no win situation

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Jeff congrats on reaching your century. It is a shame that nobody in the England cricket team got anywhere near to one today.

Enjoy yourself at the bird show. Somebody once asked me what I would do if a bird cr***ed on my head--I replied that I would not go out with her again!!


Posted : 14th January 2010 1:57 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Jeff,

Thanks for the reply, its also great to hear from you! Always one to talk words of wisdom when ya feel like gambling! Your right about the urges, they are less frequent but still very frustrating. I think its tempting to feel like gambling was never something we did but these urges are a constant reminder of our past! Ya know you were saying about thinking bout the bad times to combat an urge, looking at the first post on here is a really good kick up the a*se aswell! I've just read yours, you've come a long way and just by reading your posts i can see how much of a difference its made to your life, you seem a lot happier like your lifes started again.

Keep it up mate, speak soon


Posted : 14th January 2010 2:31 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Jeff,

Enjoy it the Pigeon show or are you going to "Funny Girls"?.....with you saying you were going to a bird show 😉

Stay strong Jeff...Jas x

Posted : 14th January 2010 11:27 pm
Posts: 0
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Hi All

Thanks for the posts. Im just getting ready to go out. Ive got a busy weekend ahead so no time to gamble. Out tonight ,then my mate plays darts for cheshire.Im going to watch him.Then out to pub to watch Man City and the pigeon show tomorrow.All involving beer ,but i suppose ill get by lol.

I will post a lot more tomorrow thanks all Jeff.

Posted : 15th January 2010 6:15 pm
Posts: 1057

jeff. Well done on reaching 100 and counting mate. . Darts fan. Im goin to premier league darts in may at newcastle usually a good night wi superb atmosphere. . Enjoy your weekend at blackpool mate i wont tell you about the (doo s ) and the donts lol. .If we keep "chirpin" away am sure we can beat this habit. Keep it goin mate.

Posted : 15th January 2010 6:28 pm
Posts: 0
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Hi All

Im really glad ive had a busy weekend this weekend.

I dont really like writing negative thoughts in my diary,but ive had a little bit of bad news yesterday.I have a son with from a previous relationship. Who lives with his mother about 2 miles away from where i live. I give her money each week, buy all his christmas and easter stuff and all his school uniforms etc,and i get to see him each weekend.It works well at the moment. But my ex is one of those women that uses my son against me.Eg i was at work 60 miles away and she wanted me to come back and pick a cooker up for her. I couldnt so she stopped me seeing my son for about 6 weeks. She really is the girl from hell .you may have seen her on tv she starred in films such as godzilla and the bride of frankenstein etc.I have to really get on with her so i get to see my son. However she has now told me that she is going to move to Ireland in a couple of weeks.She says that i can still see my son during school holidays.I personally dont think it will work out for her anyway.She has met a lad on the internet and seen him 3 times.She has 5 kids with 4 different fathers and although he has spoken to them on the phone i think it will be a big shock for him when they all arrive. My point is would anyone uproot their kids to move 200 miles away with someone they have only met 3 times.If she had no kids great idea.Im now worried about my son (and her other kids )but there can be no talking about it. Her decission is final.

My missus now is very supportive and has said that my son is wellcome to live here with us but i know godzilla would not allow that.I will just have to pick up the pieces when it goes wrong.To be honest there is another 2 weeks to go until she views the house and she is that unstable it may be called off before then. I know it sounds like im being selfish but if he is a single fella then why doesnt he come over to England instead of her having to uproot the kids.Sorry to ramble on . my next posts will be more positive. It is times like this though that i would turn to gambling. All yhe best Jeff.

Posted : 17th January 2010 9:00 am
Posts: 0

Hi Jeff,

What an awful situation your family & your son are facing, my heart goes out to you. I hope her plans fall through.

Thinking of you


Posted : 17th January 2010 9:39 am
Posts: 0

Morning Jeff,

Thanks for your post on my diary...your words are always so kind and encouraging!

Now...Godzilla...mmmm....seems like a bit of a whirlwind romance she's got caught up in here. I agree with Jac, I hope it all falls through. Perhaps the guy in Ireland may come to his senses too. It's definitely not fair uprooting all those little ones but sometimes we have little control over situations and we have to accept them and in your case prepare to deal with the possible aftershock. Let's hope she doesn't go through with it. I've learnt from situations in the past, that when things aren't going my way, by maintaining a dignified silence seemed to work.....and I always ended up getting my own way ;-))

You don't have to apologise for posting "negative stuff" as you call it. This diary is about you and your recovery. if something is bugging you, then write it down. It's amazing how therapeutic that can be.

You are doing just great Jeff...Jas xx

PS..I think it it admirable how you have looked after your little boy, providing and looking out for him.

Posted : 17th January 2010 11:26 am
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Evening Jeff,

I hope things work out and that you continue to enjoy regular contact with your son. Sounds like you picked a wrong-un with that ex of yours mate.

I relate to what you say about a bit of bad news historically bringing on the urge to gamble. When i had things on my mind i found gambling was a good way to shut out the negativity. It only creates more problems though doesn't it!

Keep up the good work Jeff.

Posted : 17th January 2010 8:01 pm
Posts: 2966

Hi jeff,

thanks for the message of support. It is painful to deal with difficult relationships which I can see you have had yourself. doesnt matter if its brothers, mothers or exes feels the same.

I resent their ability to hamper my enjoyment, and keep me awake. Thankfully doesnt happen too often. Am hoping I will sleep soundly tonight.

Take care,

f x

Posted : 17th January 2010 8:58 pm
Posts: 1057

jeff. . Sorry to hear about your problems mate. I agree with you mate why uproot the lad when hes comfy where he is with school friends etc. . I have been split up with my ex for nearly 18 months now but feel i cant move on until i sort my access to my step kid and kid.its very difficult when you work shifts and got no money for lawyers. . I will post on my diary on a future date. . Problematic situations like ours can attack our defence systems and force us to gamble but i know you are strong enough to beat this. Keep up the good work mate.

Posted : 17th January 2010 11:17 pm
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Thanks Jac,Jas,Curley,Freda and wp

Good of you all to read and reply to my last post. Im hoping it will come to nothing ,she has a way of messing things up. I wish her all the happiness in the world only in England so i can still see my son.My thought is .We were only together 2 years and have been split up 8 years now.I have been with tray my missus now for those 8 years and it is all rosy, she really is the best thing thats ever happened to me.we have 3 loveley girls and things couldnt be better (now ive stopped gambling). My ex has had several partners in that time and always the same old story.I want to have your baby and marry you as soon as possible.Then move away from here. I actually fell for it myself lol.Now it has never bothered me before,but its never been as far as Ireland. Still chances are the same will happen again and she will stay.Anyway the situation really has brought on the thoughts of gambling, but i wont let her ruin my hard work.All the best Jeff.

Posted : 18th January 2010 7:18 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Jeff I have had a similar situ going on for the past 10 years now, my son lives abroad. I constantly have to hop on planes and off, and also keep his mum "cool" with being nice. She can turn somtimes. I have managed to build up a great realtionship with him and not a month goes by without me spending at least a week or more with him. He also has very regular trips to the UK. Its hard at first and costly (especially with a gambling addiction another MAJOR reason for me to stay quit) but it can be done.

I do know the worry upset and stress this can cause. In the end I just try remain calm with my sons mum at all times, avoid confrontation but always remind her of my full right to have unrestricted access to my son. She over the years got the message i was not going to give up ever. I wish you the best with it ... its hard I know. Good thoughts .. Blocked.

Posted : 18th January 2010 7:25 pm
Posts: 0
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Feeling loads better today.

Not a thought of gambling.

Im going to sit and enjoy the football tonight .Without a bet of course. Thanks for all the posts on my diary they made me feel better.All the best Jeff.

Posted : 19th January 2010 6:59 pm
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Good work Jeff.

I hope City win for you tonight!

Posted : 19th January 2010 7:10 pm
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