My Recovery Diary (last bet 22/04/06 )

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Know how you feel - experiencing similar feelings myself.

Good news on the giraffe front as well.

Have a good weekend Jim - it's gonna be half a year soon - marvellous!! Hats off to you mate!!

All the best


Posted : 30th September 2006 8:19 am
Posts: 0

nice to hear that things are looking up for you jim.

take care and hang in there!!

this has nothing to do with nothing jim, but on the theam of giraffs i tell every group i teach that a giraffe has the same number of bones in its neck as a human!!

today is a good day, and i am living every moment to my full potential

Posted : 30th September 2006 9:33 am
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and you are spot on carol, a giraffe does have the same number of bones in its neck as a human.

anyway still no gambling and still free from urges at the moment, although i cant help feeling that they will rear their ugly heads again one day...but i will be ready for them this time and i wont let them win.

Jim (last bet 22/04/06)

Posted : 30th September 2006 8:40 pm
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Just a quicky to say all is well and still on track.

jim (last bet 22/04/06)

Posted : 5th October 2006 10:54 pm
Posts: 0

Keep up the great work mate.

You remain an inspiration to us all.

All the best


Posted : 6th October 2006 9:07 pm
Posts: 0


Two weeks form tomorrow will be half a year. I think that must feel very special - all credit to you Jim - you deserve the plaudits. Helping yourself BUT also helping others along the way.

Top man Jim

All the best


Posted : 7th October 2006 7:19 am
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had a lot on my mind these past few days, nothing to do with gambling except i haven't let my problems lure me back into the bookies, which is good.

one of the things that i have been thinking about is the recent kidnappings in Nigeria and as a result of my thinking i have told the zoo that I am not going on the proposed trip there in november.I feel it is too dangerous.

apart from all this i am still gambling free and looking forward to celebrating six months of abstinace in 12 days time.

i hope everyone is doing well and i will catch up on my reading and posting on these wonderful life changing stories, that help me along the way, soon.

all the best

Jim (last bet 22/04/06)

Posted : 10th October 2006 8:17 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Jim, long time no post!!

Just catching up. Sorry to hear about your decision about Nigeria, that must have been a biggie. That can't have been easy for you, mate.

But, as you say, keeping free from the gambling is a real achievement, and I salute you!! Seems like a long time now since I first read a post from you...great to hear that you're still going strong.

Anyway, like I say, I'm just catching up, so I'll post more when I get a chance -

Best wishes Jim,


Posted : 14th October 2006 12:32 pm
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I have been through quite a depressed time this last week or so, not really too sure where it came from but at last i seem to be coming out of it.

It made me forget my commitment to this site and to all the people on it for a while. I just didnt have anything to say really that would be of any use to anyone.

But, as i say I am coming out of it now and am pleased to say that I didnt resort to gambling to try and cheer myself up. So I am still on course for six months clean on saturday!

I hope everyone is well and i am trying to catch up on everyones diaries.

Jim (last bet 22/04/06)

Posted : 18th October 2006 10:56 pm
Posts: 0


Believe me when I say that if you are feeling depressed, the best thing is to talk to someone. Many of us find it hard to do-I know I did when I had severe depression about 10 years ago. I bottled up my emotions and did the 'man' thing-just got on with life but really just got more and more depressed. Eventually after gambling like a loon to get out of my state of mind, I got unsuprisingly much worse and sufferred a full on breakdown. Ended up not working for months then losing my home.

Websites like this as you well know, allow us to express our emotions and feelings without fear of being judged by others. Like you I have benefitted from the help and guidance given by many others and I know your words and thoughts have helped many unknown others.

I was sad to see you have been feeling down but also glad that after a short time you had posted your feelings and of course as you say you have not done what we all have done many times-gone running to the bookies to escape--Just shows how strong you are.

At this time of the year I think many people feel incredibly low -- possibly due to the thought of a long winter ahead. My passion for cricket means that at this time of the year I have little to look forward to in this respect as next April is a long way off. In the past I would have looked at national hunt racing as my main focus for the winter and all my thoughts would have been based on betting-Now with the help of your goodself and many others I do not feel this way now.

As you said on my diary-do not be too hard on yourself. What you have achieved this last six months is incredible.

All the best


ps I suppose I would feel down if my team was Torquay United--even my small local club knocked you out of the fa cup two years ago.

Posted : 19th October 2006 7:49 am
Posts: 0

Hi Jim,

I know exactly what you mean about 'not feeling that I have much to say at the moment', sometimes quiet periods of introspection isn't a bad thing...but Stumper is right, the trick is knowing the point at which it has become something else. I trust you to do that.

Keep strong mate, you have provided an inspiration to many, including myself...


Posted : 19th October 2006 3:14 pm
Posts: 0

thanks jim for that yes 11 weeks in a few hours l feel sure l am on the way to recovery but will still tread slowley and surley as l do not want to slip you must feel great by the lenth of time you have not gambledl can only dream about that lenth of time hpe you are ok did you watch footie tonight my son is over from spain and he supports spurs so l had no choice post soon loza xx

Posted : 19th October 2006 10:16 pm
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Hi all

I am picking myself up more and more each day and starting to feel my old happy self again.

almost at six months clean now (only two days to go) so I am looking forward to that milestone.

Thanks for your posts, it does help.

all the best

Jim (last bet 22/04/06)

Posted : 20th October 2006 5:00 pm
Posts: 0

forgot to say will raise a glass to you on sunday for six months good on you loza xx

Posted : 20th October 2006 5:30 pm
Posts: 0


A quick congratulatory (slightly premature I know) note for Sunday. 6 whole months - a remarkable, fantastic achievement! What I really like about you Jim is that even though you've done almost half a year - you're still on helping and encouraging others.

You've set the benchmark Jim! Will toast you on Sunday

All the best


PS Now for a YEAR

Posted : 20th October 2006 11:15 pm
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