no win situation

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jeff thats great news mate. .If anybody deserves good news its yourself always willing to help the rest of us. . Keep it going mate. Your a true gent.

Posted : 31st January 2010 11:42 am
Posts: 0

Hi Jeff

Thank you for your kind words in my diary.

I usually speak from the heart, I always mean well, it just doesn't always come across as that...which I am working at day by day, but am not perfect at...

I am very happy for you to be able to see your son every week. I am even more happy for your son to be able to see his Dad at least once a week.

When I read of people breaking up who have children and those children are used as pawns in their parents' agony(and it is agony and pain that causes parents to mis-use their children like that) it breaks my heart.

My ex used to use the children for anything he wanted from me, because he knew I would die for my children and he got whatever he asked for. That way he controlled me for over 15 years.

I hope and pray that you and your ex will be able to put aside any personal issues when it comes to your son. He is the innocent party in this. He didn't ask to be born and the way I look at it these days...I have borrowed my children for approx 20-25 years. In those years I am to give them the best possible start to becoming well balanced, responsible adults.

I children have their own issues thanks to the constant fighting between myself and their father. We were both meant to be responsible adults, but...because I had my own issues stemming way way back (which I am addressing only now) I acted inmature at times and so did my ex.

I pray that parents wherever they are, find the strength to overcome their own issues and give all children the right amount of love, encouragement and discipline they need to become "mature" adults. I thank God I was allowed to do my recovery programme. It has given me the chance to talk with my now grown up children and together we heal....

I wish you all the best.

I better stop now, before I write a book, lol

God Bless


Posted : 31st January 2010 4:45 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Jeff

Thankyou for popping by and posting on my diary, hope you are having a good weekend. Being honest i have not followed your diary i do apoligise for this, i used to use this site a few times a day in my early days and now i just pop in now and again! I will however have a read, i wish you well in your recovery.

Take care and catch you soon, ands

Posted : 31st January 2010 8:41 pm
Posts: 175

hi Jeff

Just dropping in also, more to say thanx for your recent support. you seem to be a very valued member on this site mate....i can see why.honest and from the heart guy who knows the pitfalls of gambling. keep up the great work mate.


Posted : 1st February 2010 2:48 am
Posts: 0

Jeff, having returned from Ireland yesterday, I would think that anybody thinking of moving there at the moment would be mad to anyway as the cost of living is crazy. The economy is actually in freefall with house prices tumbling and even beer being reduced in price as nobody seems to be spending. The T.D's-the equivalent of our MP's have had their pay cut by 17,000 euros a year!!!

I am so pleased that you will still be able to see your family.

Stay strong


Posted : 2nd February 2010 6:27 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Jeff,hope all is going well and you are still feeling strong in you resolve not to gamble.....,great news that you will be able to have regular contact with your Son,you must be chuffed,and i guess he is too.


Posted : 4th February 2010 5:19 pm
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Hi Jeff,

Great news about your son mate. He has got a good dad that young man.

I've no doubt you are continuing to stay bet free. To use a betting analogy you would be the long odds on favourite in my field of gamcare runners to be least likely to lapse. I think you have this licked mate.

Having said that you wouldn't be the first long odds on favourite i have done my money on so do not go getting complacent!

Posted : 4th February 2010 7:15 pm
Posts: 0

Great news to hear Jeff must be a massive wait from you knowing that your access to your boy can continue. Im well pleased for you 🙂 Family / kids so important if not the most important thing we have. Good thoughts to you Blocked.

Posted : 4th February 2010 7:52 pm
Posts: 0

Jeff....where are you? You ok?

Honestly, you just popped into my mind...thinking of you.

Jas x

Posted : 6th February 2010 12:25 am
Posts: 1057

yes jasmine. . Funny i have noticed that myself. . Hope your on vacation and everythings ok family wise. . Your a true gent and an inspiration to my recovery mate. .

Posted : 6th February 2010 12:32 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hi All

First of all i want to thank Curley,Blocked,Seano,Stumper,Neil,Jac,Charly and Ands for your posts on my diary this week they are much appreciated.Then i would like to thank Jas and wp for missing me lol.

I have had the flu now for about three weeks its just starting to ease now (Jas you know what that feels like ) and unfortunatly i work on building sites (outside)and last week i was travelling 150 miles per day to my new site i was getting up at 4-30am and then not getting home till 7pm.On top of the flu the long hours were killing me.I just got in had my tea and dropped off most nights.Ive only got to do 120 miles next week and although it doesnt seem a lot less it really does make a difference.

Anyway enough of my whinging i do get paid at the end of the week so i know im luckier than a lot of people.

So then .

This week i feel i havent put in my Quota of work helping others through.Today i will spend a couple of hours posting (although i do read sometimes if i havent got time to post).It was nice to see that although i hadnt posted all week people were still rooting for me.Today i have no energy to gamble and even if i did have ive worked too hard to give it that big fat ugly bookie lol.Thanks all i will be posting tody.Jeff.

Posted : 6th February 2010 10:12 am
Posts: 0

Hi Jeff sorry to hear you are under the weather mate-took me over a month to shake a virus off over Christmas.

Thank you so much for your advice on my post. You and many others feel like a close friend and the advice you gave is better than any close friend that I do know, could have given me.

Posted : 6th February 2010 12:57 pm
Posts: 1226

Hi Jeff, thanks for latest note of encouragement. Sorry to hear you have not been well.

Sounds like you are well sorted gambling wise Jeff, no sign of any urges and no looking back but you still come on here and post on more diaries than anyone offering support. Good man.

Posted : 6th February 2010 1:16 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Jeff

This flu is dreadful to shake off - bit like the old gambling demon - still in time you will leave both behind.

You are doing some amount of travelling and that must be exhausting. Take care of yourself physically and mentally and dont worry if you dont manage on here to write - as long as you are doing ok.

Eyes X

Posted : 6th February 2010 7:56 pm
Posts: 175

Hey ex gambler!

I also look out for you on you know ive followed you from day 1 and so glad i did. genuine bloke whos mending the error of his ways....type of bloke id go for a pint with anyday! keep it up mate....and that man flu is a bummer eh....women dont know how lucky they have it!


Posted : 6th February 2010 9:48 pm
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