My Recovery Diary (last bet 22/04/06 )

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Congratulations Jim! Well done and keep up the good work.

Here's a quick (south coast) joke for ya!

Weathermen were baffled yesterday, when apparently the temperature in Portsmouth hit 70 degrees whilst in Southampton it was minus 10! ;o)

All the best


Posted : 25th April 2009 10:58 am
Posts: 0
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I hear lots of reasons why people go back to gambling.

I was bored......

I have debts.......

I had an argument.....

My friends all gamble.....

I missed the excitement.....

I thought i could control it......

I thought just one bet wouldn't hurt.....

It always ends up the same...loads more worry, debt, hurt,etc.

Almost all these reasons could apply to me too but I wont let them get me back gambling because I know that...

I cannot gamble again

I am a compulsive gambler and like it or not I will always be a compulsive gambler.

The only way to stop me returning to the rubbish life I had is to never gamble again.

If I dont gamble then I cannot have any of the problems that gambling caused me.

Its a very simple equation really....

Gambling = lies, debt, worry, heartbreak.

No gambling = Honesty, money to spend, peace, wellbeing.

I never want to return to the life that I had and I never will as long as I dont gamble.

Jim (last bet 22/04/06)

Posted : 10th May 2009 10:00 am
Posts: 0

Hey Jim

Thank you for your post. I know you won't mind if I print this last post off and stick it to my fridge. It is helping me a lot at the moment. Thank you so much for writing it.

I hope you and Jac are well. I'm not too bad, I am glad I have this site to read and write on and the friends here for support. Big Hug to you and Jac

God Bless

Charly xx

Posted : 10th May 2009 11:34 am
Posts: 0

WOW!!!!!!!! 3 years, you are a true inspiration to us all gamble free wanabee's.

A massive well done and Torquay didn't do too shabby themselves

Posted : 18th June 2009 10:42 pm
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Cheers Stephen.

A non gambling life is there for any one of us who decide to take it.

It can be achieved by putting barriers in place, to stop that first bet being placed.

Examples of these are self exclusion, getting rid of credit cards, not having spare cash lying around.

There are loads of ways to buy some thinking time when the urges strike.

Having barriers in place also gives you time to change the way you become a non gambler.

Its not always easy, but it is always achievable if the effort and commitment are put in.

And Yes...Torquay did ok. Back in the league.

Jim (last bet 22/04/06)

Posted : 19th June 2009 6:46 pm
Posts: 0

Well done Jim, inspirational as always.

I call it the 3D's...desire, determination and drive. If you have them in abundance anything is achievable.


Posted : 19th June 2009 11:49 pm
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Still here and still gambling free.

I wish I could convey to people that a life without gambling problems is achievable if we accept that gambling has us beat and we do everything within our powers to stop us placing another bet.

Accept defeat and life can be rebuilt, day by day.

It breaks my heart to continually read stories of despair and hopelessness, but I will continue to read them as it reminds me of where I was and strengthens my resolve never to return there again.

It also makes me happy to read stories of success, to hear of people who have turned their lives around.

One day at a time i will continue on this road of recovery I have chosen to follow. Enjoying my gambling free life but never forgetting where I could return if I placed another bet.

The only sure way of never having gambling problems is to never gamble again, which is why I wont even buy a lottery ticket or even a raffle ticket.

I am pretty sure that buying a raffle ticket would not make me return to the bookies but if there is the slightest risk that it could then I dont want to take that risk.

Zero gambling works.

Jim (last bet 22/04/06)

Posted : 21st July 2009 1:31 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Jim

Can you do me a favour please? Could you find out how Paignton G.A. is doing at the moment? How many people go regularly.

The reason I am asking is because I am now part of the regional G.A. team and Paignton falls under the South Coast and West region.

It would be great if someone could come to the next regional meeting which is on the 7th November at 2.30 in Havant. If someone is interested they can contact me and I will give them directions at [email protected]

Can someone from the group contact me anyhow. I need a posting address for g.a. information etc

Thanks for helping

Love and Hugs

God Bless

Charly/Sabine xx

Posted : 18th August 2009 3:16 pm
Posts: 0

As always Gull

Nice to read your posts ......

Take Care (both of you x)


kim XX

Posted : 19th August 2009 10:42 pm
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It's been a while since I posted on my diary, but to be quite honest, things have just been trucking along with no urges or desires to start gambling again.

I am still as determined as ever to not place that first bet because I still remember very vividly where that bet will most likely lead me, and I never want to be in that place again.

Life goes on with it's ups and downs but I know that gambling can never be a part of my life again, I wont even buy a raffle ticket just incase it awakens those feelings in me again.

My gambling life may be gone but it will never be forgotten. I will always remember what I turn into when I gamble and I never want to become that person again.

Jim (last bet 22/04/06)

Posted : 14th November 2009 12:41 pm
Posts: 0

Glad to see you still popping in. Hope you and Jac are fine. Love and Hugs to both of you. I think of you both often. You have been an inspiration for me in my recovery and I thank God for guiding me alongside your paths.

God Bless


Posted : 14th November 2009 6:12 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Jim

Would just like to say it was nice reading your last post and as charly has said realy quite inspirational! Being honest i have read some of your diary after jac posted on mine and found it realy quite emotional.. I like the honest raw postings, which show genuine pain and heartache. Not meaning i get pleasure out of reading about peoples misery tho! Just i can relate to the grim feelings of worthlessness and sheer desperation...Combined with the loss of losing family, friends and job due to my OLD gambling habits and dishonesty...Sorry for babbling away on your diary...I am on day 136 now and have had one slip up, whcih now is nearly 10 wks ago.

Anyway i sound nuts, take care, hope jac is ok and you enjoy the rest of your weekend.. I thank you for keeping your diary going as it such an inspiration to all us ex cg's.... ands

Posted : 15th November 2009 11:27 am
Posts: 4881

Hi Jim,

Congratulations to you and your continued recovery. I can only echo much of what you say. Am sure that you will continue to drop by with your updates. Regards.. S.A 🙂

Posted : 15th November 2009 2:47 pm
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Well, Christmas is almost upon us once again.

It was nice yesterday to go out and buy quite expensive presents for my daughters without having to wory about where the money is going to come from.

Because the money came from my savings!

I am fifty years old next march and have never had savings before in my life. I have had large sums of money on me and hidden away, but this was winnings that I couldnt spend as it would have raised too many questions about where it came from. Also it was my gambling money and yes it always all went back to the bookies.

These days I have a few thousand in my bank account, money that I have earnt and saved. Money that is there for me and my family to enjoy.

My life has changed so much since I decided that I will never place another bet on anything at all. Buying nice presents for the kids is just one thing that I now enjoy. Now that i have stopped gambling.

Jim (last bet 22/04/06)

Posted : 11th December 2009 8:28 am
Posts: 0

Hiya Jim

Great post. I'm nearly one and half years gamble free and if I keep doing what I'm doing I hope to get where you are now.

Congratulations on your continued recovery.

Best Wishes Del 🙂

Posted : 11th December 2009 10:01 am
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