new to this - day 1

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Yes, thinking AHEAD is the right way to go about things.

And we all have a really bright future ahead of us!


Posted : 17th December 2010 4:45 pm
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25days gamble free - I haven't really posted much lately..kinda feelin that I don't need to but I don't want to stop just incase. In a real good place at the moment haven't even thought about gambling at all recently. Been home for 3days coz the snow has kept me stuck in didn't even come into my head about gambling, I even have a spare £200 this month which would usualy be spent straight away. 4weeks friday 🙂

Posted : 21st December 2010 7:47 pm
Posts: 0

Hi J100

You are doing amazingly well! Hope that it continues! I imagine that you are seeing a difference, not only financially but in your relationships with other people and your mood; no more mood swings, irritability etc.

Hope to hear how you get on over Christmas and all that, it's really nice to read that you are beating this thing and staying positive!

Posted : 21st December 2010 10:31 pm
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4weeks today still going strong and positive. Lookin forward to christmas with friends and family 🙂 hope everyone has a gamble free christmas.

Posted : 24th December 2010 11:20 am
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Still gamble free. Me and my boyfriend split up today, was my choice but hopefully I keep a strong head on me and don't start gambling. Hope everyone has had a lovely christmas.

Posted : 25th December 2010 10:04 pm
Posts: 0

Congratulations on a month gambling free.

I am new to this site and hopefully will be in your position this time next month. I've finally admitted I have a problem, although i'm too scared and ashamed to tell my family. I'm determined to get through this. Today has probably been one of the hardest days of my life.

Posted : 26th December 2010 2:09 am
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Well done accepting it. You have done the right thing coming on here, I would not have been able to do this without the site. If you ever have an urge just come on here and read. Im only a month into it but am feeling so good and I actually have some money this month (not a lot but more than I would when I would be gambling) look forward to hearing you progress

Posted : 26th December 2010 4:32 am
Posts: 0

thank you for your reply, believe me right now it means a lot, i am going to try and get some sleep now and hopefully everything will work out for the best, glad to know i'm not alone

Posted : 26th December 2010 6:47 am
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Ok so im doing really well at the moment but just had a slight urge so ive come on here. Would say this is my 1st proper urge in the 4weeks ive not gambled. Thought it would be the best thing to come on here whilst having this urge to make me realise how stupid it would actually be to gamble.

Posted : 28th December 2010 6:35 pm
Posts: 0

Hi J100

You have been doing really well this far. An urge is just an urge if you don't act on it. You will get them. Well done for coming on here instead. This is the first time I've been here today so didn't see your post earlier. I hope that you managed to resist the urge. Just think about all the things that you have gained over the last month and that you will continue to gain by not gambling.

Take care and keep it up- you can do it!- You are doing it!

Posted : 29th December 2010 1:31 am
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Thanks for the support tiktak. Well I resisted the urge anyway. 5weeks friday, this website has helped me so much I hope to go into the new year gamble free and I will stay this way. And its so nice havin a little bit of money to spend on myself and not gamble it all away.

Posted : 29th December 2010 12:22 pm
Posts: 0

Great going, j100 and not long until we can all look forward to the start of a whole year of being gamble free.


Posted : 29th December 2010 2:35 pm
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Last gambled 26th november 2010. But I seem to be getting a lot of urges recently and I feel like im going to give in. Luckily im back in work tuesday, had 2weeks off work so im pleased I haven't gambled in this time as ive had a lot of time on my hands and also had the money. Don't post on here very often maybe I should because of these urges im getting.

Posted : 2nd January 2011 2:18 pm
Posts: 0

Maybe you should too! But well done on getting through a difficult 2 weeks and hopefully going back to work will keep those awful urges away.

May 2011 be a truly prosperous year for you - roll on New Years' Eve when we can toast a hugely significant gambling-free year!


Posted : 2nd January 2011 4:27 pm
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I am actually starting to feel quite weak, ive not gambled but found myself searchin on the internet tonight for websites to gamble on. I think because ive gone so long all the hurt and pain gambling causes I forget about this. Ive done so well 5weeks I can't ruin this but I really think I am going to 🙁 ive got £150 to last me til the 26th of this month so I can't even afford to gamble it away. I don't use my laptop very often I thought about maybe selling it then I can't gamble on there what do you think? As I use my mobile for the internet and don't gamble via this.

Posted : 2nd January 2011 9:25 pm
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