The start of day 3
Thanks again everyone for your kind comments. Question to myself today, what am I going to do today. I am so unmotivated. My girlfriend lives 100 miles away, I don't really have any mates, I don't want to spend anymore money, cinema could be an option but it's cold and wet outside and I don't want to go on my own. The gambling has gone, so I'll probably jut end up staying in and watching the two football games on today and reading this site. Need to do more, could clean my room but can't be arsed! lol
Today I will not gamble 🙂
Good to hear mate thats the spirit,its good in a way we messd up at same time because we can now both try not to let each other down.jst for today dont have a bet for a better tomorrow. If I can beat this anyone can.enjoy the football today and better things will follow in days or weeks to come but most important still gamble free ma man. 😉
Hi andy I am sure your motivation will return soon go easy on yourself and give your head some time to settle down. Keeping busy can sometimes be a key to beating the urges but then its weekend and you should relax, everyone is different but each gamble free day will allow you the chance to find what works for you. Keep going your heading in the right direction and well done for getting the blocks installed . Take care blondie
Hi Wilsy
Thanks for the support on my dairy- sorry to hear about your "slip" but glad to see you here.
Glad to see you've got the blockers- for me, thats been a godsend!
Take care and keep up the great effort!
Hi Wilsy,
Thanks for the post in my diary. You are right there are a few of us who have slipped and begun the count again; we can support each other.
Best wishes for another bet free day.
Paige x
Day 4
Thanks to those who commented on my diary, I really appreciate you support and kind words
Day 4 has almost come to an end and I have remained bet free. First thing I thought of this morning was gambling but these urges will die. Been busy at work and feel like I am coming down with a cold so am in bed.
Went to Tesco's and Jollies on the way home and spent £27 which I didn't really want to spend but I've also felt like this directly after quitting. In the past I would try to win the money back but not anymore.
For the rest of the day I will not bet and am looking forward to beating this addiction tomorrow as well.
Well done wilsy pal thats the difference! 😉 gamble free the way to the same to busy at work to even think bout gambling.enjoying day 4 bet free,together we can beat this horrible illness! 😉 enjoy the rest of your nite budy hope you get rid of your cold soon. Take it easy and remember no bet today will make better tomorrow.
Thankyou for your recent message on my diary. I had a tough few days but seem determined to carry on with my journey as a non-gambler. Like you, I am now a few days in but believe me the days add up quickly. Keep going buddie.
Day 5
A gamble free day I am glad to say and I won't be gambling tonight. Must admit I'm sleeping like a log at the moment the brain is getting a break and I'm pleased the bank transactions have stopped.
Hope you are all keeping well, looking forward to tacking day 6 tomorrow
Hi Wilsy,
Sorry to hear you've had some gambling issues of late, but I'm glad that you are back on your diary. It'll soon be lighter nights and I for one will be getting the fishing rods out again.
I'm in a similar position to you in that I stopped for about 5 months last year then gambled heavily from October through to January. I'm currently back on day 3.
Let's get some gamble-free days in and life is sure to improve.
Glad to read that your abstinence is already rewarded you better nights sleep my friend.
Seems the prizes of recovery are bountiful.
Well done fella
nearly at a week already.
Be proud.
Duncs stepping forward never back.
HI Andy,
Well done on day 5 and your already seeing the benefits of no gambling. I love the fact now that I dont have that "Washing machine head" that so often comes with gambling.
Being able to turn the light off at night and sleep without worrying about the loss and carnage i have caused that day is priceless.
Keep going andy, your heading in the right direction.
take care
Well done for keeping going with your diary.
I'm so looking forward to being able to say a week completely clear; we are both so close to making that milestone.
Paige x
Thanks Paul, Duncan, Blondie and Paige for your comments.
Day 6 has almost come to a close. Had an urge tonight when I got home to have a small flutter but thank got I have software installed otherwise I might have. For me it is going to be a matter of will power and blocks in place to protect me to remain gamble free it will be like this for the rest of my days but I accept it. As long as I log onto here or talk to someone if I am feeling I will do something stupid then I will be okay. I'm still in my first week of being gamble free so the urges are going to be there.
Got a film to watch tonight called 'St George's Day' it's supposed to be good if you like gang films or a bit of violence which I do even though I would never be violent lol.
Hope everyone is okay today
DAY 7 Completed (Almost)
Missed day today, woke up with a serious migraine at about 6am and I couldn't shake it off so had to go home at 1pm and go to bed, the only cure sometimes is sleep not to continue t stare at a computer all day. Normally I would stop off at the bookies on the way back or gamble online but not anymore, all blocks are now in place and a little will-power. Urges are there to but I can't and most importantly I won't react to them and instead will shrug them off. Going to bed now my right eye feels like it is going to explode 🙁
Affected by gambling?
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