I am stronger than I thought!

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Hey Char

To see where you are now compared to where you were last Thursday is thanks enough for me!

You're doing all the hard work and you will reap the rewards!

When people read your diary they will be inspired to keep on trying, they will know that one slip does not mean this cannot be beaten.. you will prove it.. of that I am SURE!

Keep going girl! xx

Posted : 30th April 2012 9:57 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Char,

Great to see you quickly racking up those bet free days once again! What I'm noticing as I get deeper Into understanding our addiction is that for many a slip can almost have a very positive effect! I think in your case it will prob turn out to be a blessing because it seems you are coming back stronger and more determined than ever!

I always keep tabs on how you're doing and I can honestly say I reserve a little smile for those days where you beat your demon! One day at a time Charl remember that and you will be fine!

Look forward to reading continued progress!


Posted : 30th April 2012 10:41 pm
Posts: 2966

Hi char,

just dropping by to say my head is battered, so haven't been following anyones diaries, but you are in my thoughts!

Take care,

f x

Posted : 1st May 2012 7:29 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Thanks for all ur support.

No gambling 2day 🙂

Saw this quote 2day, sums things up really.

Mistakes are a part of being human. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are: precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way.

Hope everyone is ok and doing well 🙂

Posted : 1st May 2012 9:11 pm
Posts: 1423

Hi charlotte

So pleased that ur doin good and back on track , everyone has got so much time for u as u can see from ur support weare all here for u just like u r for us

Thank u


Posted : 1st May 2012 9:16 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks for your post Char - it means a lot! It's true what Castle says, everyone has got a lot of time for you, because you have a lot of time for them. That shows in abundance on chat where you are an asset!

Love that quote.. it is so true!

Chat soon x

Posted : 1st May 2012 10:03 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Thanks 4 all ur support and kind words.

Sorry 4 the miserable post but...

I am feeling really moody 2day, I know it sounds silly but 4 the last few days I have found it difficult 2 sleep and this is unlike me I love my sleep. And I guess I am just over tired and it is reflecting in my mood.

Anyway gambling crossed my mind this morning, I keep telling myself I need 2 be strong. I need to keep fighting.

Nothing else 2 say at the minute. I hope everyone is doing well 🙂

Posted : 2nd May 2012 11:00 am
Posts: 0


You are allowed to have 'down' days you know? One thing I've realised is that this is one big rollercoaster ride and occasionally there will be downs. But we all know that the 'ups' far outweigh them!

Anyway, lack of sleep is bound to make you moody! You should have a bit of 'me' time.. I always find a long, hot bath does me the world of good!

Keep your chin up and don't let those urges get the better of you... you are strong and you are a fighter! xx

Posted : 2nd May 2012 11:49 am
Posts: 298

Hi Charlotte, thanks for your words of support.

In our situations I am sure we all have down days, but the truth is, even without facing the problems caused by our mistakes, we would still have down days. I think we should celebrate the fact that with the added pressures of life on top of dealing with our urges etc, we still have lots of good days. We are not just learning to deal with our addictions, we are also learning to live again, I think that, with time, will make us appreciate the good days more.

So glad to see you doing well, and that you stayed on here.


Posted : 2nd May 2012 4:25 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Charlotte,

Sorry to hear your not feeling yourself today, i hope the feelings pass quickly for you x

You are doing so well and are so supportive of others i just know you will win this battle!

Chin up girl, you can do it

All here for you


Posted : 2nd May 2012 4:33 pm
Posts: 2966


I live with depression, and sometimes have bad days that seem pretty scary. The thing that helps me, is to just calmly accept the bad days when they come. Sounds so simple, but it is often our reaction to a bad day that causes the problem. It is easy to freak out and think "I'm going mad!" or "I'm deteriorating all of a sudden". Most of the time, the rotten feelings just disappear without needing any intervention, as mysteriously as they came.

Charlotte you have been feeling some really strong, painful and raw emotion recently, and it is bound to make you a bit wobbly now and then. Just stay within the day, and believe that these feelings will pass hunny.

Take care,

f x

Posted : 2nd May 2012 9:39 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Thanks everyone 4 all ur support.

No gambling 2day 🙂

2day has been a difficult day 4 me, 2nite I realise that altho my friends have a big influence in my gambling so do I.

I learnt 2nite that I gamble to escape from memories that i want to avoid. So something 4 me 2 think about and work on. I guess I thought I had dealt with this but 2nite I learn that there is a difference from just pushing my feelings 2 one side and actually dealing with them. food 4 thought.

I hope everyone is doing well!

Posted : 2nd May 2012 10:00 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Char

I am so glad you came through the day having learnt more about why you were gambling. I think most of us use gambling as a form of escape.. I know I certainly did and sounds like you did too.

In my case, I didn't really know or realise that I was gambling to escape painful feelings. It was only after I hit rock bottom and with councelling, that I became aware of these things.

You are lucky in as much as you have realised before it has had a massive negative impact on your life. You can now take steps to deal with these feelings instead of using gambling to block them out.

Take it one day at a time Char.. you will get there and you will be stronger for it.


Posted : 3rd May 2012 3:55 pm
Posts: 0

thank you for your post on my diary charlotte, I really appreciate your support x

I just wanted to say your doing so well even though you may not think it.

its so difficult to look at how we are feeling and why. Its much more easier to put it in a box at the bottom of your stomach and forget about it, or mask it with something else.

I know this so well. Ive done that for a long time and also since my dad died 5 months ago, and now ive realised there is no more room in the box so i have to take the lid off and look at some of it and work my way through it as best i can.

I was so busy playing the role of superwomen somewhere along the line i actually forgot about me and gambling let me kid myself into thinking that was ME time.

Take care of yourself char, give yourself some time to think things through.

Stay strong. One day at a time

Blondie day 10 and moving on up x

Posted : 3rd May 2012 4:21 pm
Posts: 0

Hello Charlotte19

I am new to this site and I to gamble on the fruties I have been reading some of your posts to others I think they are very good. It seems this section is very clicky and when you were doing well everyone was on here supporting you. It appears that people are not doing that now so I wanted to say I think you are doing very well. I notice that you have been offering advice and help to others Charlotte19 and they have not been doing the same. Do you have any help you can give me about quitting the fruities Cheers

Posted : 3rd May 2012 4:30 pm
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