my betting diary

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been a funny old week. . I swapped onto lates so i could get some overtime in. . Anyways my ex says that somethin fishy was going on for me to swap. I swap as much as i can to try for overtime.anyways she was right. Ave got chance of meeting some friends in wales tomorrow for rugby weekend.(not a big rugby fan but banter great) My dad and friends went yesterday but for obvious reasons i could nt afford it. So tomorrow 1st thing am jumpin on train wi my carlin cans as support and headin to cardiff. Worked out if i manage cans on trains ave only got satday evening and sunday to worry about so hopefully no financial hard ship.. . Now for the sacrifice my ex just wont talk to me now and its the nasty text time again. Been told have nt seen bairns properly for 3 weeks and im a disgrace. . the pain this causes me is enough to reduce me to tears. I have tried my damest best to work things out but everything is so awkward. . Why why why does it have to be like this. After all ive got a life to live too. .Hopefully drink wont get better of me and make me gamble but im very confident of not gambling. . . Have good weekend i intend to without it being spoilt but i just know for sure al be made to feel guilty for one reason or other. Sorry for long rant but just had to get this off my chest. Aaagggghhhhh !!! Thats better i can do this folks we all can.

Posted : 12th February 2010 5:59 pm
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Hi wp,

Enjoy your weekend mate. I've got no doubt you will emerge gamble free. Your determination knows no bounds! Good to see.

Posted : 12th February 2010 6:23 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks for the post wp,my user name on here is a tribute to the "wonder Horse",best i've seen for 30 years!!!,ridden by a jockey who in my opinion was also the best i've seen when he was in his prime.Sorry to hear that your ex is giving you grief,you can't do right for doing wrong sometimes,hope you have cracking weekend at the Rugby.


Posted : 12th February 2010 6:28 pm
Posts: 0

Have a great weekend in Cardiff mate. Saw Wales beat my team-Ireland-a few years ago when Wales won the grand slam-it was an awesome experience. Try not to let your ex get you down and stay strong.


Posted : 12th February 2010 6:58 pm
Posts: 0

Hi wp

You seem pretty stressed out there and I hope you go and have a really good relaxing time at the rugby.

As for the ex - you mast never let anyone make you feel guilty for something you have no control over. Im sure you would see you kids everyday if you could and you will make it up to them when you are living in easier times.

Keep strong my friend

Eyes X

Posted : 12th February 2010 9:54 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Winning,

Put your troubles behind you and enjoy your weekend 🙂

Jas x

Posted : 13th February 2010 9:11 am
Posts: 0

Hi wp

Exs eh im affraid we all have em.Cant live with them and cant live with them lol.That why they become our ex.So let me guess .you havent seen your kids for 3 weeks and she accuses you of being a bad father. Now if she is like my ex she will say you cant see them anymore . Does that make her a bad mother?Sctually m8 i dont even know her im just relating to what my ex would do. Hope ypur weekend goes well.Enjoy yourself Jeff.

Posted : 13th February 2010 1:25 pm
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Hi wp,

Cheers so much for your post on my diary. After a lot of soul searching i have decided that total abstinence is the only way forward so i am back going cold turkey as soon as the final putt is holed at Pebble Beach tomorrow evening. Who knows i might get to play Pebble Beach with the money i save through not gambling over the next year!

You mentioned in my diary that you think my recent lapse may have been due to reading about others betting with control. I understand the sentiment wp but i am not so sure. I think the main problem for me last week was that i was so busy with work that i didn't get the chance to log on here much. A lesson to us all perhaps.

Keep up the good work on your own diary and also the fabulous support you offer others. Top bloke.

Posted : 13th February 2010 4:23 pm
Posts: 76

Alrite mate, happy 2 month aniversary to me and you !!

(Before anybody gets the wrong idea we started on the same day at roughly the same time haha).

Dont need me to tell you to keep it up mate, even in the hard times you know this yourself. Head firmly screwed on !!

Said it before and ill say it again, you are an inspiration to so many people on there, moreso than anybody else id venture to say.


Posted : 15th February 2010 5:03 am
Posts: 0

Hey wp,

Good to read your diary. You are an inspiration , and know you will stay strong!

Hope to catch you in chat some day!

cheers M

Posted : 15th February 2010 9:29 am
Posts: 0

HI wp

Thanks for your post in my diary, its helped me a lot. Ex's can be a nightmare, believe me I understand that, mine can be a nightmare. I feel so low when she questions my ability as a parent its when I feel most vunerable to betting. You re doing great and to cope with the things being thrown at you without turning to gambling is a credit to you. Again many thanks for your support and keep up the great work

Posted : 15th February 2010 5:14 pm
Posts: 0

Hi wp

Hope you had a good time at the rugby and managed to stay within your budget!

Had to laugh when I came on your diary - all these hard done by men getting hassle from the Ex wives and partners!!! You poor wee souls eh... Glad I'm not an ex wife or my ears would be burning! Haha. Actually appreciate your pains, women can be so fickle at times. I think a lot of women resort to low blows that men never would but there are some of us who are not so bad.

Kind wishes

Eyes X

Posted : 16th February 2010 10:35 am
Posts: 0

Hi wp

Just being nosey really m8. I wanted to know what sort of day you had out at the rugby?Hope it went well kid. Well done on the continued abstinance, you really are doing well Jeff.

Posted : 16th February 2010 6:39 pm
Posts: 0

Just because you lost mate does not mean you cannot post---we lost in Paris but I could not do anything about it. I can do something about my gambling and thanks to the positivity of people like you I have stopped and intend to stay stopped--that means I can beat this--simple as that.


Posted : 16th February 2010 10:35 pm
Posts: 1057
Topic starter

lol stumper mate. . Thanks to everyone for your continued support. . Well here s my weekend update folks. . I was all set to go to cardiff 1st train sat morning when late friday night i got text sayin that i could go round to my ex house t see bairns (on satday) ye could nt make it up. . . Now i just knew what consequences i would get if i did nt go round so i had to think fast. . After stressing myself out i Went round there 1st thing sat and left lunchtime (best of both worlds i thought) to got to cardiff for tee time. Ave never been lying devious type before but told wee white lie sayin i was off t see my mother for weekend as dad was at match. Then got rude texts sayin i was disgrace (yet again) for leaving them lunchtime as had nt been making effort to go round for 3 weeks (shift work and not for want of trying by way). . Missed an incredible match but still had cracking time enjoying banter. . Got back yest evening but think alcahol poison had kicked in and i slept al night. .anyways she none wiser (i hope) about my trip but things still very much frosty that its a struggle gettin on wi my life at present as things very much complicated wi mortgage access etc. . Also i am very much pleased to say gambling never actually came into my head over weekend. . Also had councillor meeting today which went well. . Sorry for the long post folks normal service shall resume tomorrow. Today i did nt gamble tomorrow i wont gamble. We can do this folks.

Posted : 16th February 2010 11:35 pm
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