no win situation

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Hi All

Isnt it funny how our gambling mind works?

There are a couple of lads that often come into the local where i drink,whom i know also from the bookies.They still talk to me about how they have done that day,and ask me what i fancy in upcoming races.Im always telling them i dont gamble anymore but it doesnt seem to register.Anyway i was speaking to one of the lads last night and asked the question How did you do today. To which he replied oh i had a really good day in the end.He then went on to explain he was having a bad run and was a couple of hundred down nearing the end of racing.However he managed to get his money back on the last race. I also used to think it was a good day for me if i broke even.This morning i went to workwith £10 in my pocket and when i got home i still had that £10 and i didnt feel as if id had a really good day lol.Oh and one more thing what if he had broke even on the second last race. what are the chances he would have walked away.But like i say my mind used to work like this too.All the best Jeff.

Posted : 28th January 2010 6:31 pm
Posts: 0

HI Jeff,Thanks for the kind words re my search for work,just read your last post on here,made me smile.....,lost count of how many times i have been relying on the getting out the s**t stakes to break even on a day!!!,it's funny but we are the same all of us gamblers.It's great for you to be able to go out to work with £10 and still have it when you come home,it may not feel like a good day but it is mate.

Posted : 28th January 2010 7:27 pm
Posts: 0

Jeff, I think all of our minds USED to work like you say but at the moment some of us have been blessed by something little short of a miracle in that our attitudes have changed. The amazing thing is if you are anything like me you cannot put your finger on why you have changed your thought process. Perhaps it is somewhere in our brain saying enough is enough. You talk about these friends as if you feel pity towards them and if this is the case that is how I feel about the people I see still standing there in my local bookies when I go past. It is so sad that everybody who has compulsive tendencies does not try to stop at the same time. There would be adverts offering 2nd hand fobt's in the small ads and the bookies would be pulling down the shutters.

Alas I think we can dream on.

Keep going mate I love to read your diary and those of a few others as I find the comments so helpful to me


Posted : 28th January 2010 10:02 pm
Posts: 1057

a top class post jeff mate. . I can relate to a lot of it myself. .i read in paper other day that a certain high street chain had made huge profits. . That used to be our money mate. Keep up the excellent posting as stumper says your diary is a fantastic read and of manys an inspiration to others. . .

Posted : 28th January 2010 11:59 pm
Posts: 0
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Hi All

Continuing from my last post, when one of my old gambling mates thought they had a great day getting his money back on the last race.It got me thinking about how many times i had relyed on that last race to get my money back. It didnt really happen for me so often.For this reason.

Going in the bookies with say £400 in my pocket.The ususal sort of day a couple of winners but mostly losers ,betting on every single horse race,the dogs in between and maybe a bit in the machines.Before i know it the last race is upon me. Ive got £50 left . I study the form.Hey i think i might have found the winner.Its called my fancy.The betting comes up on the screen My fancy is 3/1 that will do me.Oh hang on £50 win at 3/1 £200.Hmmmmm im £400 down. I want all my money back. I know i will back the 7/1 shot. It doesnt matter what i think will win 7/1 gives me all my money back.The race is run and we all know my fancy wins. Im £400 down and feeling like s**t.

My point is once we start losing we would just be happy to get our money back. Once our gambling mind has taken over us and our betting has spiraled out of control,then its down to how much money we have left and the odds on offer. Its no longer down to what we think will win.

I hope other people have been in this situation and understand what i mean or ill just sound like a lunatic lol.

All the best Jeff.

Posted : 29th January 2010 5:50 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Jeff,

I enjoyed that scenario. When I was on the slot machines it was £2 a go...down a couple of hundred so increased the spin to £5 a go...down £500 and then spin increased to a know the rest. It never matter what sort of gambling we are into it's all the same in the end.

You are doing well.................Jas xx

Posted : 29th January 2010 6:29 pm
Posts: 1226

Hi Jeff, totally relate to that scenario, I often thought I went in to the bookies and subconsciously wanted to back a few losers because then when you get THAT winner to break even or put you in profit, the feeling is just fantastic, you walk out feeling a million dollars and your confidence is sky high.

Trouble is, it only lasts until the time you return and back continuous losers and walk out with nothing and feel full of shame, remorse and regret.

Posted : 29th January 2010 7:16 pm
Posts: 1057

another 1st class post mate. . Been in that situation myself hundreds of times. . Usually found it be a national hunt flat race where we know absolutely nowt about the 1st time out horses as well. . Defo rings bell with me mate.

Posted : 29th January 2010 7:49 pm
Posts: 175

hi Jeff

Good posts mate, ofcourse ithink we can all relate to the chasing losses....the temporary relief at breaking even....BUT..we then think we are on a winning streak.....ahhhh!!! you just cant beat the system if like me you have no self control when it comes to gambling. stick to what you are doing mate....let the mugs continue to gamble, we have done our time!


Posted : 29th January 2010 8:39 pm
Posts: 1226

Hi Jeff

Thanks for the post this morning. Please read my latest post - hope I can count on your continued support to help me get to where I want to be.

Posted : 30th January 2010 1:26 pm
Posts: 1226

Hi Jeff

Thanks for the post and confirmed support. I think you understand me.

Just feels good to have an interest again. At present no desire to bet on anything else until maybe next Saturday's football. I'll just continue with the boring lunchtimes and fast drives home to avoid any chance of an uncontrolled gambling session.

Posted : 30th January 2010 5:05 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Jeff

Thanks for the reminded this morning about the cash - I hadnt done it at the point I read your msg but did immediately after.

Its been a struggle this week but folk on here have been great.

Also loved your post on the last race 'get out stakes' scenario. A valid reminder of the s**t we put ourselves through when punting.

Keep up the good work buddy

Eyes X

Posted : 30th January 2010 7:12 pm
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Hi Jeff,

Cheers for the post mate. Please feel free to post up a list of golf courses your society are planning to play. I will let you know if i have played any of them. I think maybe you need docking a shot or two though by the sound of things!

It is so true what you say mate about £40-£50 for a day out golfing with a few pints and a bit of lunch being a better investment than a quick gamble in the bookies. It's great that you are now getting some enjoyment from your hard earned cash.

Cheers for the continued support by the way Jeff. It is much appreciated.

Posted : 30th January 2010 8:27 pm
Posts: 0
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Hi All

I just wanted to let people know who follow my diary ,ive had some good news . My ex (godzilla) is no longer moving to Ireland.She said her family have talked her out of it.I doubt that i think maybe her boyfriend has come to his senses and become her ex boyfriend. Either way i dont care. I get to see my son every week. Its great news for me.

Posted : 31st January 2010 10:57 am
Posts: 0

Fantastic news Jeff!

Stay strong in your recovery, you are doing really well.

All the best


Posted : 31st January 2010 11:19 am
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