My first diary!

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Hi Flagg,

When I read ur posts on ur diary they always makes me smile I read a few of ur earlier posts at the start of ur diary and u have come so far on this tough journey. U have used ur determination and hard work 2 stay gamble free.... I am soooo proud of u 🙂

Just in case I don't get a chance 2 post 2moro with work and things. I just wanted 2 say congratulations on reaching ur target.... U have helped lots of us on this journey and thank u 4 giving me hope. U deserve nothing but happiness 🙂

Sorry 4 the ramble 🙂

Have a gr8 day x

Posted : 7th October 2012 10:11 am
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

Just a quick heads up I am doing well 146 days gamble free just been keeping myself busy had a lot going on this week it was my wife's birthday so planned a lot to spoil her which went really well and I have been doing a lot of hours at work which def beats doing a lot of hours in the bookies throwing money away. So ye very busy.

Thanks for all the posts on my wall I always appreciate everything you say because it all has meaning and you think about what you want to write so thank you.

Also I spoke to David999 and he said you thinking about setting another challenge for leading up to Christmas? Well if you are going to do that I will definitely be there for that it will be my biggest challenge so far. Also less than a week now until we meet this target of 90 days.

Still going strong keep going and Will keep in touch.

Thanks again for all your support mate.

Kind regards


Posted : 7th October 2012 11:31 am
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

Well done on being 182 days gamble free mate and your target is tomorrow, really proud of you.

I am back on the site going to give it another go it's always best to start whilst you are skint.

I will try and draw inspiration from you.


Posted : 7th October 2012 4:34 pm
Posts: 1423

Hi Flagg

It's just like xmas eve with one day to go , hope there's lots of rewards instal for u , the best one is u now av a fantastic new life ur a walking talkin reason for everyone to see how lives can be changed around and all credit to u my friend u deserve it

Take care


Posted : 7th October 2012 6:47 pm
Posts: 4422


My friend thanks for your kind post it really means alot , you yourself fella have come to another target, something I hope will fill you to the brim with pride and more resolve to remain in the frame of mind to abstain from the thing that is so truly destructive, for me we gamble free become better more well balanced folk whom take life for all it's worth.

Thankyou for sharing your journey it's a great help to all who read it.

A day early I know but 6 months of taking your life back, side by side let's keep just for today make our futures ours.

A massive well done from me to you.

Duncs stepping forward never back

Posted : 7th October 2012 8:47 pm
Posts: 0


Is that Mr Flagg, in the front there.........

Yep .........

Passed his first big target , now on to the next !

Enough said !

Shiny xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Posted : 8th October 2012 8:08 am
Posts: 0

Hey Flagg,

183 days your target met massive congratulations my friend. What a great acheivement and what a great example you are to people on here on how it can be done by doing the right things at the right time .

Your dedication and commitment to your recovery is unbeleivable and shows what can be acheived, You support so many on here and also have the tread going which you mange in your own time that has helped so many other people stay focused and reach another 91 days gamble free.

Give yourself a massive big pat on the back and look in that mirror and be proud of the person looking back

I think a treat is in order for today ?

Does that mean you stop counting now lol

Blondie x

Posted : 8th October 2012 9:59 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Good Afternoon Diary,

Day 183 - Thanks everyone for the well wishes! Target reached and pleased to say I have done half a year bet free! For the past 90 or so days I have very fortunately been on a even keel, no real mood fluctuations, no real motivation issues, lots of exercise, doing lots of nice things, and basically just gliding along counting the days!

Just a short run now until the 200 days and then I will set my next target! I think I will go for the year though too be honest time to start thinking big!

Will check back in with more later or tomo! Until then once again thank you to everyone for the support!

Day 183 - Target Reached!

Posted : 8th October 2012 2:02 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter


Day 184 - After surpassing one milestone yday I began to think about the next! I have really thrived on having targets to aim for and reach they have helped to maintain focus but also keep me close to this brilliant forum!

My decision this morning is to set 1 major target and 3 minor targets! This is almost to confuse my own mind and break up the days a little! My ultimate target is 365 days it has to be that really! I have now past halfway and that's now where I am looking to! To help me achieve this I have set 3 minor targets of 200, 274, and 300! 274 marks three quarters of the year and the other 2 just look good!

In between these I will be running a new thread starting next week which will also help me personally retain focus!

I remain keen on the numbers and ultimately I will continue the count! It works for me and that's the key to fighting this addiction do what works for you!

As for today I half expected a slight comedown after the high of yday but I remain ok and I have plenty to look forward to so why dwell on day 183 when 365 has so much more to offer!

Day 184 - New Targets!

Posted : 9th October 2012 1:43 pm
Posts: 1172

Flag I missed the big 183. Sorry buddy. Never a doubt in my mind you wouldn't get there. Good to see the determination as strong as ever, already got your next targets in place. Good idea having a big target but also breaking it down will help and won't seem like your waiting ages to hit the big target. Looking forward to Friday, gonna be a real sense of achievement for us all. And already excited about the next one.

Posted : 9th October 2012 8:29 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

Congrats on 6 months my man! What a good job, I like the idea of aiming for a target. I may introduce that into my diary to if you dont mind may help me focus a bit. It's strange how our mind wants to keep occupied with small things like this, and also how we start to count money properly again and work out things, when we used to gamble none of these thoughts would even pass through our dirty brains. Now cleaner brains working as they should!

I will follow you and aI am sure in 5+ months time I will be posting here congratulating you on the big 365!


Posted : 9th October 2012 9:01 pm
Posts: 0


So tickled by the fact 200 and 300 Look good .

Shiny xxxxxxxxxx

Posted : 9th October 2012 10:50 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Afternoon dear diary,

Day 185 - Sitting here with a spare 5 mins at work! I almost got to post early this morning but time moved on me quicker than I anticipated! I have not been getting many morning posts in lately! Is this a sign of complacency? Early on I would be posting each morning very rarely deviating to afternoons, oh and evenings I never updated my diary then! Now tho I seem to do mainly afternoons, a few evenings, and the odd morning! Is it progress? Will one day I do mostly evenings, the occasional missed day and the odd afternoon?

I guess time will ultimately tell! I don't feel complacent, I feel progress has and will continue to be made! Sometimes it's about getting what's on your mind written down. I might read this back tonight and think what utter drivel! Now it seems to make sense!

Day 185 - A new form of progress

Posted : 10th October 2012 2:00 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

Ur post on my diary made me smile, thank u 🙂

Ur last post made sense 2 me, but I think u understand this addiction really well and if I am honest....I don't think u will get complacent. U have put soooo much hard work in2 this journey and ur continued progress makes me smile!

Thank u 4 ur continued support on my diary. It means alot 🙂

I am looking 4ward 2 fri when we all complete the 90 day thread this as helped me stay strong thru the tough times,so a huge thank u 2 u 4 running this!

Have a gr8 nite 🙂

Posted : 10th October 2012 7:33 pm
Posts: 1172

Hi there Flagg no complacency. You've got your goals and targets set up and a new thread in the planning. I know you'll be posting every morning bright and early if you start to sense any real complacency. So no worries as life moves on so must we. Aslong as the posts keep coming, I say post whenever.

Nearing final check in!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted : 10th October 2012 11:34 pm
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