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Yo Toad,

That bought a smile to this mug, and you're probably justified in thinking that way as people do tend to jump on the band wagon ( guess im 1 of em ). I guess predominately its because we can relate to your thought patterns and can see ourselves in the obsticles put in the way of recovery.

Keep reading and posting, find your feet in recovery and follow the path which suits you.

Posted : 11th January 2016 2:01 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Toad,

Seems like you have reached the crossroads as to what to do next.

Do I gamble or do I not?

No one on this forum can answer that question - only you can.

People are not having a pop. They interpret your actions and words in a certain way and as the old saying goes "if you don't want shot don't raise your head above the parapet".

Your wife is very supportive of you and nothing goes smoothly in life or relationships. Throw in gambling and everything gets turned upside down. You know that as well as I do.

We are all here to help and the fact people are posting is testament as to how much we want to help and are helping. You just don't realise.

Flowers, choccies for the wife. Fab idea. Sit down and talk. Be honest. You have nothing to lose and a lot to gain.

Best wishes

Posted : 11th January 2016 2:12 pm
Posts: 1345

Lol Tom, I suspect your getting exactly what you wish from your posts. Attention


Posted : 11th January 2016 2:14 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Toad , If only you were an effing toad my friend your life would be much more simple but your not !!.

Your'e a man or supposed to be ?, so why not have a good rummage around and see if you can find a pair !

Everyone on this site has given you nothing except support or constructive critisicm , your word's and promises are empty and hollow . you speak day after day of wanting to give up gambling but nothing changes if nothing changes and to be honest you don't want to change my friend .

Going into work with £80 ! whats that all about ? , I'll tell you ! It's about you making a concious decision this morning to go in with enough money to have a bet because you know your'e going to ! , you dont want to be near a bookies when the urge strikes and not have the funds to satisfy that urge , correct ?.

As Oldham and many others have said . " Patience is wearing a bit thin right now " , I'll support anyone on here with a genuine commitment to at least trying to stop gambling but you my friend are taking the Piiiiisssss big time !.

You still have my support Toad but with a condition of a bit more effort !

Posted : 11th January 2016 2:22 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hello folks,

I said i would be honest. Well i did the £80 in this lunchtime. Am i annoyed??Yes I am but i will get over it. If someone can learn from my mistake today please do.

I knew it was silly bringing ВЈ80 today. Tomorrow I will bring £3.

I am positive but even I am losing patience with myself.

What a waste of time and money today.

I owe ВЈ250 on overdraft. I am getting a £180 refund from phone provider. That is the next test. Can i use it wisely?

As for me controlling finances? I won't be for a while. I can't manage £80.


Posted : 11th January 2016 2:23 pm
Posts: 0

Yep, point prove Toad ! Concious decision ?

Posted : 11th January 2016 2:26 pm
Posts: 0
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Hello Alan,

I agree with your comments. I'm not doing enough. This week I will carry nothing. I will try again tomorrow. I want time away from gambling. It's not doing my mind , body or soul any good.

A Toad would have a better life. But I believe in myself. I will try harder tomorrow.

Determined Toad

Posted : 11th January 2016 2:30 pm
Posts: 0

I admire your honesty on this forum.

And I mean on this forum.

You have attracted a lot of support here. People care, take the time and want to help.


I'm no herpetologist but I know nonsense when I read it.


You don't need to rethink your game plan - you need to get one.

Best wishes.

Posted : 11th January 2016 2:38 pm
Posts: 0

As much as I want to believe what your saying , the same thing is going to keep happening every day unless you change !.

It's like Groundhog day for you , because every morning you get up after feeling Shhiiittyyy because of the day before and what youv'e yet again lost and expect the slate to be wiped clean !.

Stop making apologies to yourself and everyone here , get all the blocks in place today and choose not to gamble !.

And be a determined human being not a toad ?.

Take care for now !

Posted : 11th January 2016 2:44 pm
Posts: 0

What are you going to tell your wife?


Posted : 11th January 2016 2:51 pm
Posts: 7071

S**t :-/ flowers for missus? A little dissapointed but not giving up on you!
Give me a shout when ya ready to be as honest to her as you are on here...most importantly - honest to YOURSELF of what you want going forward with your life.

Sad Sandra :-/ 🙁

Posted : 11th January 2016 2:56 pm
Posts: 0
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I can only apologise. The support on here is brilliant. I do feel sad now but I needed a kick up the backside.

Going cold Turkey. Minimal money the rest of the week.


Posted : 11th January 2016 3:08 pm
Posts: 0

What are you going to tell your wife?


Posted : 11th January 2016 3:30 pm
Posts: 0

Toad , No apologies fella , just decide which way you want go, because you can't be a part time Compulsive Gambler .

125 day's ago I made a decision to stop gambling and I have , Has it been easy for me ? alongside some , yes it has , have I had urges to go back to my old ways ? , yes I have but I didn't , simply because I choose recovery over gambling , its something I want more than to place another bet .

Were no different you and I except for one thing , I refuse point blank to give into those urges , those feelings in the pit of my stomach telling me to have another bet ! , they pass quicker each day now , you just get through them , however you need to , one day at a time .

The only time I look into a bookies these days , is to glance at the poor souls left inside and remember just how bad I used to feel when gambling took over my life .

I love this life of recovery , as Dunc's says " It's a gift " something wonderfull has happened in my life and it will in your's , you just have to open the door and let it in mate !.

Do what you need to do but keep the faith my friend !.


Posted : 11th January 2016 3:36 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hello Alan and CW,

CW I won't be telling wife as i'll be packing up. No brainer.

Alan good advice. Tomorrow I start again.

This Toad will never quit. I will fight the turfs on the street, i will fight the turfs in the town.

Come on Toad,
You can do it.

PS might pawn something tomorrow to get me through the week.

Posted : 11th January 2016 4:34 pm
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