My first diary!

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Hi Flagg,

Thank you for posting on my dairy, all support is much appreciated 🙂

I don't know what to say apart from WELL DONE!

You are doing brilliant!

One day at a time, stay strong and once again well done 🙂

jennefer xx

Posted : 17th April 2012 1:10 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

As always thanks for posting on my diary!

Really chuffed you are moving in the right direction!

This journey does sometimes make us feel miserable but your posts to others are not so i'm guessing your pretty ok actually lol

I'm sure you will start to feel so much brighter as the days go on, it really is up and down but if we can get through those dark moments then brightness starts to appear and we can start to enjoy life again.

Keep strong your doing really well

Take Care


Posted : 17th April 2012 4:49 pm
Posts: 0


You are making positive progress. Keep your guard up. You are doing brilliantly.


Posted : 17th April 2012 6:53 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hey All,

Many thanks for the messages on my diary always really helpful to receive them and it's kinda exciting to see someone else posting on your diary especially when you are pretty sure it will be positive!

Anyway, I was just Checking in tonight to say that I went for my run after work just as I Said I would! I'll be back in the morning hopefully in just as pleasant a mood!

Posted : 17th April 2012 7:50 pm
Posts: 0

Good lad! Injured my leg but hope to be running again soon.

Stay strong.

Posted : 17th April 2012 7:54 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg, just read your diary and wanted to say well done 🙂 u r doing really well. Stay strong 🙂

Posted : 17th April 2012 11:23 pm
Posts: 0
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Good Morning Diary,

Day 10 and what a miserable day it is well in terms of weather anyway! With regards staying away from betting then it is a very good day! 9 days complete and all I have on my mind today is hoping my beloved Barcelona beat Chelsea this evening! I don't want to bet on the game I just want to enjoy it and see Chelsea slain!

Sorry to all the non football fans reading this! Off for a run again after work 🙂 feeling nice and positive!

Thank you to all those posting on my Diary, Lucy, Tomso, Dunc ,Jen, Charlotte, your support is very much appreciated! I will be supporting your progress as you are for me!

Have a good day all!

Day 10 Positive!!!

Posted : 18th April 2012 9:14 am
Posts: 1423

Hi flagg

Great to see ur at day 9 and still goin strong making the right decisions in our lives brings happiness and ur now earning these rewards life has to offer , enjoy the match tonite

Stay strong


Posted : 18th April 2012 9:37 am
Posts: 0


Read your diary interesting much the same as my life. Funny how alot of us are mad into running. You could look on this forum and mistake it for a running forum. I have always thought what does it matter how many days were off if we are giving up gambling. Simply does not matter if you are going to stay off you reduce your debts and life gets happier. Instead most of us moan about the past and find it hard to simply put our debts where they are in the past. Gambling is something that trys to stay in your present putting it in your locker and forget about the past and then you can move on. Easier said than done.

Posted : 18th April 2012 2:55 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

Thanks as always for posting on my diary

Great to see you staying so positive and going out for that run again!

About to watch Barcelona myself now , decent football i say not like my beloved Hammers who could'nt even beat Bristol last night 🙁

Hope you enjoy the game and enjoy it even more than usual as you have no monies on it!

Keep bet free


Posted : 18th April 2012 7:42 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Good morning,

Day 11 - Well I'm not feeling brilliant today! I woke up

With a million thoughts running through my head! The negative is they were nearly all gambling related but the positive is none of them particularly made me want to have a bet!

I just had a realisation that to ensure I beat this addiction Its 99.99999% likely I will never be able to gamble again! In some ways I don't really mind that but it kinda hits home that I have this addictive personality and the reason I can't gamble again is because I can't be trusted to do it recreationally!

I then checked my account and I've had a sum of money go in and if I hadn't been stupid and reckless with my money over the last 5 years it would be lovely but too be honest it doesn't even make a minor scratch in my financial problem! Yesterday I was preaching to people about trying to forget the debt where possible so today I'll feel a bit of a fraud in that respect!

Oh well on with my day, tonight I will be attending my second GA meeting and at least I will be able to sit there and say I've been bet free in the last week 🙂 now I didn't think that would be something I would ever say really until recently!

Well I hope you all have another gamble free and productive day! I hope I can post positive things tomorrow!

Day 11 - Gamble Free but a bit down in the dumps.

Posted : 19th April 2012 9:45 am
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

Sorry your were feeling a bit down earlier but hopefully your day has picked up!

You are doing really well and i'm sure attending tonight will help you no end 🙂

You did find a positive this morning in that you did'nt think you would be saying 'a bet free week'

See their around if you look deep enough 🙂

Take Care

Here for you


Posted : 19th April 2012 4:38 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg, thank you for your support on my diary 🙂 sorry to read that you were feeling down earlier. I hope the day has got better for you 🙂 Well done, u r doing really well and should be really proud of urself! stay strong and keep going 🙂

Posted : 19th April 2012 7:23 pm
Posts: 0


Don't ever understimate what you are trying to achieve here. You have highlighted one problem area in your life that makes you unhappy. You have made a solemn vow to yourself that you will eliminate this problem from your life to ensure you live a full and happy life. The journey doesn't last for one day but we don't have to mope about this. Every day without gambling is a day closer to a secure, peaceful and debt free existence. Great things will happen to you along the way and you will experience many new benefits.

Keep positive.


Posted : 19th April 2012 7:36 pm
Posts: 0


I just wanted to applaud your success thus far and wanted to say you are already becoming a very valued member of this site.

Stay strong


Posted : 19th April 2012 9:31 pm
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