My recovery diary - Last bet 18/02/2012 - Forwards and upwards

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Day one, leads to day two etc.

Well done on getting back him shaking off and moving on!

Don't be sorry about being negative, its what the diary's are here for, must admit I have never kept one before for anything, but feel quite libarated doing this one.

Stay strong friend


Posted : 4th July 2012 10:14 am
Posts: 377

Hi Wilsy,

I'm sorry to hear about your recent troubles.

This recovery lark is a journey. It won't always go smoothly or to plan. However, what you've had to deal with over the last few days will make you stronger and better prepared to deal with problems when they come your way.

It's a costly (financially and mentally) way to learn, and this probably offers you no comfort at the moment. But, next time you get 3 months gambling free under your belt, you will be able to learn from what's happened recently and will be better equipped to deal with problems when they arise.

Throw yourself into the fishing. It's a hobby that's saved me from many dark periods of my life. I've just got back from an overnighter actually, soaked to the skin, fishless, hungry and with work looming. Yet it's infinitely more satisfying than gambling.

You've done the right thing by returning to your diary.

Best wishes


Posted : 4th July 2012 10:28 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter


Update for you all, I've excluded now from eight bookies near me, feel much better, just wish I had done it before but hey ho, I will learn.

Cheers for your post Paul, I already fish and now that I am unemployed, I intend to do lots of it, I mentally need to recover, before throwing myself back into work.

See my counceller tomorrow, she's not going to believe me, when I tell her what I have been doing to myself, I hope she can help me but I know I only have myself to blame and this relapse will make me stronger.

At the moment, urges are really strong to gamble, I would travelt 20 miles to place a bet but I won't, I can't afford to anymore and I don't want to make it worse for myself.

Posted : 4th July 2012 5:55 pm
Posts: 0

Hi ya,

Well done on self excluding

Try not to worry bout the counciler tomorrow, sure they have seen it all before.

Tomorrow is just another big giant footstep in the right direction , following in the big giant footstep to took today !!!

Dusty xxxxxxxxx

Posted : 4th July 2012 6:06 pm
Posts: 0


Excellent news regarding self exclusion from the bookies. This is a major step towards remaining gambling free for a long, long time to come. I always believed in how important it is to put blocks in place not for when we we feel good about ourselves and feel in control but to help us during the bad times when we are not mentally right or capable of making the correct decisions. Today you have made the correct decision and march triumphantly gamble free onto the next day.

Well done.


Posted : 4th July 2012 7:35 pm
Posts: 0

Hi wilsy sorry 2 hear about your slip but glad 2 hear you have self excluded from 8 bookies.

Try not 2 stay away from your diary to long mate it can maybe help you if your getting urges.

Posted : 7th July 2012 12:07 am
Posts: 0

Hey Wilsy, dont know if you will read this but your diary says that you are still reading if not posting.

Been having a catch up since I came back for my so called holiday (back to work tomorrow), we said on 20th April we could do this together and we were doing soooo well, but along with you I have dropped off the wagon, in fact I think that I am actually trapped underneath it after today and a 500 pound loss, all cause I could not walk away.

Come back and post Wilsy, lets turn the page over and start again and look forward and not back. I know things are looking real bad for you just now but hey come on lets dust ourselves down and get up and keep going. Big hugs for you my friend.

Posted : 14th July 2012 8:06 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Wilsy, are you still reading your posts? Come on, come back and post and lets start again, today is my 1st day of my recovery yet again, please come and keep me company, we can beat this thing together.

Posted : 15th July 2012 9:22 pm
Posts: 0

Hope you're alright Andy, haven't heard from you for a while. I've sold out, when and got myself a pole, feel like a man walking a poodle, if I catch anything decent it'll break in two. Poxy silverfish from now on.

Take care Andy

Posted : 15th July 2012 10:31 pm
Posts: 0

Yo Andy,

How you doing?

Just thinking bout you mate.

How all is ok , and the reason you have not posted in a while is no inter net or you have joined the GB fishing team.


Shiny xxxxxxxxxx(aka Dusty )

Posted : 16th July 2012 9:29 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hi Everyone,

Just sitting on a computer in my local library, now I know I can use them, I should be able to log-on more often. My parents have our computer still in France which is making job hunting quite difficult but I have enjoyed the time to myself.

Been 2 and a 1/2 weeks now since I quit my job, just wish the weather would be better and can do more fishing.

Although I am excluded from 8 bookies, I have still had a flutter here and there, since to be struggling with stopping again at the moment, what with everything going on. Will address this very soon though, know I need to stop again but at present can't.

Juilette, Dusty and Steve thanks for posting, I promise to be back regularly soon but I am ok and keeping well, just not earning any money 🙁

Speak soon.

Posted : 17th July 2012 2:35 pm
Posts: 0

Glad you're well Andy and doing ok. Be great hearing from you again soon.

Take care, Steve

Posted : 17th July 2012 2:55 pm
Posts: 0


Great to hear from you . Just know that we are hear to help if or when the times comes.

You know you have friends here , who will not judge you, but care about you. So yes you may get the odd are you ok post .

But then that's what friends are for.

Shiny xxxxxxxxxx

Posted : 17th July 2012 8:05 pm
Posts: 0

Good to see your post, keep spirits up if you can I really understand where you are coming from cause I just the same right now, take care, good luck with the job hunting, will keep a look out for your come back to regular posts. I have not posted on my diary for quite a few days. Just now I am on day 4 free of slots, but that is nothing to boast about. Hugs to you, chin up.

Posted : 19th July 2012 3:02 am
Posts: 0

You take care mate and wel all be glad to see you back on the forum when your ready

Posted : 22nd July 2012 12:36 pm
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