no win situation

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Hope you enjoyed your golf Jeff!

Isn't Cheshire where all the footballers live? Posh Jeff :-))

Jas xx

Posted : 7th April 2010 6:36 pm
Posts: 0

Who are you calling me a nutter?

As I have said to Seano I thought it was a qualifying condition that you had to be a nutter {medical term = CG] to post on here.

If you were not a nutter when you started I will have to bid you good day sir or failing that I challenge you to a fight to the death on a golf course of your choosing, using only your own losing betting slips as a weapon.


Posted : 7th April 2010 6:48 pm
Posts: 1057

jeff. . I posted on my diary a few pages ago my thoughts on the national. . The thursday and friday were great for me as you could get a pint if you wanted as well as get near the horses and really enjoy occasion. . National day itself full of P i s s heads mate ruinin it for everybody in my opinion. .sayin that a few years ago i was on bus from edinburgh (P i s s head me lol) and could nae wait any longer as traffic horrendous so jumped off bus and had to spend a penny in a hair dressing salon just outside racecourse as could nt find any toilets lol. . Winsford dont know much about town but pretty sure its on main west coast line from glasgow to london and there was serious incident there few year ago involvin trains. . Hope you enjoyed your golf. Best wishes we can do this. . 🙂

Posted : 7th April 2010 11:11 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Jeff,

Sorry I haven't posted for a while but been really busy with work. I agree with most comments about the national. I found in the past that i've been enticed to gamble on the other races more than the big one itself. Will be staying away this year though mate.

Well done on your 6 months and thanks for your support in the past.

Stay Strong


P.s thought city were gonna do a cricket score last week. Think 4th is a fair bet now (although I wouldn't encourage betting, just a term, you know what I mean lol)

Posted : 8th April 2010 12:12 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hi All

I Know i have mentioned about losing my house and other things before and im not after pity or anything else.I thought i would write this post because a lot of people have said lately that they can see a big change in my posting from the early days to the present.

Obviously the reason for this is the non gambling.but i would like to explain what it was like just before i stopped.Well i was no different to most of us on here Mortgage re mortgage loans etc.I had big plans of course ,but we all know where it ended up.What i actually done was borrow more than i could pay back.My wages were couldnt pack back the debts so as you can imagine it wasnt long before i was borrowing money to pay the mortgage.Still gambling looking for the ellusive win.I was phoned up the loan companies and mortgage companies and they wouldnt offer me any help at all (i know now its a bit different )every day they were phoning me up threatening me (in a nice manner)to take away my house.At first iwas humble and continued to ask for help but to no avail.I tried the argumentive way,the threatening way and any other way i could think of,but they wouldnt budge.I lost the house and moved on boxing day 17 months ago.Now the reason i am writing this post is that anyone going through the same thing.It does get better.I now live in a council house not far from where i was.Now although some debters have found me and some i have got in touch with. I decide what i can afford to pay them.They cant threaten me. They have no power over me.

I suppose i could pay back my debts Quicker these days but i choose not to.They will get paid every week. But my money is now spent on my family.What i am saying is that its great having the security of your own house but while you are a compulsive gambler if its not actually paid for yet then is it secure?All the best Jeff.

Posted : 8th April 2010 7:40 am
Posts: 0

Great post Jeff,i'm like you in that we live in a rented home now,and it does give me peace of mind re my creditors too.....,after all they can't take what we don't have :),i get loads of phone calls,i always try to be polite as i explain that like them i lost a lot of money through very risky investments but unlike them the taxpayer is unwilling to bail me out.


Posted : 8th April 2010 8:52 pm
Posts: 0

Nice posts boys--would just add that however bad it gets and how ever bad you feel--the sun will rise in the morning and life moves on.

If anybody is feeling down please spare a thought for a mate of mine who was in court today charged with stealing 24 garden hedges and 16 garden walls----he asked for 6 other fences to be taken into consideration.

Keep smiling


Posted : 8th April 2010 9:44 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Jeff,

Lol @ Stumper.

I really liked that last post Jeff as it sums up what you give to this site and the people on it. Honest, practical and constructive advice. Can't beat that. Keep it up mate because it really gives people like myself hope that those 1 week or 1 month without gambling will turn into 6 like yourself. Keep being inspirational.

Stay Strong


Posted : 9th April 2010 12:46 am
Posts: 0

Although being a bit skitso is not a laughing matter, it got me thinking that as compulsive gamblers we are probably all a bit that way inclined anyway. When we are not gambling, most of us appear to be level headed, easy going, trustworthy people who appear to be sort of Joe average and pillars of society-----and then we gamble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stumper and Stumper

Posted : 9th April 2010 8:13 am
Posts: 0

Hi Jeff,

Thanks for the post and thanks for finding me out lol. As i've mentioned in my diary it was through being ashamed that i tried to start a new diary. You stopped at pretty much the same time as me and when i failed it was really embarrassing after all the promises i had made myself and others. Your last post was brilliant. One thing you've always done is tried to use your mistakes to make others learn. You could be really annoyed at whats happened and been really angry but instead you've used it to help others and you've remained positive. Your doing really well on your recovery and wish i was this far along with ya. Keep it up mate and keep that positivity and kindness that comes naturally.

Thanks for everything matey


Posted : 9th April 2010 12:36 pm
Posts: 1057

totally spot on post about them nuisance creditors as usual jeff mate. . When i had my scottish house i sold up at a loss when moved t newcastle. . I had what you call "a together mortgage" at the time with a certain building society which basically due to my gambling was a secured loan in all but name. . Anyways had boot 18k on that loan but since then charges etc and also changed interest rate up to 16% am now due them near 30k and it P i s s es me off big time that they be allowed to do this. .best wishes and keep up the inspirational work mate we can do this. .

Posted : 9th April 2010 4:19 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hi All

Thank you for your kind posts.

I was in the pub last night and was asked if i would like a go on the sweepstakes which i declined.Not that i think anyone having a go of a sweepstake is gambling its just i thought it could be a possible trigger for me.I would be willing a certain horse on to try and win the race.Although not nescisarily the horse i think would win as they are just pulled out of the bag.My mum and dad have had a bet and my missus has even picked out 3 horses.I dont want to know what they have backed until after the race.I am going to watch it for the spectacle it is rather than following one horse all the way around.So today i cant win on the national for the first time in 30 odd years.But today i cant lose as i have done almost 30 odd times lol. Ive only ever won once.Stay strong all Jeff.

Posted : 10th April 2010 1:20 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Jeff,well your week off is nearly over,i hope you have enjoyed it :).....,back to the grindstone on Monday.Keep up the good work on the forum mate.


Posted : 10th April 2010 8:50 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Jeff,

Thanks for the post on my diary 🙂

How brilliant that you recognised the sweepstake may be a trigger for you. You have certainly come a long way in your recovery. Being able to watch the race without having a bet on it is amazing. Kills 2 birds with one to watch something you enjoy without losing money on it! That shows some strength and determination Jeff.

Jas x

Posted : 11th April 2010 10:49 am
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Hi Jeff,

City are looking strong for that 4th spot mate. As you know anyone but Liverpool will do for me but you are the sole reason that i will be rooting for City in particular.

I'm going to take a break from the diairies mate. I'm not kidding myself that i am cured or anything like that. I do feel however that i am a totally different animal to that which joined here last November. Time will tell. Rest assured i will be back here swifter than Usain Bolt if things fall apart.

I really wanted to thank you for the support you have offered me Jeff. You were one of the first to post on my diary and your support has been constant. Seeing what you have achieved and taking on board the sound advice you have offered me has been a big help.

I'll no doubt pop in now and again to see how you are doing so keep posting regular updates on your golf!

Take it easy Jeff.

Posted : 12th April 2010 7:31 pm
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