[Closed] My Last Bad Day

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Save the expense of a tena machine. I shall abstain from drinking two pint pots of Yorkshire Tea next week. 

N'nite and Godbless you Stephen. Thanks for telling the whole site I had to pee. Lol. 

Drama x

Posted : 16th February 2020 9:51 pm
Posts: 920
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Every time I am bounced off I am stronger. 

I can do this on my own. 

I got this. 

Posted : 16th February 2020 11:21 pm
Posts: 3947

You are a wonderful person Drama and deserve to be treated with respect and kindness.

Wishing you every happiness as you continue on your journey.

Stephen x 

Posted : 16th February 2020 11:28 pm
Posts: 1355
Posted by: DramaLlama

Every time I am bounced off I am stronger. 

I can do this on my own. 

I got this. 

You never need be alone in your recovery x

Posted : 17th February 2020 12:14 am
Posts: 920
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I phoned work. Not going in. Not WFH. Gonna read my books and see if I can focus on that. My brain is wired. Maybe if I get into reading it'll soak that up instead. I dunno. Can't hurt to try. 

Posted : 17th February 2020 10:42 am
Posts: 920
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My Day. 

I blobbed work this morning. 

I studied one unit on misrepresentation. It was tough. 

My hands have both flared up. This sucks but it's to be expected after flu. Happens all the time. I've put some pain relieving gel on them. 

I got an email from a GC lady that wants to talk to me about my story. I accepted an appointment for two weeks today. She's gonna anonymise my story. So that's fine. I'd do ought to help GC me given they've helped me so much. 

I am in the doghouse with Hubby. The only thing I know that I've done is smoking but it shouldn't come as a surprise. He's been really odd all day. Keeps making weird comments. Like just now telling me about his spells in prison in the 80's. He does this. Tells tales of his encounters with the law but I happen to know the truth from his Mum. The only time he spent in prison was for non-payment of council tax and fines and they bailed him out every time. He likes to make out he was some big hard man doing hard time. I really don't get it. Who would choose to portray that kind of false image of their past? His behaviour is getting odder the older he gets. This new stuff that the man with the dog gets him isn't helping like it normally does. I got him two lots last week. I am not happy cos it normally buys me some peace of mind but this time it hasn't. 

I just asked him outright tonight if he was alright and if he wanted to talk about anything. This was me doing that Parent/Adult/Child thing that Debbie taught me. I adopted the Parent role and said that if there's anything he wants to discuss I am here for him. He seemed to wind his neck in and relax. Maybe he just needed to hear that I care? It beats me spitting my dummy out and causing a row. 

I am glad he is calm again. 

I did my two cleaning jobs real well tonight because of that Corona Virus. I left both places 100% spotless. 

I hope I get some sleep tonight. 

I have bought 4 beers. It's been an emotionally fragile sort of a day and I want to drink beer. I know it's not a great idea but it is what it is. Least it's not a fridge pack. 

Drama. x

Posted : 17th February 2020 10:44 pm
Posts: 863

Hi Drama,

I think your husband is blessed having you around, asking him if there's he wants to talk about. I also think there must be times when you too feel like having someone to share your burden every now and then. Be kind to yourself as well as others. I love your chat, your posts & your dogged fight & determination to face everything that life throws at you. 

Best Wishes Good Egg


Posted : 17th February 2020 11:19 pm
Posts: 863

Meant if there's anything he wants to talk about. Losing the plot lol.


Posted : 17th February 2020 11:25 pm
Posts: 920
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I have you guys Al. It really helps me enormously. 

Love from 



Posted : 17th February 2020 11:25 pm
Posts: 920
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My Day. 

I woke up with Hubby coming to bed. He does this, he gets up early, has his horrible coughing fits with his COPD, sorts the dog out and then puts the leccy blanket on and gets back into bed for a few hours. Normally I'm off to work so I miss the back to bed phase. I plugged in my earphones. Put on a movie about an Earthquake in L.A and cuddled up to Hubby and went back to sleep listening to it.

I had an epic dream. There was a big earthquake and it affected the whole world and we were in survival mode climbing crumbling buildings and foraging for food. I ate a whole fried crispy cartoon duck sandwiched between two slices of brown bread. I was a bit grossed out by it but we had to survive so I just put it in the bread, pulled off it's head and ate it like a sandwich. Then I was rudely awoken from my dream by the phone ringing. I didn't know what day of the week it was never mind where I was. I answered the phone and it was my boss. Checking up on me. I told him I'd get a brew and call him back but he soon figured out I was just waking up and that's why I hadn't phoned him earlier. We are meant to call in by 10am if we are going sick but obvs I didn't do that. 

He told me that it was okay and I didn't need to call him back and he'd speak to me tommoz. 

I logged onto Uni when I was more awake and did a unit on vitiating factors. It was tough reading. I am pleased I got it done though. 

My hands don't hurt today and I'm hardly coughing at all. I reckon I'll be right as rain in another day or so. Maybe I did just need some rest after all? My mental health feels better too. Not so much of that all or nothing thinking. I am thinking clearer and more reasoned with stuff. So all in all very good really. 

I have been on chat a couple times today. Not for too long. Just checking in and being sociable. It feels nice. 

I did my cleaning jobs in reverse order tonight cos job no. 1 wasn't shutting till late. I had a mare at the first place. I used some sticky stuff remover on some cupboard doors that had sticky stuff on them. Sounds like a good plan yes? Oh dear, it stripped the paint off! It just started peeling off and before I noticed I'd put it all over two cupboards. They are buggered. I rinsed my cloth in some warm water and tried to wash it off but it was too late. They have been stripped back to some yellow sort of stained looking paintwork. It looks bad. I left them a note to apologise. I will paint them at the weekend if they want. I will talk to them tommoz. 

I went to my next job and the manager and Doctor both commented that my cleaning is top notch. I told them I'd be mortified if that Corona Virus turned up here and spread. I'm just working super hard to make sure it's clean. They said it's well noted and they appreciate it. They also said they don't mind if I do a short clean next Tuesday so I can go Football. I am happy with that. 

I am home now and gonna watch some 999 shows and then go up to bed. 

I will see how I feel about the day job in the morning. I might take one more day. Doesn't really matter cos my targets never change. I'll still have the same number of files to complete this month. 

Oh and I've told Hubby I love him 13 times today. I've complimented his hair and I've fed him. 

He is in a good mood. I dunno if feeding his ego is a good thing or not but maybe he did just need all that ego stroking to feel safe or summat cos he has stopped being strange and telling me weird stories. So that's nice. 

Laters GC. 




Posted : 18th February 2020 10:39 pm
Posts: 920
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Oh, I forgot! I got my new trainers! They are brilliant. Nike Air Max 95's. They are not actually brand new. Just new to me but they look and feel it and have so much wear left in them. I love them and they are my new favourite pumps. It's like all my other pumps pale into insignificance. 

My feet have never been so happy. It's like walking on air. I love walking on air 🙂 ! 

I wore some winter lined track pants today in Sky Blue cos these pumps are too big to wear with skinny jeans. I just wore yesterday's goalkeeper jersey on top though cos I've kinda promised Hubby I will stop making so much washing. I am okay with that cos I am trying to be carbon neutral and having the washing machine going all the time doesn't fit with that. 

Drama x

Posted : 18th February 2020 11:06 pm
Posts: 1355

I imagined you sleeping in your swanky new pumps ?

Posted : 19th February 2020 7:02 am
Posts: 1355

So I am no longer Murlo is disguise ?

Posted : 19th February 2020 9:35 pm
Posts: 1355
Posted by: Murlo

So I am no longer Murlo is disguise ?

But still full of typos...

Posted : 19th February 2020 9:49 pm
Posts: 920
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Posted by: Murlo

So I am no longer Murlo is disguise ?

I presume you mean "in disguise". You make me laugh. Your typo's are funny. I tried to DM you but you must have your settings set super strong cos I can't see a way how to. Nice to see you pal. x

Posted : 19th February 2020 9:52 pm
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