming here and saying that you relapsed.admitting that you are a CG is the first major step for the recovery.if i was in your position i would reconcider my friends.you did such a good effort to be bet free for so many months and now you relapsed because one of your friend told you that you dont have fun with them because you dont gamble.ok...

who is happy now?your friend that eventually made you gambling again?you that you relapsed?i m afraid no one is happy.

go to your friends and tell them that you dont gamble anymore and start looking for new friends.i know that you ll tell me that i know them for years bla bla bla.ok..whats more important now?NO GAMBLING or your friends?no gambling of course.

i have a friend who is a gambler, i told him i m going to GA meeting and i m on this forum and fighting the disease.i told him that i dont wanna hear anymore about gambling, roulettes, who won, who lost etc.nothing.if he wants to be friend with me he has to respect my decision.

thats all, stick to your boyfriend who loves you and start counting days again.you know you can make it.at least you didnt loose loads of money.i lost 4000 euros in 2 nights.but now have put all the apropriate barriers and moved on.i m on day 19.

take care charlotte19 and stay clean!

Posted : 27th April 2012 10:21 am
Posts: 0

Hi Charlotte, so pleased you were wise and brave enough not to hide away from this site and your actions. The truth is that 99% of us will have relapses along the line to a full recovery. It's great that you never tried to chase your losses the next day, this shows restraint and the fact that you have a supportive boyfriend. Pick yourself up, dust yourself down and learn from this. You're still only very young, well compared to me anyway and you have your whole and happy life ahead of you. Worth the effort to stay gamble free. We all need friends but be careful be strong And take care, Steve.

Posted : 27th April 2012 11:52 am
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