Regaining control after slip

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Hi Blues, having gambling dreams is certainly not uncommon. I had a dream about Vegas. I was playing roulette with chocolate money! Keep the determination. This is a long journey and certainly will not be overcome in a few weeks. As I've stated many times before, once a compulsive gambler, always a compulsive gambler. It's how we control it that matters. Stay positive, russ

Posted : 30th August 2010 9:27 pm
Posts: 0


How are you mate? hope your weekend was good but as I can see it must of been brilliant as you stayed gamble free and spent time with your precious kids, good on you fella.

Your doing excellent and Im certain that this will continue forever.

Take it easy mate

Posted : 31st August 2010 10:01 am
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Thanks for the posts, much appreciated. Yesterday passed without any urges to speak of, obviously thoughts were in my head, especially as I posted on here. Played football again last night, was an ok game, little run out. Playing first game of 11 aside this evening (first 11 aside game in over 3 years!), should be an expereince to say the least!

Feeling tired today as mind was racing after football last night and late enough into bed, at least there weren't any dreams creeping in last night! (not ones I can share on here anyway ;-)). Today is day 12 of the battle and for today I will not gamble.

Take Care Blues

Posted : 31st August 2010 11:11 am
Posts: 0

Day 12 of a very long and interesting journey to recovery and you are doing so well mate! Your support on other people's forums have been very useful and I hope that they have helped you just as much as they have helped me when I post.

Enjoy your 11 a side game of football - you will feel really good afterwards albeit a bit tired I expect. Just like me when I finally go out running again soon trying out my new gadget!

October (53 days to go)

Posted : 31st August 2010 12:56 pm
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Well, survived the football, and realised how much I missed it. Played for about an hour then the lungs started to shut down lol. Season starts saturday and its given me a renewed boost, which is much needed. No urges to speak of yesterday and another day fighting the demons has begun.

Just want to say that I hope everyone out there is coping ok, doesnt matter how bad it seems, it can always be worse. Try to see the positives, no matter how small, and they will help you through today.

We can do it

Here's to day 13 of my personal journey,


Posted : 1st September 2010 10:43 am
Posts: 0


Congratulations mate, day 13, your sounding more positive as each day passes by.

Im glad that your enjoying footie, its amazing what exercise does to us, i wish i had friends who blemming organised a little run about.

Keep going fella, there wont be no stopping you know.

Take care

Posted : 1st September 2010 10:55 am
Posts: 0


congrats on the work so far. You have been here before so you know what to look out for this time. We all have faith in you.


Posted : 1st September 2010 11:12 am
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Day 14 today and the first day that i'm really really fighting the urges. It seems like a switch in my head is telling me - yo've given it up for two weeks, surely you have it under control now. From past experience, I know it will never ever be under control and in the past, I have fought these urges for a short time then let them back in with the odd bet here, the odd bet there. Not this time, GA this evening to share these thoughts and try to flush out the system. My problem is when I have time on my hands. I actually went to bed just after the kids at 9pm last night just to get the thoughts out of my head, watched a little tv and dozed off.

This is one powerful disease and I feel a little better now sharing todays feelings with all the good people on this site.

At 534pm this evening, it will be two weeks since my last bet, and for today, I WILL NOT GAMBLE

Take care all


Posted : 2nd September 2010 12:50 pm
Posts: 0


How are you mate, congratulations on day 14, today at 5.34 you will be 2 weeks gamble free mate, thats great, you deserve a pat on the back for that.

We all have urges mate, i always have the urge to win back what i lost but you havent given in to them, thats the main thing.

if it means going to bed early so then let it be, nice to hear from you mate, take care

Posted : 2nd September 2010 1:35 pm
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Went to GA this evening and got a lot of things of my chest. I am not actually wanting to place a bet, but all I can think about is how much I lost, how much I owe, how can I stop gambling, how can I rebuild trust and to be honest its driving me mad. Mind just keeos going over and over these things.

I have been assured it is normal behaviour, but most definately the best thing I did this evening was go to GA (was supposed to be going out drinking, but this was far more important to me, and my family)

Take care


Posted : 2nd September 2010 11:16 pm
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Well onto day 15 now and a lot more upbeat after my meeting last night. As I posted yesterday, go a lot of things off my chest at GA and found it a great help.

Playing football today, tomorrow and continuing the painting on Sunday so I am delighted that I have a busy weekend ahead, which will hopefully combat any urges that I may have. I'm really starting to enjoy the simple things in life again now and everyone that has visited the house have been so suprised at how good the new paint job in the sitting room is, gives me great pleasure. You see, in the past, I would have done a half hearted job as all that would be on my mind would be the gambling, when, where, how etc. The sitting room took me the whole day last week and the results are there for all to see.

So my thinking is, if you apply dedication to something and take time to prepare yourself, the results will come, this is my thought for NOT GAMBLING TODAY

Hope everyone else has a gamble free day


Posted : 3rd September 2010 10:18 am
Posts: 0


Hello mate, how is it going?

Day 15- wow mate congratulations, you have kept to your promise and havent gambled, watch the days grow now one by one.

Well done on the painting as well, its good to hear positive feedback when you have done something good, im sure your going to be hearing loads of people compliment you on the jobs and progress you make from now on.

How was the meeting? i want to go ahead to one as well when i get the chance, take care mate and if i dont get to speak to you, have a great weekend.

Posted : 3rd September 2010 10:35 am
Posts: 0


WD on reaching Day 15 and good to see that you've packed out your weekend. Keeping busy is a great help when battling the demons. Its also so much better to be doing "productive" things.

Enjoy the weekend.

All the best


Posted : 4th September 2010 6:27 am
Posts: 0

Hi blues,

Really pleased to hear that you are now on day 16 and even more pleased to hear that your sitting room is looking so much better due to not gambling!

And there will be many more things that can look or feel better when we all don't gamble!

Enjoy your productive weekend.

October (49 days to go)

Posted : 4th September 2010 9:48 am
Posts: 0

Hey blues,

Glad to see your last post so upbeat, and you must be proud of the progress you are making.

Sending you a virtual weekend beer to clebrate a weekend that will be happy a gamble free,

Huge repect,


Posted : 4th September 2010 12:25 pm
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