My recovery diary - Last bet 18/02/2012 - Forwards and upwards

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And you enjoy your gamble-free weekend too!

30 days is brilliant, must be a whole month now or just one day away from it.

Just think how you felt 30 days ago.


Posted : 19th May 2012 6:23 pm
Posts: 0

Hey we made it into the 30's, lets get it into the 40's and 50's, after all being with family and feeling happy in yourself is worth the effort. Really our gambling is a very lonely life, we act happy and jolly even when we have lost as we don't want our misery to show. It takes over our lives and steals precious time that we could spend with our loved ones, we lie and make excuses sometimes just to gamble. Keep strong my friend, we are doing good together, no more thoughts of the 19th of April, that was a black day and now gone.

Posted : 19th May 2012 9:42 pm
Posts: 0

Wilsy you're doing brilliant, 30 days is a hell of an achievement, just think of everything you could have lost which you saved by being do strong and determined. Keep it up and well done again, Steve.

Posted : 20th May 2012 2:32 pm
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Thanks again everyone Dusty, Juliette, Steve, and anyone I have forgotten.

A relaxing day today, got up late and took my seven year old nephew to a remote control car grand prix day, which we great fun. Now chilling.

No urges what so ever to gamble which has been the case for a few weeks now.

Feeling happy about so much more nowadays since the gambling did one!


Posted : 20th May 2012 4:57 pm
Posts: 377

Glad to hear that you are reaping the rewards from a gamble-free lifestyle.

Keep it going and things should get better and better!

Posted : 20th May 2012 5:35 pm
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DAY 32 Today - I will not have a bet today.

Well, the beginning of a new week is upon us. I am pleased the weather outlook looks good but as I work from home, will it distract me and will I be able to resist the temptation of being in the garden. Not really feeling it this morning. One of my bosses has the day off, the other have logged into MSN twenty minutes late and I can't be bothered to pick up the phone and call people about sales, so early in the morning. A bit of Jeremy Kyle for me this morning I think.

Had some strange dreams last night, can't remember all of them but they were really strange and almost like a movie played back in my mind. I think in one of them I was in a casino but I've never been in a real casino. Had a few thoughts of gambling this morning whilst sitting on the bog but I soon shifted my attention away from those demonic thoughts.

Thank you everyone for your posts of support, I will keep up the counselling to 12 weeks and I will continue to guard against complacency.

I am only 13 days away from 45 days bet free, which is where I slipped up last time, so am going to stay focused, I want to reach 50 days and beyond.

Have a good day everyone.


Posted : 21st May 2012 9:27 am
Posts: 0

Well done Wilsy

Posted : 21st May 2012 9:41 am
Posts: 0

Morning ,

Tut tut, stay away from Jeremy , You know it makes sense. Lol

Glad that you will continue with the counciling, like taking multi vitamins , it can only build up your defences to fight this addiction in the long term.

Avidly watching your posts , seeing the days decrease on the count down to the 50 . You should be really proud , you seem so much happier in yourself.

Now no shirking , sell sell sell.

Dusty xxxxxxxx

Posted : 21st May 2012 10:09 am
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Half way through day 33 today, I won't bet today

Very busy with work not had much time to post on others walls recently but will catch up soon. Nothing to report with me, no urges, all I do know is it is too sunny and warm to work, going to book some time of in June me thinks 🙂


Posted : 22nd May 2012 1:32 pm
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DAY 34 Today, I won't have a bet today.

Another busy day ahead for me at least the sun is shining. All quiet here no urges and pushing on towards my target of 45 days (Last relapse).

Have a good day everyone


Posted : 23rd May 2012 8:58 am
Posts: 0

Hi Wilsy, glad to read you're doing so well and still determined. I've every confidence you'll get past 45 days this time. Now to the fishing..... I wasn't heavily fined for fishing were I was only the price of a day ticket, which for the day wasn't much. What made it feel like a fine was that I'd fished this lake hundreds of times before without being asked to pay, apparently it's just been taken over. I had to laugh because I knew the bailiff, he was in charge of a big carp lake I used to be a member of last year. The lake I was on yesterday is pretty rubbish to be honest, a few decent carp basking on the surface but you mostly catch silverfish only went there for a change of scenery. I'm a member of where I usually fish, three ponds with decent fish in there and carp which are easy to catch of up to twenty odd pound. All winter I practically night fished 3 days a week in my bivvy hoping for carp, very cold a times, hardly caught a thing. To be honest I was trying to stop gambling and I knew that if I was in a tent for half the week then the gambling voice/ triggers couldn't touch me. Since I found this site though a lot more relaxed and feel that I don't have to hide myself away so much. Yet, you're right now is the time to night fish, when those big carp come out to feed on the bottom. The sound of those reels running is special so if I was you I'd dig out your gear and see what you catch, all the best, Steve

Posted : 23rd May 2012 9:30 am
Posts: 4422


fella that target is looming, you have come so much further in your recovery since your relapse. be kind to yourself andy you really are doing fantasticley!!!!

Now enjoy the sun gamble free it shines oh so bright!!!

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 23rd May 2012 9:43 am
Posts: 0

Hiya Andy, hey today it will be 35 days for us, actually 5 weeks, wow we have done well. Hope that you are feeling good, its nice to see some sunshine for a change. Thanks for your support, keep up the good work, I do think that the urges are coming less, for me hope they are for you, you will soon be at your landmark, I also have been having some pretty funny peculiar dreams lately. Take care have a good day today, pat on the back from me to you.

Posted : 24th May 2012 1:54 am
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DAY 35 Done - No bet or urges today

Thank you once again those who have commented on my diary. Sorry, I will do the rounds myself soon but I spend 8-9 hours a day on the laptop and am on deadline, so I am basically only popping on the site for 5 mins max as my eyes and head can't take looking at the screen any longer, come the end of the day.

From what I have read, everyone is fighting this addiction really well and everyone is doing very well. In particular I continue to draw strength from Duncan, Dusty Fairy, Tomso and many others. Juliette and Paul, you know who you are, stand beside me on 35 days bet free and between us, we just continue to go from strength to strength.

No gambling urges with me, feel very content and with a week to go until I get paid, I should save £500-550 this month, which I am delighted about.

Booked my first week off for ages in two weeks, can't wait, will get some fishing in.

Fifth week of counselling went well again tonight, it's really helpful just having someone to talk to, even if it isn't about gambling as much but life and me finding positives to become happy again, which is working.

Until tomorrow, sleep tight everyone


Posted : 24th May 2012 10:53 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Wilsy, enered a fishing match yesterday for the first time. It was excellent. In the three hours I lost three decent fish and lande two eels one of four pound. Some kid won it right at the end with a 22 pound common. Best £5 I ever spent. Keep strong and well done on getting this far, Steve.

Posted : 25th May 2012 9:46 am
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