I am going to post one last message. If what you have said about your personal life is true then I feel for you. On the other hand you treat this forum like a joke. You do not respond to the massively helpful posts which are helpful and from people who know the score. You moan about negativity and then post rubbish about betting 30p in a bookies! I think you are a troll who gets a kick out of winding people up who are effing serious about being gamble-free. Gambling is not a joke. People on this forum have taken an interest in many of your posts and you have taken the P-iss and insulted those kind people.
Ditto the above Phil. Kind regards, Fred.
Hello everyone. We recognise that this thread elicits some strong feelings. We want you to be able to express these feelings, but in places this thread does not meet the forum rule about being respectful of each other's views. In particular there is both explicit and implicit name calling going on. It might be more helpful if people could express their views in terms like 'when you say or do x, it makes me feel y'. Alternatively, as we've said before, if there are threads on this forum which make you angry or distressed it might be best to avoid those threads for the sake of your own recovery.
Forum Admin
Hi Paul , slightly strange post you left on my diary page and not actually to me , I know you said you were'nt going to post until the 15 th of July , obviously a change of mind there then but anything I can help you with regarding the post ?
Thanks for hopping over to my diary Paul....I'm sorry to say I'm not painting it green ! Lol
Hope you keeping well ...
: )
Hi Gampeeps,
Yes i was swimming to my new lily pad and i got distracted by the bookies.
I was in yesterday at work and after work.
So today I self exclude
As i said to loxxie.
Did i care about going into the bookies...no
Did i think of my wife....no
Life in general.....don't give a toads spawn of a hop. Whatever...
I feel ok today. No point being sad.
Everyone have a good day and hop.
Everybody just hop..
Hop hop everybody.
You should feel sad because you are full of BS about self-exclusion and come on here telling us all you have had a bet. Why don't you grow up and get real about recovery instead of posting the same rubbish about "lily pads" and other c**P. Your posts aren't funny and I can't see how any of the garbage you come out with would help a desperate newbie to the forum.
Hi Phil,
Stay strong in your recovery. I wish you well mate. You have given me great support so thanks again.
I don't detect any sense of "recovery" in any of your posts. You just mock people who have tried to be supportive. I'm new to this way of life but have been gamble free for over four months with support from this forum, will-power, incorporating some aspects of the 12 steps, humility, listening to wiser people than myself + self-exclusion etc. What do you do? Take the P-iss and act like it's all a big joke. Well it isn't. Like I said - GROW UP and stop messing people around who have been decent and kind enough to try and help you.
ps well done on day 267.
Hi Phil,
I am doing fantastic to what I used to be. Gamcare has been very supportive.
I do the odd bet here and there but i intend stopping. That is why toad is here. Toad has changed dramatically and for that I am proud.
Your opinion on me does not make a difference to me. I don't hold you in any value.
What i do know is with 2 years being sensible me and Mrs Toad will be getting our dream home. A nice home overlooking the sea. Being a toad i like being near water 🙂
Whether you like my posts or believe it's a joke is your opinion. I have a simple solution :-
It is my diary and i am making progress. I went into your diary and there was nothing there. ( well there were 3 posts ) You have nothing to say? Nothing constructive. All negativity.
That negativity comes from your own issues with gambling. There are many genuine people on here like myself who want to help you. First you have to accept you have a problem.
Thanks for your continued support Phil. And remember you can't win because you can't stop.
PS Q) what did the bus conductor say to the toad?
A) hop off
Still craving attention I see. Kind regards, Fred.
Hi Fred,
If you crave attention get yourself a partner or a hobby 🙂
Or even better. A life.
Hello Boro,
Thanks for your input.
' . '
Hello Gambler.toad / all
I notice that you've decided to have a break from the forum, Gambler.toad, and I hope that does help you to focus on your recovery. As always, we're here if you need support.
I can see that there's some strong feelings about your recovery here and that some people have voiced that their patience has started to wear thin. Please could everyone try to remember that each individual recovery is different, and as much as you care about other members of the forum and want to help them, sometimes only they can help themselves. There are many stages of recovery and starting a diary signifies a desire to stop gambling. It does not mean someone is actively taking steps to stop or is consistently doing so.
We understand that supporting others on the forum is challenging and often conjures up mixed emotions. If it's difficult to invest time and energy into supporting gambler.toad in this way, without seeing any clear signs of progress, then perhaps it's best to steer clear of his diary all together. Regardless of whether gambler.toad is managing to act on advice given, and progress with his recovery in the way that you would like, it seems unfair to target him and mock his use of the forum. It is after all, his diary. Clearly the same goes for posts you make, Gambler.toad. So everyone, if you do continue to post here then please remember the forum rules and post respectfully.
Best wishes
Forum admin
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