My recovery diary - Last bet 18/02/2012 - Forwards and upwards

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DAY 26 Gamble free once again 🙂

Hi everyone, just checking in, thanks for my posts I will reply back to each of you on your own diaries.

Today I have been working hard or have tried to, no gambling urges what so ever but I am craving nights out, cold beers, cigarettes and food lol. I can't help it I think I need something to replace the gambling, anything to give me a buzz or an enjoyment, as opposed to just spending every day sitting in my room on my laptop.

Really enjoying meeting up with friends again and can't wait for each weekend to come round. I even might start up football again for a team but I might need 6 months fitness training before I can, I haven't ran for over 6 years!! 🙂

Duncan, I've gone over three weeks buddy and not a saveloy in sight but I have been buying frankfurters and eating them in french bread during the days 🙂

Thanks Jules, I know what you mean about complacency and keeping my guard up, I faltered in day 45 or 46 last time, so I am not going to blow it again. Boredom and loneliness, stress are my triggers so must always try and remain occupied at all times.

Hope you are all OK.


Posted : 15th May 2012 5:06 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Wilsy thanks for your post earlier. You're doing well yourself. I know what you mean by boredom, sometimes it's a killer and it's hard to fill that void which was once gambling. Those cravings sound lovely, too nice. Now that your not gambling you'll find something to do, something positive. Gambling took away our time as well as our money, we've now got sometimes too much time and don't know what to do with it, I do anyway. Take care Wilsy, I really want you to get past the 40's this time, I know you can do it, keep strong, Steve.

Posted : 15th May 2012 10:13 pm
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Day 27 another gamble free day

Thanks for your comments Steve, I am gradually finding things to do with my time, going to make sure I go out and enjoy the weekend coming.

Nothing day today really, no urges, worked all day and then took guinea pigs to the vets and they got the all clear even though they were obviously frightened, they are sleeping now.

Had dinner, spag bowl courtesy of mum (No frankfurters or Saveloy's Duncan and Ronnie lol), watched game of thrones, season two episode 3 and am now relaxing in my room. 4TH Week of counselling tomorrow, so that should be good.

Hope everyone is ok.


Posted : 16th May 2012 8:47 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Wilsy,

Good to see you are still going strong. Keep up the good work and I guess the councelling has been of great help aswell? ODAAT


Posted : 16th May 2012 8:59 pm
Posts: 377

Glad your still going strong, Wilsy.

Nearly 4 weeks for us now mate, and I don't know about you but it feels like progress?

Posted : 16th May 2012 9:58 pm
Posts: 1423

Hi wilsy

Glad ur goin strong and the urges are staying away , hope the counselling is going well and helping

Enjoy ur weekend comin up


Posted : 16th May 2012 10:14 pm
Posts: 0

Hiya Wilsy,

Thanks for the post much appreciated. From your last couple of posts it's beginning to look as though you are getting a grip of this addiction. By tackling it day to day and not getting carried away with what may happen next month or next year I personally find I can deal with it so much easier.

It seems you are finding some real benefits with the counselling too and it really is great to read your diary with so much positive energy jumping out the page.

I really hope this forward momentum continues.

All the best mate.


Posted : 17th May 2012 7:40 am
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Thanks Weldy, Flagg, Paul and Castle, just popping on at lunch but will post on all of your threads tonight guys.

DAY 28 Today (4 weeks) - No gambling urges.

All is good with me today, haven't left the house, only briefly to put some wild bird seed out. No urges, just eaten a pizza, got sore eyes so won't be on the computer for much longer, need to just my eyes for 20 mins before I go back to work.

Counselling again tonight so cool, looking forward to the weekend, mainly because of the football games on and am looking forward to seeing friends.

Have a good afternoon everyone


Posted : 17th May 2012 12:40 pm
Posts: 0

HI Wilsy,

Well done on reaching 4 weeks, your doing so well.

I have found the counselling really helpfull also, its like a 20 k weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

Enjoy the rest of your day

blondie day 24

Posted : 17th May 2012 12:54 pm
Posts: 0

High five , my fav fisherman.

4 weeks, another couciling session .

Your posts come across like you are on the up. Long may it continue , I knew wasn't you stopped watching rubbish tv that your state of mind would improve. Lol

Dusty xxxxxx

Posted : 17th May 2012 1:54 pm
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Thanks Blondie and of course Dusty. I have about six of you to reply back to over the course of the day, so bare with me and I will reply on your diaries individually.

Another good counselling session last night (4TH week), I would like to make the most out of the 12 weeks on offer but I am not sure I need them all. I now know that happiness is important, to me remaining gamble free. I need to avoid stressful situations as much as I can, loneliness, work, too much free time but the transformation in me already has been remarkable. I am now content and comfortable again, I can be myself, do what I want, I have friends and family close again to see when I can, I am bringing things back into my life, going to get a football season ticket, going to do some football training, like going out for a beer with my friends again. Life is currently on the up and I need to keep it that way.

DAY 29 Today - No gambling urges what so ever but am not in the mood for work today, my eyes are tired, I am tired and I can't be bothered to make phone calls.

Not sure yet what I am doing this weekend, I know I will watch some of the football games tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a good day and make sure you all enjoy your gamble free weekends, stay strong.


Posted : 18th May 2012 9:46 am
Posts: 4422


My advice to you my friend is see your councelling through the 12 weeks it can only help and think how you feel now WOW multiply that by another 3 fella.

Enough said

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 18th May 2012 11:14 am
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DAY 30 TODAY - I will not bet today

Early post today as I will shortly be going out for the whole day.

Pleased I am into my thirties, I know I won't bet today and I have no urges to either.

Enjoy your gamble free weekends everyone


Posted : 19th May 2012 9:59 am
Posts: 0

Well done M8,

I'd echo the thoughts of duncan, as you should see the counselling through to conclusion. You may find it tough at any stage and they may have a 12 week plan in mind where they haven't been through with you all the process they want to work out with you?

Also, I can remeber how much you really felt that you needed the counselling at the start of your journey.

30 days is a great achievement! But we are talking a lifetime here Wilsy. I have been "cured" once or twice before... only it turned out that I wasn't!

See it through dude! ODAAT!!!!


Posted : 19th May 2012 10:29 am
Posts: 0

Well done have followed your thread early what I like is where you fell off the wagon but right back on. One of the hardest things to do. I wish you every success in your recovery.

Posted : 19th May 2012 4:27 pm
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