My Recovery Diary (last bet 22/04/06 )

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hi jim & jac,

wishing you both a happy new year and best wishes for 2008!!

you have been an inspiration to me jim, you've been through so much this year but have kept strong keep going, thank you both for your support!!!

jac: i'm with you on the diet first thing on my list to do this year, one day at a time lol it can be done for sure

love to you both

jane x

Posted : 1st January 2008 2:59 am
Posts: 0

happy new year jim and jac. and thanks for everything you guys mean to me




Posted : 1st January 2008 1:45 pm
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Well 2008 is well under way and I am happy with my life. My gambling days are in the past and i can look forward to the rest of my life free from the stress, the pain and the misery that gambling has brought me and my family.

I look forward with caution though as i know only too well that this addiction can come back with a vengence if i allow it to, but only if I allow it. If I stay on the path of recovery and continue to work at the changes that I am making within myself then I will achieve what I desire.....a gambling free life.

If you always think how you have always thought

Then you will always feel how you always felt

If you always feel how you always felt

Then you will always do what you have always done

If you always do what you have always done

Then you will always get what you have always got

If you always get what you always got

Then you will always think how you always thought

Jim (last bet 22/04/06)

Posted : 6th January 2008 8:14 am
Posts: 0

HI Jim

I like how you put that, its truly is as simple as that

if i allow it to, but only if I allow it

Take Care



Posted : 7th January 2008 5:45 pm
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We have to make changes if we truly want to beat this addiction. We cannot stay the same, doing the same things, living the same way, thinking the same thoughts. If we stay the same then nothing will change.

We all have the power to change, afterall we wernt born compulsive gamblers, we changed into a compulsive gambler and we can change back into a non gambler if we make the nessasary changes in our lives.

take care all

Jim (last bet 22/04/06)

Posted : 14th January 2008 1:53 pm
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It works for me and has worked for the past 640 days approximately.

Jim (last bet 22/04/06)

Posted : 20th January 2008 1:16 pm
Posts: 0

HI Gull

640 days now thats whats its all about..

Seeing it being done helps me every day..

A big thank you to Jac aswell, I sometimes forget how it effects my Hubby and Jac helps us both xx

I am warming more and more to the Just for Today, because for 1 day anybody can do it..Its taking me time to see that, and sometimes I try to look to far ahead..

But recently since my slip I often say to myself (especially when driving) surely I can do this just today...

Take Care to Both Of YOu




Posted : 20th January 2008 11:48 pm
Posts: 0

Your meeting is on my "to do " list this year, i will get there and make a guest appearance.

Best wishes

Posted : 21st January 2008 1:46 am
Posts: 0


Thought I would 'drag' your diary up from the depths! lol

Thank you Lucy x

Just wanted to say how proud I am of you Jim. You have worked so hard these last few years. You appear to get stronger every day. Life is so different now in so many ways. You even look physically younger, as you no longer carry those gambling emotions within your face or body. Such burdens to carry & hide.

I read so many times on this forum of those who wouldn't confide in their partners about their addictions.

I know that you didn't until you reached your rock bottom. But when you did, it was the end of your downward spiral and the beginning of the climb. For both of us.

Honesty IS the only way forward. Those that dont face that in themselves firstly, let alone refrain from telling the most important person that they share their lives with. They are just kidding themselves that they have got to grips with this gambling addiction.

You have to change...gambling = a lying life. Simple.

If you dont make honest changes... the addiction will in time, come back and bite you on the b*m ! Simple.

No matter how much you hurt me, our daughters and our relationship through gambling. We definitely would not of stood a chance without honesty. So thank you.

I know that I haven't been easy (understatement... do I hear you say!) to live with these last few months, due to my health. I have been in so much pain 24/7 which I know has made me... well not pleasant to be around at times. It has consumed my life and everyone around me.

I really do appreciate what you have been doing recently, you are my rock. This year ahead is going to be a difficult one but hopefully... when I'm fixed, a happier, less moaning future! lol

With a lot more travelling, I hope 🙂

Love you

Jackie x x x

Posted : 29th January 2008 11:29 am
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We are a team Jac. we are beating my addiction together and we will get you back on your feet again..together.

You and me...together for ever , no matter what life throws at us.


Jim (last bet 22/04/06)

Posted : 1st February 2008 7:33 am
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We had six people turn up for last wednesdays Paignton GA meeting..the most yet!!!!

It seems like it is finally coming together. I must admit that i was getting a bit despondant at the lack of people and was starting to wonder wether there was a need for the group....I must learn to be a bit more patient.

all the best

Jim (last bet 22/04/06)

Posted : 11th February 2008 10:11 am
Posts: 0

hi jim, well done with your meetings. I know how much blood, toil, sweat and tears that both you and jac have put into this group.

i can relate on the patience bit, it seems to be a common personality trait among us gamblers. Maybe in relation to the meetings you can see the work that you have been putting is as building solid foundations, and now you are beginning to see the results coming.

Hang in there jim, what you are doing is so worth while, and those 6 who came on wednesday would have had no where else to go if it werent for you and jac. I am sure that they are grateful, and their families are also grateful.

Thinking of you, and thinking how much both you and jac have to offer to those coming behind you.




Posted : 11th February 2008 10:45 am
Posts: 0

Hi Jim. Congrats on the turnout at the meeting. I'm sure it was frustrating with a low turnout, but remember, even if it was just one person, that meeting could be the thing that saves their life! You ARE making a difference, not just in your own life, but to so many around you. So is Jackie. You are both very special people!

Love, Anna

Posted : 11th February 2008 3:38 pm
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Thanks Anna and Rusty.

I am just off to GA and i am more convinced than ever that i am on the right path. Beating this addiction needs effort putting into it. Barriers need to be put into place and kept in place. Complacency will send the gambler right back to the bookies, machines, poker sites.

Working a recovery program is the way to finally become a winner.

all the best

Jim (last bet 22/04/06)

Posted : 20th February 2008 6:40 pm
Posts: 0

go for it jim

i am 100% behind you




Posted : 20th February 2008 6:53 pm
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