my betting diary

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Top bloke--just heard that the Irish bobsleigh team have refused to race at the winter olympics until they grit the track.

All the best


Posted : 17th February 2010 5:13 pm
Posts: 0

wp,you certainly had a hectic weekend mate!!,hard work keeping everyone happy,at the end of the day it's your wee ones that matter,so you just have to eat a bit of humble pie for the time being,hard i know!!....,glad that you aren't even thinking about gambling,i'm sure that will continue to be the way.


Posted : 17th February 2010 5:33 pm
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Evening wp.

I'm glad you had a good weekend mate. Eventually! I like reading bits and pieces from people's lives on here. It gives you a bit of an insight into the man behind the mask!

Well you are making this look easy wp but you know not to get complacent. Like you always say we can beat this and you are dead right old boy!

Posted : 17th February 2010 8:08 pm
Posts: 0

Hi wp

I liked your long post. I tend to babble a bit on my diary but I think longer post reveal a bit more about us and I like them for that.

Pity things are the way they are with the ex but focus on your recovery and things will work themselves out in time, Im sure.

Hope your liver is functioning again after the weekend.

Eyes X

Posted : 17th February 2010 9:21 pm
Posts: 0

Hi There

Bless you for your kind words in my diary...

It really doesn't matter how long I have been off. What really matters is that I have opened up and am changing "Me". I am learning new things every day and am glad I have this forum as a tool in my recovery.

I haven't gambled today, I haven't smoked today..that'll do for me...

If I put myself in the mindset of thinking..I can never do this again or I haven't done this for such a long time... that little devil you have talked about in a previous post would make me believe..hey you haven't done this for such a long time..that'll do...about time you did it again, it's been long enough... You have proved that you can do this...

Hope this makes sense. If I let my mind wander off to my old way of thinking, I'd be lost. Hence it doesn't matter how long I have been off. I am proud of my achievements but I am "Work in progress"

I have just read your diary and you made me smile a few times. But..some of your posts also made me feel sad and angry.

sad and angry because of:

1-councillor said that personal life has nothing do to with gambling problem...

Oh boy...I wonder where the councillor got that information from...

In my case... I gambled to escape...from feeling and thinking...mainly about things that were happening in my personal life. Since I have stopped gambling I have dealt with a lot of stuff in my personal past, have felt the pain of it and then have been able to let it go. Only way for me to move on without gambling...tough journey but much easier with a clear head....

2 - Exs...It makes me sad and very angry when exs use children as weapons to get the other person to do things they want them to do when they want them done. My Ex did and it's the most cruel way of bullying and emotional blackmail that is around. Putting children in the middle of grown up issues is just so very wrong on so many levels. I look at my children and see human beings with feelings. Feelings that are getting trampled on because the grown ups are too inmature to see the damage they are causing the children.

And then you end up with children who grow up with their own insecurities and pain and ..maybe they will gamble too to escape from their inner turmoil..and the vicious cicle continues....

But...and there always is a but...We must not forget that the exs need time to heal too..they have been hurt for many years by the way we behaved, they need to do their own journey of recovery...not through the children of course...I pray that all the exs will see what they are doing to their all angry with the other half, but don't punish the children for the behaviour of a partner.

smiling post:

1 - you positive attitude and daily affirmation that you will not gamble today 🙂

2 - you wrote in a January post:'s only a £ and I could become an instant millionaire, then the wee angel on my other shoulder belted him(the devil onthe other shoulder) with her brolly and told him where to go....

That made me laugh.. I have a vivid imagination and I think I am going to adopt that bit whenever I have a battle going on inside me. I will just picture the angel chasing the devil with a brolly...hahaha.. so so funny... Thank you for that.

And thank you for being here sharing your stuff...personal or is your stuff and your diary and if you need to write it down to make you feel better then make use of the diary.

Oh my.. I have gone on a bit....

All the best

God Bless


Posted : 18th February 2010 9:48 am
Posts: 0


Amazing how real life can hit you once you stop the gambling. I found that when I gambled I tended to block off all the other issues that were there to be dealt with. Gambling offers us a bubble but stepping out of it means that we are exposed to life's problems and face them head on. I would always self-destruct whenever faced with a problem. Drugs, drink, promiscuity...then gambling which I have struggled to shrug off.

It is good to see that you have coped and not turned to gambling as I still have done. But you are proof that it can be achieved and I hope to be walking along the same path soon.

All the best


Posted : 18th February 2010 4:20 pm
Posts: 0

Hi wp

I hope the ex has come round by now m8.

The thing is you are doing so well in the gambling stakes.These things are meant to try us kid.You will deal with it in the right way as you are dealing with stopping gambling in the right way Keep up the good work m8 Jeff.

Posted : 18th February 2010 6:55 pm
Posts: 1057
Topic starter

thanks for your continued support folks. Always appreciated. . . Im well frustrated tonight. . Its taken me 2 hours to post on 3 diaries. . This stupid phone (must make laptop top of my priorities list). . Anyways hope you dont see me as deceitful liar after my weekends exploits. I know a comp gambler can be but i like to think myself as honest as honest can be. . . I am starting to see a new confident me in that i am getting a cheeky wee sense of humour back and have a wee spring in my step. Its a feel good factor but im well aware that can go at anytime and that im one bet away from disaster. . Today i did not bet tomorrow i wont bet. . Keep the fight up folks i can do this. . We all can. .

Posted : 18th February 2010 10:01 pm
Posts: 0

Morning Winning,

"A cheeky wee sense of humour and a wee spring in my step". That's something you can't buy!

I applaud you posting on here from a mobile phone. How do you manage that with a diddy screen? Its clear nothing is going to get in your way....I hope you are able to get enough money together soon to buy a laptop.

I am unable to comment on the problems you have with your relationship with your ex, I'm one of those nice girls lol!....I understand though that it must be really tricky to deal with Winning...a balancing act keeping the peace. Just think, if you were still gambling, how much more difficult it would all seem. Don't know about you but when I was gambling every day troubles seemed to be magnified.

Keep up all your hard work and a big thank you for posting on my diary...from your moby too!

Jas xx

Posted : 19th February 2010 10:15 am
Posts: 0

Hi Post, I have a new phrase-think you should try it


May not stop us betting but at least we will be smiling.

Posted : 19th February 2010 4:09 pm
Posts: 0

Hi wp,your doing really well mate,keep it up........,and regards the "fibs" to your wife don't let them concern you,they aren't harmful lies,your only trying to keep everyone happy and have a bit of "me" time,nothing wrong with that.


Posted : 19th February 2010 7:38 pm
Posts: 1057
Topic starter

and then there was me. . Gee whizz ave made up for last nights phone shambles. . Sorry if ive missed you oot lol. . Sad really posting late on a friday when should be doon pub but working in morning and my work has stricter alcahol limits than under driving a car or its a sackable offence. .anyways found out today a horse got turned over yesterday at odds of 1/14 at a track i used to frequent regularly. . What chance did i ever have. . Did i just say ever yes i did well im gonna blow my own trumpet there and say that these diaries are making my confidence grow day by day. . Thank you all so much. . Today i did not gamble tomorrow i wont gamble. . We can do this folks we all can. .

Posted : 20th February 2010 12:02 am
Posts: 0

Morning Post---good name for a paper!! There is no f in gambling and you are right there is no f in winner but in my case there is certainly an f in fool. Cannot do much about the last one but if we do not gamble we will be a winner for sure.

Cheers pal have a great weekend


Posted : 20th February 2010 8:27 am
Posts: 175

Hi Winningpost

Just wanted to go back to the ex`s subject. ive been there and worn the t=shirt...big time. Your a good dad, nothing you ever do will be good enough in her eyes, if shes like mine she will want you to be unhappy. its crazy and i understand your frustrations, but never allow this to get you back into gambling..i made it a perfect excuse to have a gamble!

Anyway dont want to go on too much but i understand fully what it is like when children are involved. they are used as a great weapon...which is awful!!!!!!!!

anyway have a great weekend mate.


Posted : 20th February 2010 8:47 am
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Morning wp,

Cheers for the post mate. Enjoyed the Only Fools and Horses references.

It would be quite an apt name for my autobiography that but maybe i would need to change it to Only fools gamble on horses.

Hope you enjoy your weekend mate and that you make it a bet free one. Don't be a plonker.

Bonjour for now.

Posted : 20th February 2010 11:04 am
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