I am stronger than I thought!

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So, so, so pleased to see you back here!! I was worried last night!

Sometimes peer pressure is so difficult to overcome because you are made to feel like you don't fit in if you don't conform. The thing is, you have seen through people on this site, what a devastating effect gambling can have on your life and you know that it is no place for you.

So your friends might make fun of you for not joining in or they may be P****d off at you, but so what? In the overall scheme of things, it's really not that important... in time you will find that real friends only have your best interests at heart.

What is important is what your boyfriend thinks and what your daughter would think.. so if anything like that happens again.. think of them and YOURSELF!

You are an asset on here and in chat Char.. I don't think you realise how supportive you are to others and how supportive people want to be to you.

You've had your slip up now.. you should be pleased... now you know for sure you can't control yourself, now you know for sure that giving up is absolutely the right thing for you...

Well done you for being so brave... you can do this Char and we are all behind you 110%.


Posted : 27th April 2012 12:01 pm
Posts: 0
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Thanks everyone 4 ur kind words.

It was very tough today not 2 chase my losses but I managed it 🙂

I realised earlier it is not all about how many days and weeks u r gamble free for... it is about how much better not gambling makes ur life!

I tried my best and that is all I could do and with no blocks in place or anyone close to me other than my friends knowing... I managed over 4 months, never thought I'd ever manage that long when I first clicked on this site to be honest.

I am meeting my friends 2moro 2 talk thru how I am feeling and what I need going 4ward. So this is a start...

My bf told me 2day how proud he was and he also told me that he never thought I would give up partying when our little girl came along but I did. My life has changed... but for the better!! When I was feeling down today I looked at Maddison and knew I could not give up because anyone who has children will know what we would sacrifice for them. She is what matters, I NEVER want gambling to affect her in any form. So this is the reason I will not give up and this is day 1 and I know I can do this!!! I am more determined than b4. I hope everyone is doing well and staying strong 🙂

Posted : 27th April 2012 11:46 pm
Posts: 0

aww hi charl,

i honestly think relapsing is part of the process of getting better, i relapsed at day 10 and i just came back on, and now im on day 18 made me realise that i don't win and i cant win so in a way i'm glad i relapsed :/ i no it sounds strange,

and well done for not going back on and chasing that can cause even more damage, keep focused now and start again, well done for coming back on here! that's the spirit charl, keep looking at that beautiful girl that's what got me to stop! i felt like i didn't deserve them at my worst point nearly done something stupid, never wanted to be here anymore! so glad i found this site and found the will power, much love Hollie xxx

Posted : 28th April 2012 9:44 am
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Thanks for ur kind words.

I don't feel well 2day, but i will survive!!

Have a lot 2 do 2day so that is a good thing.

Nothing else to say right now.

Stay stong all 🙂

Posted : 28th April 2012 12:30 pm
Posts: 1423

Hi charlotte

Hope ur doin ok , just wanted to Santa massive well done for gettin back on track so quickly that really takes some courage its so easy to just carry on it took me a good month ah I got back on track , u will learn so much from this so take heart and stay strong

Together we will beat this


Posted : 28th April 2012 5:48 pm
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Thanks for your kind words 🙂

No gambling 2day 🙂

I am feeling a lot more positive 2day I know I have so many good things in my life and this is what I am going 2 focus on 🙂

I met my friends 2day and I have decided 4 a while I am going to avoid the pub that is the right choice 4 me. They do not understand but I have chose my family and gamble free life over them. It is in their hands now if my friendship meant nething to them then well they would respect my decisions.

Had a nice day with my bf and little girl today 🙂

I am beginning to feel like my determination is back!!! this time I will do this 🙂

I hope everyone else is doing well 🙂

Posted : 28th April 2012 10:53 pm
Posts: 0

Charlotte so good to see you back!

Good decisions on the friends front!

Thanks you for your support , really needed it tonight and by being on here am already staring to feel stronger!

God knows W**e that came from lol

Keep strong i know you can do this


Posted : 28th April 2012 10:58 pm
Posts: 0

Soooooo proud of you Char! Are you sure you're only 19??? I wish I had your sense when I was 19.. I sure as hell wouldn't be in the mess I'm in now if I did!

Stand up and take a bow young lady... you did good!

You are going to beat this and we will all be right here with you all the way...

Chat to you soon x

Posted : 29th April 2012 12:01 am
Posts: 0

hi charl

thank you for my post 🙂 you are doing well, and i'm very proud that you are starting again! suppose i understand you so much because i'm going through the same thing, it's nice to know you are not alone, i relapsed and started again and i'm double the days as i was in the first place! i think a relapse can make you more determined! i will always be a gambler and in my eyes everyday i don't waste any money on slots is a day worth praising myself! you WILL succeed you have a strong head on them shoulders, will speak to you again on chat, Hollie

Posted : 29th April 2012 7:35 pm
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Lmm- don't u start that's what I get from all my friends lol 🙂

Thanks for all ur kind words.

No gambling 2day 🙂

Had a really busy day again today, so no thoughts of gambling. Taking it day by day now.

Hope everyone is staying strong 🙂

Posted : 29th April 2012 9:02 pm
Posts: 0

Haha that made me laugh! You know what I mean!

So glad to see you back on the wagon.. like I said, falling off it is part of the process and will only serve to make you stronger!

One day at a time 🙂

Posted : 29th April 2012 11:59 pm
Posts: 0

glad that you spoke with your friends and made clear that you wanna get rid of gambling.you take the right decisions for you and your familly.i wish i had this determination a few years back, now i wouldnt be in debt up to my eyeballs.but its never too late.you are young, you have all the future in front of you,dont let gambling get in your life again.not even a tiny bet.

take care and keep clean

Posted : 30th April 2012 9:55 am
Posts: 0

I'm glad you don t give up Charlotte. Really impressed by the way you recovering. Big well done.. Stay strong and keep straight edge. All the best (its rainy and cold here in scotland but i smell the spring of new life - 8 days since last bet). K.

Posted : 30th April 2012 10:35 am
Posts: 0

Hi Charlotte,

Just a quick hi and hope you are having a great bet free day!

Keep up the good work and again thanks soooo much for your support, it means alot


Posted : 30th April 2012 5:18 pm
Posts: 0
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Thanks again for all your support, it means a lot 🙂

No gambling 2day 🙂

Today one of my friends who had been winding me up about not gambling, who I fell out with the other day. Text me and asked if we could meet up. I met her and she started crying, she said she had not wanted to admit it before but she felt her gambling was getting out of control. She told me she had taken money from her parents 2 gamble, she also apologised 2 me which was nice. At first I was really annoyed with her, but I have told her I will support her and help her as best I can. She said me standing up to them made her realise how bad it had got, so one good thing came out of it anyway.

I feel like I have learnt quite a lot from Thursday, I answered a lot of my own questions and now feel that I have learnt what went wrong and ways to improve this moving forward. So I feel a lot more positive now 🙂

Thanks everyone 4 all ur support, I hope everyone is doing well and staying strong 🙂

Posted : 30th April 2012 9:16 pm
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