my betting diary

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thank you gettin there (by the way i only knew how to change titles cause determined dave asked gamcare few weeks back lol),blokey and shauny 🙂 found myself gettin wound up today on the overcoming page regarding whether i/we are recovering gamblers or are recovered gamblers..ive been told countless times on here to concentrate on my own recovery and not get involved in other debates.....anyway couldnt resist a post as even after a year bet free i myself feel i will always be in recovery as im just one bet away from self destruction but again thats what forums are about...should i place a bet on say the grand national does that make me recovered....i dont think so,BUT any bet i win on id play up my winnings and any bet i lose on would go on a chase hence the popular phrase a friend on here has "i cannot win cause i cannot stop" or even "i cant lose if i dont start" still means i will get on with my life all the same.....ramble i wont bet tomorrow i wont bet....i will do this way (in recovery) 😉 !!!

Posted : 2nd January 2011 8:59 pm
Posts: 0

When I was much younger I used to have a short fuse so somebody told me to always count to ten before responding. I used to get as far as on.. before I let fly. Thankfully I have mellowed greatly over the years and can now get to one--t... before I respond. I am pleased with my improvement but probably still have a fair way to go.

If only I was able to understand that other people see the same situation differently but are still seeking the same result I am sure I would be a happier calmer person.

I am also a recovering compulsive gambler.

All the best


Posted : 3rd January 2011 9:54 am
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Hi wp.

Whether you are recovered or recovering really makes no difference. It is just words and as we know actions speak louder. As long as you are not gambling and as long as you avoid that fatal first bet you will be doing just fine!

Keep up the positive work on the diairies wp. You are an inspiration to many.

Posted : 3rd January 2011 10:27 am
Posts: 0

Hi wp,thanks for the message,hope your day is going well and your enjoying the time with P:).


Posted : 3rd January 2011 12:57 pm
Posts: 4881

Hi wp... yes ive decide not to post anything more on the "in recovery" or "recovered" debate.. but for what its worth i am also firmly in the "in recovery" camp. All that really matters (and like others have said) is not placing that next bet.

Hope your having a good day and thanks as always for your support.. S.A 🙂

Posted : 3rd January 2011 2:09 pm
Posts: 1057
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as of tonight i have decided to close my diary....i am now fully recovered and see myself as such a smart ar se that even now after a year in recovery all you wonderful people that know it all and have come on recently are on different planets :-P

Posted : 3rd January 2011 9:35 pm
Compulsive Gambler
Posts: 686

so you've finally reached the winning post then?! 🙂

Posted : 3rd January 2011 9:41 pm
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

I hereby forbid you from closing this diary wp!

Even if you choose not to post on it any longer i am going to keep bumping it to page 1 to show what all us recovering gamblers can achieve with maximum determination.

Also by my reckoning it is your 40th birthday in a week and a bit and it would be very rude of you not to acknowledge the numerous birthday wishes that you will receive from your many fans!

Keep posting wp. You know it makes sense!

Posted : 3rd January 2011 9:54 pm
Posts: 1057
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thank you curly mate and right you are about my birthday in the non too distant hows aboot my fellow "recovered" gamblers join me for a champagne 40th day at the races followed by a couple of games of pitch and toss awaiting the taxi to take us all for a 5 course dinner at the casino to which my recovered friends can put single 25p chips on one number whilst i play high and low on TWO tables at 200 quid a spin !!!! cause that was me and will be ME the recovered gambler !!! today i havent bet tomorrow i wont bet....believe in yourselves folks....we can do this 🙂

Posted : 3rd January 2011 10:16 pm
Posts: 0


Puzzled look on my face right now. Had a skinful of beers last night and wondering whether the 'rats' are at me now. Are you giving up your diary ? Seanostars too ?

Perhaps its a virus on the gamcare site.



Posted : 3rd January 2011 10:38 pm
Posts: 0

read the thread on the OPG link.

I understand now 🙂

See you here tomorrow for more installments of useless chat, that somehow help keep thoughts of gambling away.


Posted : 3rd January 2011 11:18 pm
Compulsive Gambler
Posts: 686


User Posted: Mon 03 Jan 2011 21:56:26

necessities till pay day thus avoiding payday loans then when pay day comes around give it all back to charity....keep going dan my friend,impressive reading 🙂

Reply to this thread

and the above message (cut and pasted from my diary) is exactly why you should continue posting if you're able, it means a lot.



Posted : 4th January 2011 1:55 am
Posts: 0


Not sure on which post any one of us who sees ourself (no one else, just ourself) as recovered has ever suggested that because we see ourself (no one else, just ourself) as recovered has ever said, or suggested that we (let alone anyone else other than ourself) wants to (let alone, should) go out and gamble again so have no idea where your outburst comes from or why you think anyone is being a "smarta**se or is from "a different planet" just for offering up an alternative view. It is exactly the opposite in that BECAUSE I have overcome my desire to gamble and can control any lingering urges that I (just me) consider myself as "recovered". That sure as hell doesnt make me any better than anyone who considers themselves as "in recovery" but if it has come across that way then i sincerely apologise.

In a reply to my post you end up saying "each to their own" but i think from the tone of your last post, you may have needed to add "as long as it is the same way that i think as that is the only way".

Not sure who you think has "only recently come on here" as I know (and as mentioned previously, a search of our names will prove it) Kim, Rusty and myself have been here since 2006. Again that doesnt make us any better or worse than anyone else or any more or less experienced than anyone else as this stopping gambling thing is NOT a competition but equally just because we have been around here since 2006 that does NOT exclude us from posting or trying to help people, some of whom seem to clearly appreciate alternative views, thoughts and/or techniques.

I'm sorry it has come to this and that you feel this way but as long as there are people on here who do appreciate my thoughts then, if it is OK with you, I'll continue to provide them.

Best of luck in your recovery


Posted : 4th January 2011 6:44 am
Posts: 1057
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the fact that certain diaries are in the belief that they are now recovered still bleeding just days/weeks from their last bet is what im referring to....i have every respect for you and rusty having recovered but you must admit it does make folk like myself feel like school kids when you preach to others thinking they have recovered after a very short period of time..sometimes i have to type at least three times into my phone just to post ,all time consuming and that can be frustrating in itself so maybes like i say time for a break,maybes even pastures new cause i came on here to help arrest MY gambling addiction not continuous conflicts with other diary users..

Posted : 4th January 2011 7:38 am
Posts: 0

Thanks wp. I respect that and certainly apologise if i come across as "preaching". It certainly isn't intended and some times my passion overcomes my punctuation !

Good luck with whichever way you go forward and I wish you all the best.


Posted : 4th January 2011 7:53 am
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