Thankyou sbisstopping and Alan,
I don't know how to reply to your posts to be honest. I am negative at the minute and the posts are negative. I'm just spiralling downwards again.
I'm on the pond bed fighting for breath. I need to save myself before it's too late.
Posted to you a few weeks ago still valid today
If you keep doing what youre
You'll keep getting what you're getting,
Hi All,
Tomorrow is a new day. Meeting my sister for a subway salad.
I will be back.
How exactly do you and your wife expect to purchase a house and maintain the requisite payments?
Because if the mortgage is unpaid, you and Mrs and any small fry will be out.
Sorry bud buts it true. Ive been in chat tonight with a few new guys who have done SE after a couple of days. Yes they might fail and have a bet but they have a better chance now the have self excluded. It's a must for you.
Edit if those guys read this I'm not saying you will fail.
Thanks Cynical wife and Oldham,
We have got a mortgage and we move into our new house next month.
Let's not underestimate how far i have come. The last 2 years my wife took charge of my wages.
We will make payments. I only lost ВЈ12 today. So we need to put it into perspective. Tomorrow i bring £8 for lunch.
I will be sensible the next 25 years.
As Del boy said regarding me lapsing today :-
' it's a dropstitch in lifes tapestry '
Talk of your daily food allowance and what your going to eat is great Paul but it really doesn't matter if you lost 12 P today , the fact is that you are still making those almost daily trips to the bookies and because of that your still a fully active gambler , it is a small thing but we all ended up here by starting small and we all know where that leads us .
£8 for lunch. The phrase "you are having a laugh" spring to mind.
I hope i am wrong but i am going to predict the future. You have cash and you have not excluded and if you can you will gamble tomorrow
Prove me wrong
Toad is getting angry. I need a good night sleep.
Tomorrow brings a new day and new hope for the future.
PS I don't find anything funny about gambling.
I wish Paul was getting angry but Paul doesn't gamble Toad does
Paul, you have come along way - you have developed from a compulsive gambler who wanted to stop to a compulsive gambler who is not prepared to do what is needed to stop!
In honesty, I don't care about what you eat but I can't understand what is stopping you from committing to change. I will say it once more - read back through your diary and it will be come clear what you need to do.
Nothing changes if nothing changes!
Hi sbisstopping,
I wish i had time to read my diary from start to finish but i work full time and i'm in the process of moving house.
Things have changed. My diary has changed. I lasted 11 days without a bet. For me that is progress be it small.
My diary will remain optimistic. The doubters can doubt.
Maybe re -read your diary in your lunch hour instead of gambling because you always seem to find the time for that Paul ?
Just saying !
Hi toad I have a similar diary to urs with countless day ones, however the difference with urs is people still care enough to read urs every now and then and pass on encouragement. I have a mortgage and make sure I pay if and all my bills on the day I get paid . Ive just been made redundant and managed to get a job in a matter of weeks and am really happy I can still pay my mortgage ever month. I would suggest starting to save a bit of money for a rainy day when it comes to paying ur mortgage and bills it will help. I will check on ur diary now and hopefully see u aking the right choices
And if there not the right choices make sure u have that rainy day money for paying your mortgage. Hope my advice helps
Affected by gambling?
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