Words of wisdom Flagg, you could write a book on recovery, you don't leave anything to chance. Enjoy your excursion.
Hi Flagg,
It was nice 2 chat 2 u 2nite, thanks 4 making me smile 🙂
U should be soooo proud of urself, u r helping so many ppl stay gamble free and u r doing brilliant, ur determination and positivity shines thru 🙂
U give me hope 🙂
Stay strong 🙂
Good Evening Diary,
Day 190 - Late post for me today! Been a busy day, currently sitting in a bar dining alone as I'm working away! It's quite interesting looking around and seeing so many doing exactly the same as me! All clearly on business sitting mobiles in hand either texting or on email! What did people do pre mobiles when away alone on business?
This is the first of a few nights away for me in the coming weeks and I was a bit gutted earlier I couldn't link up my DVD player in the hotel room it's all built in flat screen with no access! So instead of a crazy workout I hit the gym instead! The whole purpose really was to tie up my time and not let the mind drift on to gambling! Mission accomplished then!
I'll head up to my room now and listen to a bit of music and likely fall asleep whilst doing so! Early start tomo and all in all it's been a successful night away! Feeling very strong in recovery lately my posts prob reflect that! It's a fine line between confidence and complacency but I do feel I've just about got the balance right just for today at least!
Day 190 - Strong on the road!
hi flagg
thanks for the comment, i am here to stay especially as you kindly accepted me in to the next challenge.
you have single handedly kept people going with your help and challenges.
enjoy your evening
no gamblings the new gambling
Hiya flag. Sounds like your got the balance spot. Glad things are going well for you. No complancy tho, you've got another 76 days to get through! The thread is proving very popular, just had a little look and 24 people already signed up - fantastic. You've put in there that it could be something special. Gotta feeling you could be right. Hope the time away goes well, try and treat it as a little holiday don't know if that's possible considering your working. Anyway don't work to hard and congrats on the popularity of the new thread - the more that sign up, the more you are helping.
Good Afternoon Diary,
Day 191 - Was quite a manic morning followed by a long ish drive home so I do feel a bit tired. Been hauled back into the office though now for a meeting so need to shake the fatigue for another couple of hours.
Not a great deal to report today. I guess when I post late like yesterday and mid afternoon today not a great deal of time has passed and not a great deal has happened.
So, I will just say today is another day without gambling for me and getting pretty close to 200 days now. This 100 has gone far quicker than the first 100. Infact, this time next week day 198 will mark 100 days of my life turnaround. I re-read my diary recently and I don't think I have had a bad or negative thing to say since Day 98. That is definitely a turnaround.
Wishing everyone well,
Day 191 - Another day done!
Hi Flagg, thank you for the lovely message. 🙂 It is also very comforting to see you say about the road being much smoother for you since day 98, it would be a big boost to be able to think that the hardest part is behind me! I'm not expecting the way forward to be easy but easier would be nice!
Your comments about the balance between confidence and complacency is very thought provoking. Obviously confidence is an important part of recovery, it certainly wouldn't be good for any of us to live in fear of relapse for the rest of our lives. I think it crosses over into complacency if we start to think we are 'cured' or that it is all in the past and can be forgotten about. Then I think the danger of slipping into old habits would become very real. But so long as we remain aware of ourselves - as you are - then we are keeping the balance right. How that works further down the road (I am confident there will be people on here that will still be gamble free in 2/5/8 years time) I don't know as I am only just getting to the point where I am as sure as I can be that I won't gamble in the next few days/weeks. Still it's something to think on so thank you for that.
Take care mate. 🙂
Hi Flagg,
thank you as always for your post x Your such an inteligent articulate young man. Young man lol that did just make me lol.. well not quite 30 yet lol
I did so hope you was still counting, I will have to get my calender out or back track on my diary , either way i know its soon lol.
I always take great strength from your posts you get it !! You have gained such self awareness and understanding of yourself and this addiction and it shows in how you post and how you committ 100% to your continued journey.
Im really excited about the new thread, its like we will be counting down to my holiday lol but also to 2013 which has your name wrote all over it my friend.
Take care
the blonde one x
Hi Diary,
Day 192 - Totally devoid of words this evening. Very tired as this crazy American workout I have been doing is now into month 2 and been cranked up another notch on the intensity scale. The benefits are starting to become visible though so on I plod. I guess that is actually pretty similar to stopping gambling. Crank up the recovery intensity because I am seeing the benefits.
On that note enough said today.
Day 192 - Intense!
Flagg, your words on my diary meant so much to me tonight.
Just to say that it was nice catching up in chat and your positivity really shines and certainly rubbed off on me!
Well done for getting to where you are now and thanks once again for all your hard work putting your next challenge together!
Forwards not back
Hi Flagg
Thanks for the post it was very reassuring , the respect that's given to u is rightly deserved , the challenges u do , everyone appreciates so much ur really becoming a strong experienced figure on this site , supporting so many people giving such good advice then there's ur GA meeting who u give so much support , I know it's just as much for us own recovery
Would u av ever of thought that from that 1st post , the achievements , effort and support u av given is just outstanding and still remaining in full control of ur own recovery
Will leave u with that thought
Hi Flagg,
Ur post on my diary made me laugh, thank u sooo much 4 ur continued support. It means alot 🙂
I have enjoyed speaking 2 u in chat, u cheered me up and u have kept lots of ppl focused with ur threads.... So I just wanted 2 say a huge thank u 2 u and u should be sooooo proud of urself 🙂
Have a gr8 nite 🙂
Good Evening Diary,
Day 193 - Just a quick fly by tonight as about to dash out to GA. Still feeling fine, still no gambling urges. The thoughts come and go but you learn to differentiate between a thought and an urge.
Day 193 - Still Happy!
Great to read you are still going strong and doing well. One week away from 200 days and what a fabulous achievement that will be. You show great commitment to your dairy and recovery as a whole.
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