My diary

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Been up all night gambling and pretty much all day once again I played to it was all gone, I deposited ВЈ400 and at one point I was up to £900 but I never collected and just kept spinning. I need help as I've tried doing it on my own but each time I fail. I'm going to keep this diary and I'll try to post most days.

Posted : 22nd August 2017 8:31 pm
Posts: 302

Been there Sidney, the ups and downs. But saying no more is definately the best way. Online casinos are definately the puppet master where you can lose it with huge bet sizes and high stake spins. Get off the gambling bus and dont get back on.

Posted : 23rd August 2017 2:50 am
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Thanks smashed. So today is day one of my journey. Not long up and first thought I had is what an idiot I am, after every night up gambling I always feel the same and promise to myself that that's it, but as time goes on the feeling of loss passes and the urges then take hold. I have gamblock on my phone but I always found apps that would let me continue to gamble so I contacted gamblock and they have now removed the play store from my phone so this is a positive as now I think my phone is fully protected. It's a kind of drastic measure but one I hopefully reap the rewards from. I absolutely hate gambling but i can't get enough of it.

Posted : 23rd August 2017 10:26 am
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Day 2... Well put my phone to the test last night to see if I am now fully protected and it looks like gamblock deleting the play store has finally done the trick and my phone looks as though is completely blocked from accessing gambling sites. This could be the best thing ever as the temptation will be taken completely away from me. Let's hope this day and those in front of me can be happier times. Feeling optimistic

Posted : 24th August 2017 11:36 am
Posts: 151

Hi Sidney

Great to see that you have put the relevant blocks in place, this will really help if you have any moments of weakness! Know that a gamble free life will be a happier life, as gambling adds nothing to your life.

All it does is add financial stress, anxiety ans train on relationships with partners, family and friends. Something like that doesnt deserve out attention and cutting out the monster from our lives will allow us to live life in a different way and to feel emotions differently. One thing I have notices (day 9 today) is already experiencing more joy from the simple things in life, when a few months ago the only joy i could feel would be through a win on the slots!

All the best


Posted : 24th August 2017 12:24 pm
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Those dreaded slots, hours n hours just spent tapping the screen on your phone hoping that you trigger a bonus, I wish I could see myself playing them as I think it would put me off playing them for life. Phone seems to be fully protected now, a bit extreme having to get gamblock to delete the play store from my phone but if it has to be done then it has to be done, I tried downloading a hidden browser last night via Google but I couldn't download it which means finally no more gambling on my phone. I don't have any other means of gambling now and not into going to the bookies as my urges tool hold at night time. Onwards and upwards Athena and I wish you every success in beating this horrible illness which is gambling x

Posted : 24th August 2017 10:07 pm
Posts: 180

Slots were my vice...'hours n hours just spent tapping the screen on your phone hoping that you trigger a bonus'...YUP this was my life for too long!!!

Currently 8 days GF...and working hard on it!

Posted : 24th August 2017 10:13 pm
Posts: 302

Two weeks on Saturday for me,and really hard the last few days fighting the strong urges to gamble, just a deposit my head tells me an we can clear years of debt. Bonus chasing reminds me of being well down on a slots thinking about that elusive bonus round too come in on the first 2 reels, an then, surely this time im in this time, because 15 bonus teases im surely in this time, and when it did it would be bad, and when it was good you thought you had sussed the slots. What fools.

Posted : 24th August 2017 10:30 pm
Posts: 180

Yup or would play down and down my cash waiting for the bonus, and bonus would evenytually come and pay out next to what? well more deposit as I am clearly owed the money...what fools, exactly.

Times like this am proud it is behind me...not that it doesnt occupy a lot of my waking thoughts still... : /

Posted : 24th August 2017 10:41 pm
Posts: 0
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I once counted 57 double bonus symbols before the 3rd finally dropped in and I got ВЈ12.40 off of £1.50 stakes and carried on playing the game, it's so easy when your not playing them to think how stupid can you be but when your zoned out all rational thought has long but gone. I wish I could just wash my brain out of any thoughts of gambling and never be bothered by it again.

Posted : 24th August 2017 10:52 pm

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