No going back but learning from the past

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Thankyou Sharon for that lovely post, I was really touched by your kind words.

I am going for My Life by Billy Joel, great song.

I've changed my profile picture, taken at a 5 Rhythm Dance a couple of weeks back. Looking a bit more cheerful than I did 149 days ago.

Posted : 7th October 2017 9:11 pm
Posts: 859
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I don't think much about gambling anymore but when I do it-s obviously all negative so each day I'm thinking about it less and less but not dismissing the impact it has had on my life. But slowly U'm regaining 'normality' and have realised self preservation is where us at! You can't pour from an empty cup, right? The future us bright if we want it to be, my song choice today is Don't stop me now by Queen, In the past I wouldn't have the confidence and self belief to uphold the sentiments of this song but f*** it today I have! May not lost but I'm going to enjoy it while it does, happy Sunday S 🙂


Posted : 8th October 2017 9:41 am
Posts: 859
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Ps sorry about the typos above, silly phone!!!

Posted : 8th October 2017 9:42 am
Posts: 3947

Hi Sharon thankyou for posting on my diary. I am going to have a cape made out of the hugs you sent, when i'm feeling vulnerable I can wrap it round my shoulders.

Been reflecting on my journey so far, sent loving thoughts out to all our friends who don't post on the diaries anymore. Hope they're all ok. I think I will need to keep posting on my diary for a long time, it's such a massive part of my recovery. I know i'm only one bet away from disaster.

Loved your post above. It's good to get back to some kind of normality and self preservation is where it's at. The gambling addiction drained us of everything and you can't pour from an empty cup. As you pointed out, the future is bright if we want it to be. Freddie's gone bless him but his music still gives people a lift.

Sometimes we can all feel a little sad and our heads can drop. We can have negative thoughts and doubts about ourselves. My music choice tomorrow will hopefully set the record straight. Take care and thankyou ...stephen

Posted : 8th October 2017 8:13 pm
Posts: 859
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Thanks Stephen, I never know whether to reply to posts on my diary or theperson who has written the post, what do you think? So yes I often ponder about former members who haven't posted for a while and hope they're ok. Hope you had a fabulous 150th dsy, you deserve it! Great song choice she has a mega voice and the lyrics ring true. Take care my friend S:)

Posted : 9th October 2017 8:52 am
Matt 24
Posts: 752

Hi Sharon,

I am confident there is no stopping you now and I am proud to read it :-).

I wonder too about the members who haven't posted in a while and hope they haven't slipped up. If they have though hopefully one day they will be back here to be supported and encouraged to go again.

This forum and keeping my diary have become a solid column of my recovery so far and I hope others can gain, trust, knowledge and confidence like we have here.

Keep going girl.


Posted : 9th October 2017 10:47 am
Posts: 3947

Hi Sharon hope your feeling good. That's an interesting point, should we reply on our friends thread or our own ! Sometimes I don't like posting over a post which might be pertinent to other readers, but I don't know really.

Really suprised that Alan will not be posting anymore, but maybe he thought it was time to move on. He can always come back if he wishes to.

I went to my creative writing earlier, which is a lot of fun, than on for a swim, having a rest now before tonight's Salsa class. Quite a hectic day tuesdays but I enjoy it . Take care ...stephen

Posted : 10th October 2017 5:45 pm
Posts: 859
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Hey Stephen, all ok thanks, sorry am a bit slow had Alan stepped away from the forum? Each to their own I guess, he will be missed but as you say hopefully may return. Glad you're enjoy your course, we have a book festive in town this month and I must confess don't read (I can read!) But this has inspire a little to read something. Happy salsaing S:)

Posted : 10th October 2017 9:36 pm
Posts: 397

Hi Sharon ,

209 days GF ! That's an amazing achievement . I hope you're okay and the recovery is getting a little less stressful . Thank you for all the support .


Posted : 11th October 2017 7:35 pm
Posts: 3947

Thankyou for visiting my diary Sharon. Wednesdays been good except I bought a box of chocolates and I've just sat and eaten nearly all of them, I feel a bit sickly now !,

Hope the book festival goes well. Many people enjoy reading, especially if a book captures the Imagination. Libraries are good, when you've read a book you just take it back and get another one.

I've got my English class tomorrow (part of Adult Education) it's free as is Maths to encourage people to improve their literacy and numeracy. Quite relaxed and interesting. Everyone's assessed so they're in a group with people of the same ability.

Salsa was good last night, struggled with the moves but it was fun and it's good exercise.

Just realised your 210 Days GF tomorrow ! When we first start out on recovery 10 days seems like ages and now it just passes in the blink of an eye ! Take care and keep blazing that trail ...stephen

Posted : 11th October 2017 7:51 pm
Posts: 859
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Hi I'm with you there, always been a bit of an 'all or nothing' person so I would have hoovered the chocolates too. This unfortunate trait related to gambling, I just couldn't stop. But have realised it was possibly escapism from everyday life and hoping to get money for nothing. .Durrrrr. It-S deforestation good to keep busy and since being GF it feels like there are so many more hours in the day which is all good. Take care S:)

Posted : 11th October 2017 9:29 pm
Posts: 3947

Woe is me ! I've got 'man flu'. Going to have a lemsip and hope I feel better tomorrow ....stephen

Posted : 12th October 2017 9:49 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Sharon, congrats on your ongoing recovery 🙂

Just wanted to drop my thoughts on where to respond, as after a couple of years of popping over to the person who had asked the question day@atime posted that he never understood people who didn’t respond on their own diary so everyone could see the response...Makes complete sense to me now. It would have made my crazy diary marginally less confusing & more importantly, it would also contain a lot more of me which is now buried amongst some very old diaries or cremated on ones that have been made extinct.

There seemed a lot more hours in the day when I 1st stopped but now I wonder how I ever found the time to self destruct like I did!

Keep on keeping on - ODAAT

Posted : 12th October 2017 10:20 pm
Posts: 859
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Thanks so much Odaat indeed this makes sense, when I read back through my diary it is a bit disjointed lol Glad you enjoying the GF life, take care S:)

Posted : 13th October 2017 11:05 am
Posts: 3947

Morning Sharon. Hope your having a good weekend. My cold is getting better thank you ....stephen

Posted : 15th October 2017 6:15 am
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