My recovery diary - Last bet 18/02/2012 - Forwards and upwards

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Hey Wilsy,

Much congrats on day 37, I hope you have a very nice Easter.


Posted : 30th March 2013 7:34 am
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Thanks again everyone for the kind support.

DAY 37

Has been a brilliant day but been spending, spending and spending, money I don't have much of but sod it, I deserve it and at least it's not on gambling

Posted : 30th March 2013 7:27 pm
Posts: 0


Big upset your team getting turned over last night. You must be gutted especially with Cardiff dropping three points and Forest's winning streak coming to an end today. I noticed that Bolton were two up and lost after having a man sent off. Dougie Freedman must have a magic touch because earlier in the season Bolton were absolute g**h but a win today would have taken them just outside the play-offs. Who would you prefer as your manager - mental Holloway or Freedman? I hope you do it but the championship play-offs are a total lottery.

Well done on not gambling. I am trying to be careful with my cash at the moment and hope to spend as little as possible between now and the end of the month. I am no good in debt I just want to get out of it as quickly as possible.

Take care.


Posted : 30th March 2013 7:41 pm
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DAY 38

Tough question to answer Tomso. Freedman is a very good astute manager with a big future, he gets players fit and makes teams hard to beat but he plays a boring style of football. On the other hand Holloway has been there and done wonders with Blackpool, he likes to play attacking, attractive football but doesn't seem t pay much attention to defending. I personally would have preferred Freedman but he didn't want to stay with us and left for more money, so Holloway it is. I don't think we'll go up this year anyway but I do expect us to finish in the play-offs.

Easter is cr** this year, had a massive bust up with my mum and step-dad. They got into their heads I was easting out today so left me out of the family dinner plans. I always see red mist in this situation and all got completely out of hand with shouting, swearing and threats being passed around, all in front of the children which I am not proud about. Now sitting in my room keeping out of the way. I have been told to move out in 3 weeks, where and with what money I would like to ask them. Parents a bloody pain in the a**e. They help you but at the same time think they control you and are never in the wrong, My mother is the problem, she's losing the plot!

Very angry right now and starving so going to eat chocolate but I do know I won't crumble and gamble today.

Posted : 31st March 2013 1:51 pm
Posts: 0


I feel your pain buddie. My parents are the same. Great people deep down but once they turned sixty they began to lose the plot. Maybe I am getting anti-social but when I have a family dinner to go to although I enjoy the dinner I start to get itchy feet way before everyone else. I start looking at the watch and signal to the wife that it is time to go. Family are great but too much is too much. It must be tough for you at the moment living at home but things are picking up for you and your situation will be different soon enough. You are doing real well with not gambling and should remember that.


Posted : 31st March 2013 8:26 pm
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DAY 39

Thanks Tomso, it is amazing how similar we actually are, we should meet up! lol

Things are less strained in the house, I took my girlfriends advice and made the first move, apologising for my outburst so could be the bigger man. Jo doesn't like the way they treat me either but they never will change, I've just got to walk away from any situations in future.

Jo's mum made me a lovely roast dinner so I finally ate at 9pm and had a trifle for pudding which was bonus.

Today need to go to Tesco's parents have now gone to France for 3 weeks thank god and for me this is an opportunity for the first time ever not to give in to gambling in their absence which I have never managed to do before.

I am doing so very well and the tablets are still helping, I would be a fool to blow it now.

Today I will not gamble and I am confident I won't over the next 3 weeks.

Posted : 1st April 2013 11:06 am
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DAY 40

Just a short one today as I am in bed with some sort of bug that has wiped my energy. Still going strong.

Posted : 2nd April 2013 3:12 pm
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DAY 41 Completed.

Felt much better today and had a normal, boring day at work 🙂

Posted : 3rd April 2013 6:12 pm
Posts: 0


Good to hear you are feeling better .

What a great achievement it will be to stay gamble free whilst mum and dad are away .

I truly believe you can do . And it so very very great that you believe it too !

Take care , stay strong !

Shiny xxx

Posted : 3rd April 2013 6:24 pm
Posts: 4422

Andy great to read you are still gamble free my friend, i am glad to see you parents going away has you further focused on remaining gamble free.

Without doubt the right choice.

Well done my friend.

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 3rd April 2013 8:37 pm
Posts: 0

Keep it up wilsy soon be over 50 days

Good work

Posted : 3rd April 2013 10:11 pm
Posts: 0

Well done Wilsy.

You have done seriously well.


Posted : 4th April 2013 10:48 am
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DAY 42

Thank you Shiny, Duncan as always, Mr Woody and Michael, I am touched by all of your support words it means so much and I promise to catch up with all of your diaries and post back the same encouragement soon.

Got back home tonight and have the Bay to watch (Love film rental), I purchased 'Breaking Bad' season 1 (Box-set) because I heard it was good and 'Boardwalk Empires' on Blu-ray Box-set because I've seen a couple of episodes and really liked the look of the series, so for £24 in total, I'll keep myself busy and avoid any urges that might reappear.

Had a great day at work today, some days I just wake up and really have it but those days are rare but are becoming more frequent all results of not gambling. What a better life I have now that I have abstained for 42 days, well chuffed

Posted : 4th April 2013 6:17 pm
Posts: 832

Wilsy, you seem like a sound guy so I'm really pleased that you're having a good day and better time of it generally. I can confirm that Breaking Bad is absolutely freakin amazing. My favourite of these types of American dramas- and the following two series get somehow even better.

Posted : 4th April 2013 6:29 pm
Posts: 0

Good man wilsy, one weeks till and you'll be 50 not out,

Just getting into breaking bad myself, it's brilliantl

Have a top weekend and keep up great work

Posted : 5th April 2013 9:19 am
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