no win situation

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Hi Jeff glad you feeling somwhat better. And thanks for the message on my diary. Stay positivo!!! Good thoughts Blocked.

Posted : 19th January 2010 8:58 pm
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Cheers for the post Jeff. You are always there with a wise work when i need it most. Appreciated buddy.

I was made up for you tonight with that win over Utd. That second leg is going to be tense though. I hope City do not sit as deep as they did in the last 15 minutes tonight as you will have no fingernails left!!

By my reckoning if you get through it will be your first final since 1981! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you on that score!

Posted : 19th January 2010 10:48 pm
Posts: 1057

glad you feeling bit better jeff mate. . We re all in this together and when ones down its good that others (especially yourself) are there to offer friendly advice. . Keep up the excellent work.

Posted : 19th January 2010 10:59 pm
Posts: 1057

not quite 6 weeks jeff mate,37 days and into my 6th week,last bet still in wallet 14 dec2009 16:41:08 keep posting mate..

Posted : 20th January 2010 6:52 pm
Posts: 175

Hi Jeff

I know exactly the problems with ex`s and children.mine as been a complete nightmare and it gets me down so so much, but i will not use that as an excuse to chance. i have however give in and just told her everything is on her say so. even tho we split 2 and half year ago, so basically ive given in as i didnt want to go to court, people will call me crazy, but i just want to be a good all on her terms, and they are very unfair...but thats another story.

Your going along great mate, do not let them gambling thoughts lead to gambling action!!!! urges dont hurt!

Posted : 20th January 2010 7:10 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks for your post Jeff and congrats on your xmas period of non gambling. Its a shocking time for us and was one of my bugbares.

You are doing it right and your confidence shows.

Keep goin gmate, even better times ahead.


Posted : 21st January 2010 7:44 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Jeff - Just wanted to touch base and say well done on the result the other night.

I don't know if its quite as strong but i can remember those derby wins over scumhamton being so so sweet. Sweeter than winning the FA Cup for me!!

Anyway after a very small blip on saturday (£38 win on South Africa in the Test Match at 8/15 - Win £20)

i am still struggling on. technically back to Day 4 without a bet.

Anyway that was it really.

Posted : 21st January 2010 9:05 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hi All

Im going out shortly so i will do some reading and posting tomorrow.Just want to do this post while its fresh in my mind.

Im not far away from 4 months gamble free now and ive managed to save the money i would have gambled.That money gave my family a good christmas. So i carried on saving (not vast ammounts).I now have a few quid in the bank.The only other time in my life ive ever had money was when i got extra cash with my mortgage£15,000 (guess where that went).I gambled mainly through boredom but was always looking for that big win to maybe buy me a car or pay for a holiday and guess what. it never come in 30 years.Ive worked out that by may or june with the money i would have origionally gambled away. I could buy that cheap car or have that holiday.By then i will have abstained from gambling for 8 months. WHY has it taken me 30 years to realise this. I dont need to gamble full stop.Jeff.

Posted : 22nd January 2010 6:09 pm
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Superb stuff Jeff. Nearly 4 months and i see no sign whatsoever of you lapsing.

It's funny what you just said as i was thinking exactly the same thing when driving home from work before. Why on earth did i ever gamble? To win money so i could do and buy nice things i told myself. I also though it odd that now i have stopped gambling i seem to have spare money to do and buy nice things.

Unfortunately we cannot change the past Jeff but we can certainly change our futures for the better.

Posted : 22nd January 2010 6:22 pm
Posts: 0

Hi jeff

Just wanted to pop in and say well done on almost 4 months gamblefree.

Thats a huge achievement and one to be very proud of. Keep it going mate.

When i first posted here and told the world that i had a problem with gambling, yours was the first voice i heard and the advice you gave about reading other peoples diaries, reading about other peoples struggles, about how they were coping and beating this set me on the road to where i have reached today.

Yes i've had some slip ups along the way and its been a nightmare at times, but i'm getting there, albeit slowly and who knows...without that reply from you and BlockedOut and the many, many others on here, i might still be doing now just what i did before..

Congrats once again jeff, keep up the good work mate and thanks..

All the best

Posted : 23rd January 2010 4:15 am
Posts: 0


Great way to look at this Jeff. I think what you said in your last post says it all--nobody needs to gamble but in the past we are the type of person who wants to gamble! The thing is there is no need at all to gamble as we risk our money, our family lives, our future and our sanity. It has taken you 30 years to work this out--congratulations mate it has taken me 36!!

Have a great weekend.


Posted : 23rd January 2010 10:17 am
Posts: 0

Hi Jeff,

It is the same for me.... why I gambled, I don't really know. I could affor what I was trying to win as long as I didn't gamble. I realised this but couldn't stop.

You are doing really well mate, I hope you have a great weekend.


P.s. Glad you found my ex-girlfriend

Posted : 23rd January 2010 12:08 pm
Posts: 0

Morning Jeff or should I say after noon 🙂 Thanks for the post on my diary and yes I was tired this morning but had a long sleep in. And woke up to the fact my bank and cards remained un abused. Wishing you continued good thoughts with your own quit. All the best Blocked

Posted : 23rd January 2010 12:42 pm
Posts: 0

Jas here from her sick bed lol

Thanks for looking our for me Jeff.

Have a good gamble free weekend! her P.j's, any excuse! x

Posted : 23rd January 2010 1:17 pm
Posts: 175


good man, great to see you sticking with it pal. get them pennies saved up and woo ooo sunshine here you come. you deserve it mate. take care.


Posted : 23rd January 2010 1:29 pm
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