No going back

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Right, I've had a few of these forums but I feel I've never really told my story so here goes..

I'm Angie, I'm 23 years old and I'm a gambling addict. It all started over 4 years ago, my fiance at the time would put a few bets on the roulette table. I used to say to him don't be so stupid and be angry when he would loose. All of a sudden I was enjoying betting with him, the thrill excited me and one time we walked out of the bookies 100 up! Fantastic I thought! Little did I know this excitement would end up ruining my life.

It came to September 2010 and my fiance at the time was leaving to go on a Afghanistan tour. I was devastated, and what did I do to pass time? Gamble. I became withdrawn in my own little bubble, loosing the people I loved and the enjoyment from the outside world. I would sit for hours and hours just playing roulette on websites. I would be up. A lot. One time I even won 3000, of course that didn't last long. I was an addict, and no matter how much money I was up, I would play, again and again until every single penny was gone.

Coming to the end of March 2011 and my fiance was due home. I had maxed out my 1600 overdraft. Not a single penny to my name. He supported me, to begin with anyway. I don't think he truly understood how this addiction was beginning to effect my life. Every time he went back to camp, I would gamble. It was like an escape from reality. An exciting escape, with terrifying consequences that I was yet to face.

I was a student at the time so of course every loan I got went on the tables, I tried to use some of it wisely but of course once I received money, the bank let me increase my overdraft. All of a sudden it was maxed out at 2600. Then I found I wasn't just an addict, I was a lier. I will never forget the moment my fiance asked me why I couldn't pay for my car insurance, I said 'I'll do it this week, it's my money'. I think the tears in my eyes showed him something was up. He asked ''how much are you in your overdraft?', I told him. It was a relieve, but it was also the start of my heartbreak. I knew he couldn't be with someone who chose money over him, he told me it was over. But then decided he would try and help me. He did do, for a while anyway. He took over my bank account, closely watching I hadn't gambled.. And I didn't! Until he decided he didn't want to be with me anymore.

He finished me whilst I was at work, a relationship of 4 years all over with a single text message. That was it, as soon as I get home I'm going to gamble. That was my first thought. Not the fact that woah I'm now single, I've lost my bestfriend, the person I thought was the love of my life.

This was the 16th October 2011 and my god I wish I could go back to the day and change direction. I gambled every day, every week, whatever money I could get my hands on. Constantly getting charged for going over my overdraft, but 'it's fine' I thought. I'm going to win big one day and nothing will matter. How wrong could I have been?

Fast forward to today, 23rd August 2014. I am in debt with my gran, my father, numerous payday loans that I'm currently in a debt management plan with.. And to top it off I also owe student finance.. All together were talking nearly 30,000 and do you know where it's mostly gone? On a virtual roulette wheel.

I have become a lier, a thief (from my own family) and someone I thought I would never become. I am depressed. I feel alone like there's nobody to talk too. I don't think anybody understands what it feels like to be an addict until you actually are one. Sometimes I just want to scream in the middle of a busy place 'I am a gambling addict and I need help'.

My life is ruined, I know I'm only 23 and people say 'things will always get better' but will they? Will I ever get better? Will I beat this? I have tried and tried and tried until I feel there's nothing more to give, but once I've let myself down, I just carry on gambling, I need that excitement back, I need that rush.

Then boom, the money's gone, because there's no winning when your an addict.. You play, you play until every single penny has left your account. You play till there's no chips on the table. You play till you feel suicidal and there's no way out.

I've tried talking to people, I've tried counselling, I'm on a waiting list for CBT therapy. I don't even know why I gamble anymore, I have a loving family and loving friends. I lost my mother at the age of 10 and that's always going to be something that will be with me forever. I feel I seek the thrill of the game because I get so down with the life I am living. It's like an escape from reality. I have gone a month without gambling and it was the best month in the 4 years I've been an addict.

I am so passionate about helping people who are gambling addicts because I don't want anyone to get to the point where I am, I feel it's the end of the road for me, I don't want to live anymore. I'm 23, who thinks like that at 23? Don't get to this point. Stop, stop before it's too late.

This is me and this is my story.


Posted : 23rd August 2014 9:25 pm
Posts: 0


I have just signed in and read your post

Your whole heart is in this post

23 is very young to be going through this s**t but you have gone through so much like someone years older

You are so young and you do have your whole life ahead of you

You can change your life NOW you have already stopped for a month the hardest bit

Your debts can be paid off slowly don't let them take over your life

You know you will never win because you cannot stop

You are already on the road to a happier future

Believe in yourself ok you have been there now

Why ever go back you have so much to go for

There is only one way to go now and you should be proud because you are doing it

Much respect for your honesty and strength

Suzanne x

Posted : 23rd August 2014 10:06 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks Suzanne, always know your there for support. I cancelled my debit card tonight and told them not to issue me a new one. It's the only way I won't and can't gamble. Day one starts tomorrow, 24/08/14.. Let's do this x

Posted : 23rd August 2014 11:06 pm
Posts: 0

You will do this we will do this because we can because it is our choice

Stay safe and take care and don't worry about tomorrow because tomorrow is another day

Suzanne xx

Posted : 23rd August 2014 11:18 pm
Posts: 0

Feeling positive at the moment. Glad I have barriers in place, feel I am safe for the time being. I cannot let it take over again.

Posted : 25th August 2014 1:22 pm
Posts: 0

Ho angie

Remember it's your choice so you can do this

Well done for feeling positive

Keep barriers in place and move away from the destructive addiction that is gambling

You can do this

Take care

Suzanne x

Posted : 25th August 2014 6:03 pm
Posts: 0

I just wanted to say well done for getting here and trying to get help x

i lost my dad when i was 8, i don't blame him but i often wonder if i had got help to deal with that then would i still be in this mess? I don't know but i do know that what is past you cannot change, but you can move on with strength and determination. You are strong Hun because you are choosing to kick gambling in the b**t!

please make sure you get help or speak to your gp if you are depressed (i know that can be hard) but that black cloud hanging over you can also be given a helping hand to move on !

keep posting and reading others stories, you are not alone x

best wishes and positive thoughts

Laura x

Posted : 25th August 2014 7:44 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks guys. I know what you mean Laura, I don't think I've ever come to terms with it and this is my escape. Hopefully things get better x

Posted : 25th August 2014 8:32 pm
Posts: 0


23 years old you have your whole life ahead of you. Get all the support you can, one thing I have realised from reading other people's dairies is you are never alone there are so many kind and supportive people out there even strangers like me. My day 1 is almost over, stay positive we can beat this illness!

Night night

Posted : 25th August 2014 11:13 pm
Posts: 0

I wish you all the best Hun, i know i have used it as an escape to. I found it scary suddenly having all this time i now wasn't gambling to think about stuff i don't want to deal with x

everyone is different, if you want to move on then please find someone to help you work through what you want to escape from!

i am not (i know slightly hypocritical sorry!)) but i have rediscovered my love of writing and reading which i use to my advantage and keep busy!

best wishes for a happy positive day tomorrow x

Posted : 26th August 2014 12:57 am
Posts: 0

Thanks everyone. Day 9 for me today, feeling positive. Go on holiday tomorrow, not with a lot of money because I haven't saved any. But will give me time to relax and unwind. Good luck to you all x

Posted : 1st September 2014 7:32 am
Posts: 0

Hi angie

Well done to you getting through the first week

Enjoy your holiday and come back even more determined to keep abstaining and maintaining to a much better future

Suzanne x

Posted : 1st September 2014 9:00 am
Posts: 0

Hi everyone. Not been on in a while, the urges are getting much better now. Not lost a single penny, was good to let my hair down on holiday for a while and forget about reality. Every day is still a battle, but a battle I am going to beat.

Angie 🙂

Posted : 10th September 2014 8:02 pm
Posts: 0

Hi angie

Well done on not losing a single penny

Keep going

Suzanne xx

Posted : 10th September 2014 8:06 pm
Posts: 0

Still doing well so far. The urges are still there but, I have the barriers in place. Job interview tonight too, hopefully things are looking up!


Posted : 22nd September 2014 2:32 pm
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