My first diary!

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Hi Flagg,

193 days , that feels good to write 🙂

Great that all is well on your front and that even with thoughts they can be differentiated 🙂

Thanks for popping on mine , it means alot as always

Keep Strong Flagg, ohhhhh i know you will lol lol

Smiling Lucy

Posted : 19th October 2012 12:03 pm
Posts: 0
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Hi Diary,

Day 194 - Another short one today. No problems here and always a nice feeling to see Friday roll around! Sure it will be Monday again in the blink of an eye! That will mean first check in on the new thread! Exciting times!

Day 194 - Keeping it short!

Posted : 19th October 2012 3:52 pm
Posts: 0

hi flagg

thankyou for taking the time and effort to set up the new challenge

have great weekend and will check in on monday

no gamblings the new gambling


Posted : 19th October 2012 5:54 pm
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Hello Diary,

Day 195 - I said blink and you miss it with the weekend and already it's late Saturday afternoon. Being busy and happy is a really good thing and I will not complain at all but time really is absolutely flying by. Far cry from gambling when pay day just couldn't come round quick enough, the days really dragged and life was a real let down.

Day 195 - Slow down a bit!

Posted : 20th October 2012 4:17 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

Wow, really crazy you mention about time and payday not coming round quick enough, I was actually thinking the EXACT same thing today. It was not till I got home from work today (yes I have to work weekends and through the evening :-(...) I got home, got a beer from the fridge (ritual as two day's off now) and thought to myself, took a step back and I would now be running into my room either

1. - Chasing those losses which I had accumulated payday morning in that 1 hour frenzy before work, having no sleep hardly waiting until the money cleared...


2 - Itching at work, cause I could not wait to again bet what I had won in the morning.

Seriously, I feel so chilled? What's all that about. Nice post Flagg and it totally puts things back into perspective.

Gambling really is for the loser's, which we can now happily say we are not.

Things move a lot quicker now, but that just means we are now almost complete.

Onwards and upwards,


Posted : 20th October 2012 4:44 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg, aka Father Christmas lol

Thanks 4 making me laugh in chat, I enjoy speaking 2 u .... U r always soooo supportive and positive... thank u. It means alot 🙂

Hope u enjoy ur dinner 🙂

Have a gr8 nite 🙂

Posted : 20th October 2012 8:01 pm
Posts: 4422


Fella you know what they say "time flies when your having fun" gamble free my friend well I know it's possible, enjoy the ride !!!

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Looking forward to check in tommorrow, inspired

Posted : 21st October 2012 8:15 am
Posts: 0
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Good Morning,

Day 196 - Even though I count the days I actually do not really take that much notice of them. Strange thing to say really but it's only on occasions the number really hits me and I realise a significant amount of time has passed. Today is 28 weeks and I have made a slight dent in the 2nd half of the year. I say this because my ultimate aim is the big 365. I think psychologically a count up is better than a count down. Often I just think too much!

Off to London for work purposes in the morning just a two day stay but not overly looking forward to it as our London branch are notoriously difficult to talk into changes of any description. Oh well it's a test and one I feel fair more able to pass now I don't spend my day gambling.

Taking the train to London so will be able to keep abreast of check ins on the xmas thread so I will be looking forward to a 100% week 1.

Have a pleasant Sunday all.

Day 196 - 28 Weeks!

Posted : 21st October 2012 9:42 am
Posts: 0

Cheers Flagg, 200 feels great, you'll know what I mean in a few days. Could you imagine reaching a year, I'm not risking that thought yet, but that is a big target for me. I've hijacked your smallish reachable targets, Christmas, 3/4 year etc, look after your pennies and the pounds look after themselves. Good luck in London, you're so organised and seem to be handling stress/ challenges with ease. Giving up gambling has surely helped us both. Less stress, worries and a new methodical approach to life. Kick your feet up on the train, upgrade yourself to first class if you want and just declare your George Osbourne's best mate whilst calling the inspector an effing pleb for his troubles.

Take care


Posted : 22nd October 2012 9:09 am
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Morning Diary,

Day 197 - Currently cruising along on the train to London effectively heading down for about 4 hours work. For that four hours I have a hotel, food, expenses etc baffling really. Oh well that's not my problem I'm just the pawn doing the little bit.

Keeping abreast of the Xmas thread today 9 check ins so far. Really hoping for 100% opening day.

Big well done to Steg and Blondie today for reaching milestone days.

Stay safe everyone!

Day 197 - Train Ride!

Posted : 22nd October 2012 11:43 am
Posts: 0

Me trouble ?.. Never lol.

Hope the big smoke is treating you well, dont talk to much to them southerners there grumpy buggers especially on the tube lol..

Nearly the big 200 for you woo hoo onwards and upwards to 2013, how many days to my holiday lol..

Take care

Blondie x

Posted : 23rd October 2012 9:55 am
Posts: 1172

Good luck with the london trip, i bet its just another mini holiday lol.

First check in seemed to go well i havent actually counted the check ins but seemed to be a fair few checking in and any that are left may not have had chance to get on yesterday.

Thanks for your posts (sorry for late reply - busy week last week). Your right im feeling a lot better than I was a couple of weeks ago and then of the old thread came at the right time got me through and then the new one raised my spirits. Should be a great thread, like you said got a great balance of people, good to see some new faces - determind to beat this, got some real A-listers to - its great to see they've keeping there focus and still leading the way for us mere mortals lol, and its great to see the 9 of the old thread coming on for the next challenge. Looking forward to another great journey.

Wedding was great thanks, the bride and groom had a fantastic day. I survived my speech lol. Its was a great day i really enjoyed it all. I like normal things - not that a wedding day is perticularly normal but you know what i mean. No more gambling worry, life is full of great things and its time to live a life were i can enjoy them.

Cheers Flagg and closing in on the 200, that number will definitely grab your attention.

Posted : 23rd October 2012 10:57 am
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Good Evening Diary,

Day 198 - Returned from London after a pretty successful day. The staff were far more receptive than I had been told to expect which did make my life a whole lot easier.

Have a little break from my travels now before heading up north in a couple of weeks time. Long weekend coming up for me have Friday and Monday off which is nice!

I have a pretty solid routine going at the moment, the travelling slightly breaks that but I can now cope with these minor shifts. Tomorrow back to normal and normality is something I have come to like. Not continually chasing a dream which does not really exist, not striving for something which is out of reach. Just taking life one day at a time, setting achievable goals, my mental health is all the better for it and whilst life is like this gambling will not have an opportunity to sneak in and spoil.

I never really understood the expression find your feet but today it seems appropriate. Just for today I have found mine and they are firmly planted slap bang in the middle lane of life!

Day 198 - 100 days in the middle!

Posted : 23rd October 2012 7:28 pm
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Good Morning,

Day 199 - Feeling pretty tired today! Looking forward to Friday morning and hopefully a lie in! When I say lie in I mean get up about 8.30 that's sufficient for me! Just a quick recharge of the batteries this weekend and then the countdown begins to Xmas! It is the most wonderful time of the year!!

This year my finances are equally as poor as previous years whilst gambling but the difference is I don't feel like I have to prove I have money so I won't be stretching myself to buy everyone expensive gifts! This year it will be more thought and less material!

It's nice to be able to look forward with hope and excitement rather than fear and resentment!

Wishing all a nice day!

Day 199 - Looking Forward!

Posted : 24th October 2012 9:01 am
Posts: 4422


thanks fella, that song will be there all day !!!!!

Shame I cant croon lol

I too look forward to a christmas of no guilty purchases!!

And the best gift, a full house on your 2013 thread!!!!

Duncs stepping forward never back.

The 200 club awaits, open armed!!

Posted : 24th October 2012 9:32 am
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