no win situation

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Your dad certainly knows about Yorkshire rivers--funny that when we are young we think our parents know nothing!

All the best Ex


Posted : 25th February 2010 6:09 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hi All

Im busy tonight so i will have to post on everyones diary tomorrow. Im just interested in peoples views on this topic.

Ive been talking to some of my m8s and they all think ive done the right thing stopping gambling infact they all knew i had a problem long before i admitted it .

Anyway we were talking about sweeps ,now the national is nearing there will be plenty going around.As i see it myself if you put money on to gain money then it must be gambling.But when you gamble you put your money on what you think will win.So what about if its drawn out of a hat.Interesting?

PS I wont be having a go for one simple reason only .In the past if i have had a go i would always bet on the horse too .I wouldnt want to pay £1 ,get a 200/1 chance winning for me and collect £20 for it lol.

Posted : 25th February 2010 6:16 pm
Posts: 1057

very interesting jeff. . Think curly mentioned this on his diary. . Where do you stand even playin golf for couple quid with your mates. . Is entering a golf medal gambling. Its still passing money over. . What about "killer pool" for £1 each wi lads doon pub. . The list goes on. . Any advice defo appreciated. .

Posted : 25th February 2010 6:28 pm
Posts: 0

Yes is interesting...i havent stopped gambling very long,but the way i feel at the moment is that the game of cards with the mates or raffel or the bet on the game of golf was never an addiction.Although the friendly game of poker,i would always buy in again if that was possable...i think i am so aware of the danger now....i would not have an interest but would not want to be a spoil sport. emmm is that really the truth...?Its seems all abit

Posted : 25th February 2010 6:50 pm
Posts: 0

Jeff, somebody once told me that I should not worry over things that I had no control over and only worry about things I did have control over.

I of course took this literally and did not worry about the compulsive gambling because I really did not have any control over it.

If you feel that a sweep is not a gambling worry to you--go for it. Lets face it we are trying to establish some form of normality with our behaviour and the majority of people would see having a go on the sweep as being totally normal behaviour whilst gambling on everything that moves would not be seen as being normal.

Hope this helps


Posted : 26th February 2010 5:05 pm
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Good thoughts Jeff.

I'm adopting the maxim if it feels like gambling then it is gambling. If it doesn't then it isn't.

I will put £1 in the national sweep in work when the time comes. I'm in a dieting competition in work for £50 per man with 11 other people and whoever loses most % body weight takes the pot. I'll play golf with my mates for skins of 50p per hole. None of this feels like gambling.

If i walked through the door of a betting shop or logged online and wagered a single penny then that would be gambling.

The good thing about you Jeff is that you are doing none of the above and therefore you are definitely not gambling! Mightily impressive Jeffrey.

Hope you manage to get a game of golf in this weekend!

Posted : 26th February 2010 6:02 pm
Posts: 1226

Hi Jeff

Interesting post. I reckon that putting £1 on the lottery or putting £1 in a grand national sweep are harmless in isolation but if they lead to more gambling, the individual shouldnt get involved.

For me, if I took a horse in a National sweep I would have to also bet it in the bookies, cos only getting £20 back on a sweep just wouldnt be enough so I would also bet the horse, then it would lead me back to random gambling whether it won or not so sweeps and the like are to be avoided for me.

Posted : 26th February 2010 8:14 pm
Posts: 0

A mind boggling question there Jeff!!

For me my only vice was horse racing and football. I know for a fact I want addicted to any other form of gambling and so I would nevereven enter a sweep related to those two. However lottery tickets etc I think if I feel like it I would. I havent but purely because I think its a nonsense and just throwing money away!!! Never liked the lottery or sweeps! (HA the irony of someone who ended up losing about 25k on horses!!!)

Kind wishes

Eyes X

Posted : 27th February 2010 11:46 am
Posts: 0

Hi Jeff,

I avoid sweeps as I think they make you look at the horse you have picked in a different light, from a willing to win perspective and it can start me gambling again. If it is a quid for the lottery syndicate in work it doesn't bother me as I dont check the numbers just hope that someone will tell me before I go to work on Monday morning!!!!

Someone else mentioned betting on pool or golf with your mates I think that is ok too, as long as when loosing you aren't tempted to gamble to try and win back your money! I know I have done this before and made it 10 times worse. I stopped gambling against friends recently as I felt like a hypocrite telling them I don’t gamble as it is a waste of money and then taking money off them for loosing at darts and pool, just makes me feel sh*tty as most of the people I play are pretty skint any way.

Glad you are doing well mate, catch you soon.

Cheers, Jim

Posted : 27th February 2010 2:25 pm
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Who's a happy boy this afternoon then Jeff??

Didn't see that one coming. I reckon you didn't either after the first 40 minutes! As Everton's 4th place prospects are a tad unrealistic i am made up for your boys for putting a bit of daylight between yourselves and fatty's boys.

Bitter Evertonian me? Never!

Posted : 27th February 2010 4:12 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Jeff,

Great result for your lads today mate. I wouldn't have predicted that result in a million years, yet would have probably chosen as a home win on the coupon!! The irony hey!! My boys are holding palace 1-1 at the moment. Here's hoping for a late winner, no coupon involved. Great feeling.

Have a good weekend

Stay Strong


Posted : 27th February 2010 4:38 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Jeff,thanks for the post,it doesn't matter how much we've gambled in the past mate...,we are now amongst the richest men on the planet.Have a great weekend.


Posted : 27th February 2010 6:25 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hi All

No gambling from me today.Ive not had a bad day at all really.Man city stuffing Chelsea was great.Just had a lazy day lounging about watching lots of sport,going to have a nice vindaloo now.Ive got a busy day again tomorrow ive got a golf tourney at 9-30 should finish just in time for the cup final (come on villa).Then a few sherbets and darts. No time at all to even think about gambling.I hope everyone got through today ok and wish them the best as always Jeff.

Posted : 27th February 2010 7:05 pm
Posts: 1226

Hi Jeff

Glad you are enjoying your weekend and great result for your team.

Thanks for post, staying random gambling free I can do now mate, finding other things to do that are worthwhile with the free time is the trouble!

Too many years out of doing anything else, and I still cant manage to watch much sport where I dont have a financial interest in it and I cant allow myself to bet on something 'just cos it is on the telly and it would give me something to do e.g. the Cup Final tomorrow is an example of this.

Posted : 27th February 2010 8:15 pm
Posts: 175

Hi Jeff

So great to read your diary, proud of you mate,and also a big bog thankyou for your continued support! ps...the 4am wake ups are now 5.30am wake ups.happy days. All the years i moaned about getting up for work bla bla, i now LOVE it, after my unemployement experience. I would get up at 4am everyday of the week if it meant NO trip to sign on a friday afternnon at 2pm when every one else was getting paid and looking forward to the weekend! That was me before, but only looking forward to going pishing all my wages up the wall on gambling argggggg man!!! no more!!!!! have a great day my friend!


Posted : 28th February 2010 12:19 pm
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