One big hit and your addicted

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Good evening all, Just got back from fishing, first time out this year and caught my first fish of the year, a walleye. Still a bit early yet, in a couple more weeks they should be bitting good. Dinner tonight was 2 barbecued salmon tacos with sautéed mushrooms and cheddar cheese on top, along with 1 cup of wild mushroom rice, and steamed asparagus with fresh squeezed lemon on top. No more McDonalds for this guy. Hope everyones having a good evening.

Recovering compulsive gambler,


Posted : 4th April 2013 11:07 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Chicagoguy, just dropping a quick message.

I just wanted to say how much motivation and inspiration i get from reading your messages and updates on your diary. Please keep it up.

It has helped me to where i am now, and i appreciate every message you take out of your time to leave on my own personal diary.

All the best,


Posted : 5th April 2013 2:11 am
Posts: 0

Hi Chicagoguy. Thanks very much for posting on my diary. Your support and encouragement means a lot during these early days in my recovery. Great to read that you are doing so well. Best wishes.


Posted : 5th April 2013 9:25 am
Posts: 2163

Hi Chicago,

What can I say? You are doing amazing work not just toward your own recovery but, helping others with thiers as well. I was feeling a little shaky last night until I read a few of the posts you shared about what you learned in therapy sessions. Thanks so much for sharing all that you have been learning with us. You deserve all of the happiness that I know is coming your way. Have a great day Chicago! -joanxxxx

Posted : 5th April 2013 11:37 am
Posts: 0
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Hello all,

Just finished up having some egg beaters scrambled with diced green bell pepper and diced ham, with some sharp cheddar cheese added. Had a nice early mourning walk and went to get my hair cut, well buzzed I should say. I have some shopping to do this afternoon, have to get some more fish for the weekend. It's suppose to be 60 degrees tomorrow, so I'am planning on doing some fishing. Not any thoughts of gambling so, that's good. Staying busy, and keeping the mind focussed on positive things is key to abstaining from this addiction. I wish you all the best in your recovery.


Posted : 5th April 2013 5:32 pm
Posts: 0


Thank you so much for the post on my diary . I hope I only brought up good memories , would hate to make you sad .

But I do have a little bone to pick with you , ( a fish bone if you like lol)

It's freezing here , it's been snowing and supposed to be spring . Yer right . And then I read your post about 60 degrees . Sooooooo jealous , 🙂

Take care , keeping cooking , my mouth been watering , I love salmon .

Shiny xxxxx

Posted : 5th April 2013 5:56 pm
Posts: 2163

Hi Chicago,

I'm up bright and early this morning and for once don't have work so thought I would check in on a few diaries. I hope you are are fishin this morning. Looking forward to hearing about your next adventure. Stay strong!! I will too. -joanxxx

Posted : 6th April 2013 2:01 pm
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Good mourning all,

Well I see the site is working again, for some reason I tried logging on yesterday and couldn't. It was very frustrating, as I had some things I needed to post, made me realize how much gamcare is a big part of my ongoing recovery. Glad to see it's up and running again. Well I got my blood work results back, and I have to start on another med for my diabetes type 2, my A1C was still elevated. I guess timing is everything sometimes in life. Now that I'am on my eating healthy program and out walking, I'll be able to get that back under control, in time. I have to redo my blood work in 4 months, so around August 1st. My goal is to be down 30 lbs by then, and still be abstinent from gambling.

For anyone out there that thinks gambling only takes your money, it will take your health also. When I was gambling I didn't care about what I was eating, I forgot about the simple pleasures in life such as going fishing, or taking a nice walk. My only concern when I was using was, how can I get that next fix, the high, that big win. I lost all respect for myself and my health became a far second. It was me and gambling, a sick twisted love affair. I now have more then enough reasons to never gamble again, and I assure you I never will again. I have taken my life back, and in time, just like it took time to gain strength in my sobriety, I will get my weight down and regain my health back. I now realize before you can tackle any other issues in your life, the biggest one you must tackle first is your addiction, without a clear mind of that, you can't see clearly what other parts of your life you need to fix. Remaining sober will always be at the forefront, but now I start to rebuild me.

Recovering compulsive gambler,


Posted : 6th April 2013 2:44 pm
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Brunch: 7 shrimp and diced orange bell pepper egg beater omelet, with parmesan cheese on top. A half of avocado and a half cup of broccoli rice.


Posted : 6th April 2013 5:35 pm
Posts: 944

Hi again

good to hear your healthy eating plan is going well and sure you will soon get your diabetes under control again with the healthy lifestyle.

Should have explained that we have cookery programmes here called the 'Hairy Bikers' and the 'Naked Chef' which was where I made up my book title from then realised you prob didn't see them out there.

I worked with HIV positive unnacompanied young asylum seekers a few years ago and to raise funds for them we put together a book with recipes from all the countries they were from and that they remembered and called it 'Food for Thought'. Lots of really unusual recipes but have lost my copy now.

Glad to hear you are fishing again and filling your time with so much good stuff, it can only get better.


Posted : 6th April 2013 6:29 pm
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Early dinner: 3 barbecued salmon asparagus mini tacos, with a dusting of swiss cheese on each, with a side of steamed asparagus and fresh squeezed lemon on top.


Posted : 6th April 2013 10:06 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Chicagoguy, many thanks for your kind words. Your meal sounds lovely by the way, made my tummy rumble somewhat. I read what you wrote on Shiny's page about your Dad dying from cancer in May 2010 (I think?) I can relate to what you said, I too moved back in with my Dad, albeit 15 years ago now, to look after him as he succumbed to cancer. It can be a painfully sweet experience if you know what I mean. All the boundaries and rubbish we surround ourselves with in life, in relationships become meaningless and we get to see and love people for what they are. It's never nice to see a loved one slip away but that pain is punctuated by sheer moments of true love and care. Cancer is a cruel, cruel disease but at least it gives yourself and everyone the chance to prepare yourself and those around you for when inevitable happens. Emotionally draining though obviously, and you're left feeling empty and relieved for your loved one when its all over, or at least that's how I felt.

I don't read much on this site nowadays Chicagoguy but what I've read from you is that you're a decent guy who's making real strides into understanding and tackling our addiction. Long may it continue so, life is better when we don't gamble, we grow as people.

Take care, Steve

Posted : 7th April 2013 7:20 am
Posts: 0

Hi Chicago

Thanks for the support- enjoy the fishing!

Keep up the great effort



Posted : 7th April 2013 10:01 am
Posts: 0

Well done Chicago Guy


Posted : 7th April 2013 10:12 am
Posts: 0
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Hello all,

Just got home from a very nice visit with a good friend of mine. We reconnected after 15 years this New Years Day. Great to see him and have some good laughs about the old days. We were great friends and lived close to each other growing up. Good to have him back as a friend. For breakfast, I had a small diced orange bell pepper and diced mushrooms in egg beaters scrambled, and a half of avocado and a half of cup of broccoli rice. No lunch today, just some apples, for dinner I made pineapple salmon mini tacos with swiss cheese on top. A half of avocado and a half cup of couscous. Hope everyone enjoyed there weekend. Today I'am 90 days gamble free, thank you for all the support on my diary.

Recovering compulsive gambler,


Posted : 8th April 2013 12:49 am
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