Links to or reading information that have helped with your recovery

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Hi all,

I thought I would start this thread to allow us all to share links to videos, reading material, poems, motivations sayings, anything really that have helped you in your recovery.

I will start with this one, I love this women and I am already on her second book, Even if we just take one thing from something that someone shares it builds our body armour to continue on the recovery path.…FXwPTPFPk2Dj0zFkBoyeLkdeEZGcY

Take care all

Blondie xxx

Posted : 15th September 2013 2:33 pm
Posts: 1226

The Chimp Paradox by Steve Peters

Overcoming gambling by Philip Mawer

what to say when you talk to yourself by shad helmstetter

why do I do this every day by Fraser dyer

insight into addiction by bill radmall

wheel of misfortune, can't remember author

any autobiography by someone who is a compulsive gambler - jeremy Kyle, stan Bowles, john hartson

Posted : 15th September 2013 2:54 pm
Posts: 0

"Codependant no more"- Melody Beattie

"People of the lie " and "The road less travelled"- M Scott Peck.


Posted : 15th September 2013 4:14 pm
Posts: 0
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thanks everyone keep them coming.

another one for me as i find with winter approaching it has a big impact on my mood

I found some of this useful.…-Balance-Strategies-Lluminari

Posted : 16th September 2013 1:54 pm
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We are born story tellers, I have to remind myself that I must keep telling my story thats what keeps it fresh in my mind and allows me to keep making the right choice.…FXwPTPFPk2Dj0zFkBoyeLkdeEZGcY

Posted : 17th September 2013 10:53 am
Posts: 789

Love Brene. Thanks for that one, Blondie. Here is a link to battling stress/depression/negative thinking. It's a program I just found and just started doing so I'm not sure how good it is yet. Maybe someone will find it useful.

Posted : 18th September 2013 2:25 pm
Posts: 789

Here are a bunch I have posted before on individual threads but I'll put them here again since those got lost/buried:

I like this one for when I'm extremely stressed or panicky. It's a "tapping" routine and it's just over 9 minutes.

Louise Hay on the power of our thoughts. It's almost 13 minutes.

Here is a half hour self-hypnosis to end gambling addiction.

Here are various lectures (varying lengths) of Dr. Gabor Mate, an addiction specialist.…w&list=PLE87AAD9177520468

Here is a link to a free online 21 day meditation. I suspect you can still register, if interested. The meditations are accessible through your email or facebook and are about 15 minutes each day.

Blessings to all and keep up the fight!

Posted : 18th September 2013 2:39 pm
Posts: 0

She Bets Her Life by Mary Sojourner

Posted : 18th September 2013 9:50 pm
Posts: 789

Excellent site for emotional health and many mental health problems.

Posted : 21st September 2013 4:10 pm
Posts: 789

I really thought this was interesting. It also had a profound effect on me... made me cry but also think.…s-to-happiness-youll-thank-me

Posted : 25th September 2013 5:36 pm
Posts: 0

" Healing the Shame that binds you "..John Bradshaw and also his works on "healing the inner child" ..


Posted : 25th September 2013 10:28 pm
Posts: 357

Good idea for a thread.

Great suggestions so far.

One book that helped me early on was Willie Thorne's Autobiography 'Taking a punt on my life.' Worth checking out, great read.

Also recommend a book called 'Way of the Peaceful Warrior'. It's also a film which can be watched here... For me it's all about the idea of letting go. Give it a try.


Posted : 26th September 2013 2:54 pm
Posts: 357

Don't know if anyone's familiar with Wayne Dyer, but he was involved a really inspirational film a few years ago called 'The Shift'. Just thought I'd share the link.

Do enjoy.


Posted : 26th September 2013 3:00 pm
Posts: 789

Just came across two good quotes from a lady sharing her blog on the internet:

"...perspective is the most valuable tool we have in our toolbox."


"Choose the Result...Focus the Effort!"

- Both quotes Heather Korol

Posted : 30th September 2013 4:54 pm
Posts: 789

If you are depressed, you may relate to these comics...…he-frustrations-of-depression

Posted : 1st October 2013 3:52 pm
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