Recovery and hope last bet 22/10/06

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Hi ULL,things are good today, I'm glad to see you have been posting. I know its hard to fight this, just posted somewhere else on this.I hope I am going to be a winner and today I am,no gambling,clear head,no regrets,how often can that be said when gambling.My wife has been very understanding, which has helped. I have been to a few meetings and posted here,all I can beat it for is one day at a time. Keep up the good work. luv Paddy((xx))

Posted : 5th November 2006 4:39 pm
Posts: 80
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Hi folks,tomorrow I am going to see my sponsor, what a joy, not having to cope on my own.He has asked me to do some writing on the first step so we can discuss it,so I can understand what makes me do what I do.This terrible obsession has been lifted and I feel free today.I am very grateful to the people who post here, this was where I came first when I was at my lowest and due to the support I received it helped me to be strong.Many thanks to you all.


Posted : 15th November 2006 1:29 pm
Posts: 80
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Hi folks,

I've not logged in for a while, I've been to a load of meetings and am now on Step 3. I am going to see my sponsor next week about the step. I hardly ever think of a bet, just coming to terms with life and why I gambled. Not easy to face but the alternative is not good either, my wife says she does'nt mind what I have to do to get better, she is fully on my side which helps a lot.Thanks to everyone in the beginning when I was shakey and not sure how to proceed, today I have my life back.

God bless,


Posted : 7th December 2006 7:26 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Paddy I'm back.

Unfortunately now a few months behind you!

It don't work and I could have done without the last 6 weeeks on it.

Posted : 16th December 2006 2:27 pm
Posts: 0

Great News Paddy 🙂

Take Care

Stay Strong

Kim xx

Posted : 18th December 2006 10:51 am
Posts: 80
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Hi Kim, thanks for encouragement, I often see you posts, trying to help others beat this addiction, one day I hope I will be of service to the newcomer.


Posted : 30th December 2006 3:51 pm
Posts: 0

hang in there paddy, i am sure that people realising that you are still on track is the encouragement that you aspire to give.

take a little more credit for yourself

today is a good day, adn i am living every moment to my full potential

Posted : 30th December 2006 4:19 pm
Posts: 80
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Hi Carol-Ann,nice to see your post,I have just started step 4,just wanting to find why I have a complusive nature and the measures needed to stay away from a bet a day at a time. I also hear that a new GA meeting way be set up in Newmarket this coming year.Wishing everyone a gamble free New Year.Just for today.

Posted : 6th January 2007 8:49 pm
Posts: 0

hi there paddy, sounds like you are getting things under control for yourself, and sounding more positive and stronger.

well done

Posted : 6th January 2007 9:41 pm
Posts: 80
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Hi, all going well, getting on with life without gambling,its great to be free.Still working on step 4, I find that reading the new posts helps me to remember the misery and desperation that gambling brings.My home life has improved because I am actually seeing my wife and doing things with her that I had neglected.Like most things in life I wanted instant forgiveness and praise for facing my problem with little thought of what it had been doing to us,today we are together on life's journey. Luv to you all,


Posted : 21st January 2007 11:57 am
Posts: 0

Hi Paddy, life without gambling!!!that is what is keeping me going through my wobbly days. I gave up last summer but it is a day by day ongoing recovery but when i read your post it reminded me why I needed to give up.

Its not just the financial misery it can cause, you reminded me it is the time I lost with my family and like you say about the neglect.

so thank you for keeping me on the straight and narrow as well.

Good luck and stay strong. Joy

Posted : 21st January 2007 1:19 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Paddy, thank you for your kind reply on my post. Hope all is still going well? I tend to post on an irregular basis now which I find is a good sign we are beating this addiction as gradually I hope we can wean ourselves from needing extra support, but it is a great site to come back to when we have occasional wobbles or need to air our thoughts.

Look forward to your next post. cheers Joy x

Posted : 29th January 2007 12:15 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Paddy, thank you for your continued support, hope I can be in a position to help you too. Not at my strongest the moment but with support from others like yourself, I will continue the battle!!!!

And the ciggies situation seems to be getting easier each day. Even though i am supposed to smoke for six days with the Zyban, already I have had less ciggies and didnt even think about one from one oclock until now.

cheers and hugs to you Joy xx

Posted : 8th February 2007 6:02 pm
Posts: 80
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Hi folks,

I have just completed steps 4/5,what a learning experience.I can now see where my addictive personality has come from.I felt I never quite fitted in,very insecure and full of fear,though to the world I was an ordinary ok guy.Its strange to look at my financial insecurity where I have hoarded money and hated spending it and then let loose gambling would spend it all,madness.I learn so much from different posts I have read here and identify strongly with most of the actions that have lead people to this site.I have been blessed to have the urge to gamble removed just for today,I have met friends in GA who know what I am feeling on a day to day basis and I call them if I need to.I am not alone anymore,I have been to the brink of despair and cared not for the consequences of what I might lose and today I can face what comes.Today I will have what I need not what I want and be happy with my lot.I am glad to be in this frame of mind,where I have the choice,for too long gambling and alcohol have been my masters.Good luck to everyone in recovery and those who still are suffering.


Posted : 10th February 2007 2:02 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Paddy,

Congrats on passing your steps. It's great that the fellowship has been so life changing for you.

Good luck also with the alcohol.


Posted : 11th February 2007 6:50 am
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