no win situation

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Hi All

Off for a game of golf this morning and then darts later so theres no chance of me gambling today.Yesterday i sat and watched horse racing and football all day.Do you know ?Im one of those that is not triggered by watching the sport and i sometimes pick the odd horse out on tv (without a bet),now ive abstained for over 4 months now and i cant say that i would have won on any of them days. What i can say is that i would have been chasing my losses every week.Even if i had picked a couple of winners in that time and maybe won a small fortune we all know it would eventually go back. I was never any good at this gambling really i just thought i was.One thing that has changed for me over the last month is cheltenham. Like so many others i was a bit apprehensive.It is the best national hunt racing of the year and i thought i may have been tempted. But no chance not even 50p.

I have now got the chance to watch the 2 best jumpers in the country (at this time )to race against eachother and i can watch them both instead of tracking my gamble all the way round.

My flu is feeling a bit better today but its died down a few times already only to come back with avengence.

Back to work tomorrow and to be honest i shouldnt have a problem with gambling this week i just havent got the time.Have a good day all Jeff.

Posted : 7th February 2010 8:09 am
Posts: 0

Hi Jeff,

Hope you enjoy yor day, I love darts, dont play as much as I would like but it is a great game.

Seems you are doing really well mate, I have never really been into the horse racing, yeah I would study the form and bet on it but without the gambling I dont even give it a second thought.

Thanks for the post on my diary and your future is certainly bright. Well done mate.

Cheers, JIm

Posted : 7th February 2010 11:03 am
Posts: 0

Morning Jeff,

Golf....darts...few beers.....batchelor Jeff!

Enjoy your deserve it.

Jas x

Posted : 7th February 2010 11:23 am
Posts: 0

Have a great day Jeff,i think you have got your gambling well under control now,like you i watch the racing and i'm able to enjoy it as a spectacle without any urges to bet,we are both very lucky in that respect mate as many people on here aren't able to do so.Glad to hear that you have slightly less travelling to do this coming week,i have two friends who work in the building trade,one is a "Chippy" the other is a "Dabber",they are both having to travel outside the Midlands to work now for the first time in many years.


Posted : 7th February 2010 2:13 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Jeff

Just a quick post mate to say thanks for all your support on my diary, very much appreciated.

Sounds like you are keeping yourself very busy enjoying the other things going on in your life. Thats just how things should be, and its something that i and many others are aiming for.

Congrats on over 4 months without a bet, thats something to be very chuffed about.

Hope you've had a great day out Jeff.

Takecare mate, have a great week

Posted : 7th February 2010 3:40 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Jeff,

Thanks for the post and the support, i'm at a vunerable time in my recovery and this is crucial to me to stop for good. Glad to see your recovery is going ok and good to see your still thinking clearly and positively about it too! You should be very very proud of yourself!

Keep it up, Jay

Posted : 7th February 2010 7:53 pm
Posts: 1226

Hey Jeff-

Have tonight taken more time to read your diary. Would appear I am going through the boredom stage that you did early on, you've done really well to come through that.

You have things on the like Golf, going our with your mates, watching sports etc. - did you have these when you were gambling?

My gambling life was all consuming and I didnt do much else other than work, eat, plan gambling and gamble. Very few sports events I am interested in watching without a bet on.

How you can be interested in watching Horse Racing without a bet is beyond me mate but hats off to you.

In fact make that Ascot top hats!

Posted : 7th February 2010 8:01 pm
Posts: 1057

great posting as usual jeff. . Am partial to a game golf myself but only fair weather player these days but do enjoy it when organised day oot wi lads. . I enjoy watchin the racing bet free too. In fact i tend to record ch4 on a sat now and watch it later that way i canny have a can i switch off after 25 years(maybe one day i will) . Mccoy on denman walsh on kauto what a race thats gonna be but hey hoe who cares what wins. Its certainly gonna be a sporting spectacle. .

Posted : 8th February 2010 1:02 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hi All

While i was out yesterday one of my mates was on the fruit machine. I was watching him play it. he was hitting the buttons so fast i thought your not even getting a run for your money. Fruities are not a problem for me although they were lots of years ago and just wore off .These days i wouldnt touch them. But what i did learn is just how addictive they can be. My m8 put in £90 within minutes finally dropping the jackpot of £70. He was made up and walked away.But as you may have guessed thats not the end. He returned and lost the £70. then off to the cash point another £40 .lost again. Cashpoint again £30.and again lost.He went one more time while i was there but i had to leave.I really felt for him. There was no control whatsoever.I hope he finds this site. I told him about it. But we only come here when we are ready. Jeff.

Posted : 8th February 2010 7:41 pm
Posts: 0

Jeff many thanks for the kind words re my job,i am well chuffed.

Interesting post re your mate and the slot machine,let's hope he thinks about your advice and takes a look on here,i have i said before that during my long career gambling most of my gambling friends were also "problem" gamblers,it's the nature of the beast.


Posted : 8th February 2010 8:22 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Jeff I cant say much this morning - im on floor emotionally right now. But I can say thank you for your support and thank you for not judging me. It meant alot to me to wake up and read your message on my diary. Blocked.

Posted : 10th February 2010 9:01 am
Posts: 0

Hi jeff,hope all is well....,i know your ok gambling wise,i think you have that well under control now.....,as always it's great to see you popping posts on the diaries of those that need support right now,you are always spot on.all the best .


Posted : 10th February 2010 8:09 pm
Posts: 0

Evening Jeff just read your message on my diary. I had to open a chuckle at this one

"My own piece of advice m8 would be treat it like you have split up with a long time girlfriend.Remember only the bad bits ,the pain she caused you and having no money left lol."

funny but very true and I suppose it is like going through greiving process. Then somtimes the brain plays tricks and you only remember the sparse highs and forget the never ending lows and misery. I was back in the pit this morning but am straigting my back so speak and going to take it on the chin and try my hardest to learn from this. Thanks m8 for your support - it was the first message I read this morning. All the best Blocked.

Posted : 10th February 2010 8:24 pm
Posts: 0

thanks for support doin this alone is very hard and emotional.... i dont care abt gambling ill never go back... i just wish i had done it years ago....i never wanted to give up before... i know it might not be as easy as that.... but it is the only thing i can feel good about


Posted : 11th February 2010 6:38 pm
Posts: 1226

Thanks for post Jeff.

Respect your opinion re stopping completely but it wouldnt be me. Want to stay involved in advance sports bets at affordable stakes, will be 4 weeks come Saturday without a random bet.

Your Man City will be playing in the Champions League before I succumb to a random bet!

Posted : 11th February 2010 9:08 pm
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