My first diary!

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Hi Flagg,

Makes sense to me too, I think once you have "beaten" this then you may feel you dont have to post as much, but I think you would never stop posting, just maybe logon once a week or so to see how everybody is doing. That would only be natural as you will be able to spend your time on new things that dont involve gambling at all. Makes sense.

I am a long way from that and hope I can be saying the same in another 100 day's time.

Keep up the good work Flagg, and post as and when you feel. It's all part of the recovery, and postingless can only mean one thing. That you are close to overcoming this for good if not already!


Posted : 11th October 2012 7:42 am
Posts: 0
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Hi diary,

Day 186 - I'm very well today! No problems, no glaring issues, no chance of having a bet! Tomo is a big day for the 8 people still going strong on the 90 day thread! Really pleased for everyone and I hope it's a 100% final check in! Lots more from me tomo and Saturday!

Day 186 - Nearly there 90 dayers!

Posted : 11th October 2012 2:23 pm
Posts: 1172

Hello there. Thought I'd drop in to all the 90 dayers and send my congrats. Thought I better start with the boss lol.

Flagg you should be very happy and proud of what you've done. Firstly you've done the 91 days bet free which is a massive achievement but you've also helped 8 others do the same. That is greatly appreciated by me and I'm sure by the 7 others aswell.

I look forward to seeing what the plan is tomorrow. I've got my spirits back up and ready again to really enjoy my gamble free life. Your first thread was a big success I'm sure the second will be just as good if not better.

Posted : 12th October 2012 11:54 am
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg

I know how you feel. its my fist day today and its hard.

the urge to make a bet keeps on your mind all day, its hard but hang in their mate.

Posted : 12th October 2012 12:42 pm
Posts: 0
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Hi Diary,

Day 187 - Really good day to be on this site! Already had 2 people check in to complete the 90 day thread and I'm sure the other 6 will follow later today! Seems many are very keen to start the next one too so I will post much more about that tomo morning!

As for me 26th GA meeting last night and have attended every single one committed or boring life lol! Prob a little bit of both if I'm honest! Really finding the combination of GA and this site invaluable in my recovery!

Another weekend is upon us and as each week passes I get a little closer to the end of 2012 partly looking forward to it and making next year completely gamble free! All one day at a time though!

Day 187 - Well done 90 Dayers!

Posted : 12th October 2012 1:59 pm
Posts: 0

Hey my friend. 🙂

If i could be any athlete right now id like to be a gymnast. Id be doing backflips and sumersaults galore in my sparkly leotard with leg warmers of course lol , oh and a headband for even more 80's cheese lol

Today is a good day... NO today is a great day.

Thank you my friend i hope i dont need to say anymore than that.

Blondie xx

Posted : 12th October 2012 4:31 pm
Posts: 0

Just read what you wrote on the 90 day thread, thank you so much I'm very touched by your message.

187 days is epic so a massive congrats for that and thanks again. x

Posted : 12th October 2012 6:56 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

Thank u 4 ur kind words 🙂

Well done on completing the 90 day thread, tbh I knew u would 🙂

I was gonna get u a 40 balloon 2 celebrate then realised that was the wrong celebration lol 🙂

Thank u 4 running the 90 day thread Flagg and 4 keeping us all focused ...... U r doing brilliant 🙂

Have a gr8 wknd 🙂

Posted : 12th October 2012 8:45 pm
Posts: 1423

Hi Flagg

Goin strong and doin great so consistent and so pleased for u , a shining example to everyone with so many admirers , keep striding forward my friend and keep up the good work

Av a great weekend


Posted : 12th October 2012 8:55 pm
Posts: 1172

Hiya Flagg. Thanks for the post mate. Hadn't really thought about it, finish the thread and I'll be in the 200 club that will be amazing. And I think I will have a little read through my diary, anything that'll help I'm up for trying.

The new thread looks great. I hope you get a good response. I'm sure it will. There's already 5 of us signed up. Like the idea of a double check in as we get further along. The timings perfect aswell, has a decent amount of days so its a challenge and leads nicely into the new year. Looking forward to it all.

Posted : 13th October 2012 10:36 am
Posts: 0

A BIG well done for keeping so many people focused in your 90 day challenge.

I can't wait to be a member of your next one...

Take care


Posted : 13th October 2012 12:14 pm
Posts: 0
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Good Afternoon Diary,

Day 188 - I was just having a browse at a couple of new diaries and suddenly realised despite being very active on here today I had not updated my own diary. Charlotte would say that was my age creeping in!

It's been a fantastic couple of days to be around this site. Yesterday was brilliant to see the 90 day thread end with such a great number completing the challenge. After reading a few diaries over the last 24 hours or so it's a bit crazy to see my name popping up everywhere. However, I really enjoyed maintaining the thread and I am very pleased it helped others.

So, what next? Well due to popular demand a new thread has been setup immediately. A pre xmas thread for anyone wanting to check in weekly in the build up to a stressful time of year. Too be honest I love xmas, I really really do but more than once I have got myself in bother in January due to excessive spending and gambling. Personally for me it would be great to have a bet free xmas and new year.

In other news I have now got blocking software on my phone. I guess it was a loose end that needed tying and it's put myself and others at ease knowing I have very few ways to gamble. I have rambled on many times about how the methods are simple and you really can give yourself a huge chance of staying bet free if you do the right things.

As always many thanks for the support everyone it's a pleasure to be a member of this forum and very rewarding for me to be able to put a little bit back in.

Day 188 - Roll up Roll up a new thread begins.

Posted : 13th October 2012 4:30 pm
Posts: 0

hi flagg

i have been round the others and would now like to say a big well done to the main man the organiser "MR FLAGG" not only for completing the 90 day thread but setting it up and keeping people motivated.

followin on from your post i only ever went to ga three times but yes my first target is 85. i start the insanity running myself monday week

yes same day as check in for the new target challenge set by your good self, and thanks for the acceptance

have good weekend

gamble frees the way forward


Posted : 13th October 2012 4:47 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

Well, my hat off to you sir for your dedication and support on this forum, its humble gent's like yourself that will get me through this so Kudos for that!

Cant wait to be part of the next one, and good job..I remember I think you were the first person to support me on my diary around July so it just shows you how much you take pride in this.

I cannot agree more about the blocks, its the only thing that has saved me a couple of weeks back, 80+ days would be back to square one if i had not had my blocks in place (I was a bit pessimistic about blocks at first as thought if I'm gonna do it, I'll do it on my own...That's just my stubborness coming out but you really do need them!)

Anyway's there is also my support for you to continue to double that 188 day's! (nearly 189 in 4 minutes!!), so another one bet free for you and me!

Have a good weekend!


Posted : 13th October 2012 11:56 pm
Posts: 0
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Morning Diary,

Day 189 - A slightly different couple of days ahead. Today I will be spending the vast majority on my own. I actually liked this when I was gambling and too be honest since I stopped I still don't mind it. Always been a bit of a loner and if left to my own devices I would prob be a bit of a recluse.

Quite a strange character really as I do social situations very well indeed, I don't outwardly lack confidence, and on the whole people tend to warm to me. However, it is not something I enjoy and always feel uneasy before a social event or a night out.

Anyway, tomorrow I will be working away which means a night away from home. Again this is something I have done in the past but always whilst gambling. I stayed away one evening a few years ago and overslept due to being up till all hours playing online poker. Things are different now though I stated a prerequisite for going away was a hotel with a gym. I have booked into the bar for food and by the time that's all passed it will be time to settle down for the night. Got a laptop fully equipped with blocking software and I will take a DVD to end the evening.

I harp on so often about this but if you do a bit of prep work and do the sensible things you can make life a whole lot easier for yourself.

So, as I said a different couple of days but for me now there is no anxiety, there is no sense of pending doom, it's just another couple of days living my 'normal life'.

Day 189 - Living in the Middle!

Posted : 14th October 2012 10:03 am
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