My recovery diary - Last bet 18/02/2012 - Forwards and upwards

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Just goes to show what life IS like when we don't gamble.

So why gamble?!


Posted : 23rd March 2012 6:21 pm
Posts: 0
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DAY 35 - No bet today 🙂

Thanks Dunc and GT, I appreciate your comments and support, plodding along quite nicely really, the key I go nowhere near the bookies and because I don't want to gamble, long may I feel like this.

Done very little today was supposed to have gone fishing but couldn't get out of bed, must go tomorrow instead.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend and are enjoying the sunshine.

Posted : 24th March 2012 7:57 pm
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DAY 36 - No bet today

In the garden having a BBQ with the family and occasionally sneaking into the house to watch the football and sit in my bedroom quietly.

Hope you are all having a good day.

Posted : 25th March 2012 3:43 pm
Posts: 0

Congrats on day 36 and what lovely weather for a barby! Hope you and your family have had a nice day in the sunshine and well done for reaching 5 weeks!


Posted : 25th March 2012 5:48 pm
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DAY 37 - No bet today, not even left the house.

A dull day today at work, put the hours in, it isn't my fault people don't take my calls or email me back, what are people coming too, just because it is a Monday and the weather is sunny, does it mean people need to be rude and not type a few words in response. 🙂

Apart from that my guinea pigs enjoyed a few hours out in the sun again, they are knackered now and have gone straight to sleep. It will take them a little while to get used to the outside I suppose, bless em.

Hope everyone else has had a good day.

Posted : 26th March 2012 5:57 pm
Posts: 0

Sounds like you are experiencing normality at the moment.

Which is great!


Posted : 26th March 2012 6:13 pm
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Thanks GT, It is nice especially to just go to Tesco, buy a few supplies and the bank account doesn't go down dramatically, like it would on the way home, when I used to draw out £100 to play with and end up with nothing.

Normality is refreshing hope you had a good day too.

Posted : 26th March 2012 8:58 pm
Posts: 4422


Fella what can i say,I looked back to your first few posts this morning,then read your last few fella and what a change.You value you pound notes,you have your humour back you have a better outlook on life.So I conclude fella that the gambling googles are off keep em off!!! well done.

duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 27th March 2012 9:56 am
Posts: 0

Hey willsy

Nkt had chance to read through te whole of your diary, but after the first three pages jst wanted to post and say that i can relate to lot of tr thinfs you've said. Problems with the girlfriend, boredom etc.

Its surprising how much a lot of us have in common aside from the obvious.

Hope all is well, take it easy

Posted : 27th March 2012 4:49 pm
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Hi Dunc and Andy,

Thank you both for your last comments, they really made me feel happy. At the moment I agree those gambling goggles are completely off. I think working from home, returning back to my parents, having a break from my girlfriend and having my own time back again to do what I want to do helps. I am thinking straight the urges aren't there at the moment and I value money again, love just seeing it in my account and I don't want to spend any! 🙂

I am pleased some of what I said made sense to you Andy, with me I have always had an addictive and adventurous personality, I have generally punished myself for many years and know all too well where I keep my self construct button. I probably suffer under stress, depression and boredom and they are my trigger points. Take those three away and I start to return to how I used to be. I am a compulsive gambler but for me I always remained controlled but when I was angry, depressed or stressed and I had time on my hands, I would go and blow a few hundred pounds at a time, the money I should save or do something nice with.

I do feel like I need a holiday at the moment and please forgive me, I won't post on your diaries tonight, but I will continue to follow you both from now on, I hope everything is OK with both of you, I am just far too tired tonight to read any posts at the moment.

Thanks again


Posted : 27th March 2012 6:56 pm
Posts: 0

Hey, we all need a break from reading and posting on these diaries from time to time!


Posted : 27th March 2012 6:57 pm
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Forgot to say 38 days without having a bet today, not had any urges, not been out of the house, online gambling I have never done and too busy with work to think of anything else, so another boring standard day really.

What I need to do is think of something fun to do on Sat.

Posted : 27th March 2012 6:58 pm
Posts: 0

Congrats for your 38 days

I'm waving at you from 30 days! So glad to hear you say it's been a boring day! Isn't that what we all crave? normality. Just a boring old day when the routine that bores us doesn't concern gambling. And for a fun weekend try go-carting lol it's a hoot!


Posted : 27th March 2012 7:47 pm
Posts: 1423

Hi wilsy

Thanks for ur support it was much appreciated , well done on ur 38 days keep it going , like Becky ur quickly establishing urself as an important member on this site like u I av noticed in the 8 weeks I av been here the amount of diaries started then a few posts later gone , u can often tell which ones the determination isn't quite there yet , all we can do is support and hope they see the light

Keep up the good work I assure u it doesn't go unnoticed


Posted : 28th March 2012 7:49 am
Posts: 0
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Thanks Becky & Castle 2,

I do like to read recent diaries and posts and comment wherever I can or if something comes to mind. Sometimes I am tired or don't have much to add which could benefit someone but sometimes I would like to hope my comments cheer someone up or help them. I just hope I make sense to you all.

39 Days completed today, no bet for me today. Had a rather frustrating day at work. My boss and I have 6 days to sell around £7,000 worth of advertising space and someone cancelled for an order today of £1,500 but what can you do. I just tell myself I am one of the hardest working people I know as what I do and there isn't much more I can do, apart from give 100%. The same with gambling if we give 100% towards working to understand how to deal with the urges and voices in our heads, then we should succeed. We all need to try not to beat ourselves up, try not to feel too much guilt or sorrow and remain positive about the futures we all have. It is up to us to say no to gambling and you and only us, know if we want to give up 100%. Myself, yourself, becky and others are all behind giving up for good and right now we have formed a supportive family, where we can all rely on each other for support. I like that lots! 🙂

Anyway a big mark tomorrow 40 days will be up, it has also been pleasing to know today that I have had a second phone call from a past employer, basically saying they would have some work or a job to offer me, if I ever found myself with a decision to make about leaving my current work. It is nice to know that I am thought off and held in high regard for work I did for them in the past. I have some safety nets around me, if my current job goes t**s up!

Anyway sorry to waffle on, hope you are all having very good days and evenings.

Andy xx

Posted : 28th March 2012 6:22 pm
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