Regaining control after slip

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Day 2 over, havent stolen or begged to borrow. Massive well done blues

Posted : 29th October 2013 9:59 pm
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Day 3 begins-don't want to get out of the bed, head still wrecked from the chaos my LAST binge is causing. Jesus life is hard, very hard

Take Care


Posted : 30th October 2013 7:37 am
Posts: 4881

Yup, life is hard... but its better without the gambling. We just carry on carrying on... no other choice.

Thanks for your supportive words... and am sure you will reach a better place within yourself. Time and patience friend, day at a time as always. keep safe... S.A

Posted : 30th October 2013 8:35 pm
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Day 3 Over, haven't stolen or begged to borrow - urges are there, the company I keep is not helping (Choice point!)

Take Care


Posted : 30th October 2013 10:39 pm
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How quick the gambling mind forgets - due to my latest binge, finances are tight to say the least. I found myself at lunchtime with my coat on ready to walk downtown to go into the bookies to make the next few weeks 'easier'!

Who was I kidding, no sooner had I stepped out the office, something amazing happened, I turned around, walked back to my desk and took my coat off. I wouldn't spend £3 on a decent meal in the canteen but was willing to part with the last of my cash in the hope of winning more....Jesus, gambling, you sneak up like a mugger in the night (and day!) and try to take everything. You know what? I won this time

Day 4 - nearly over, thank god

Take Care


Posted : 31st October 2013 6:02 pm
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Day 4 over - few years ago this forum gave me something - lot of the 'oldies' seem to be absent - hope and pray to God that's a good thing. It just doesn't feel like 'home' to me as it did before - will keep posting for me if I feel like it, but something is missing,

Take Care


Posted : 31st October 2013 11:30 pm
Posts: 0

Blues, well done on taking that coat off. I for one am glad to hear that most of the oldies have gone, I take that as a positive as should you! I know in short time I have been on this forum (relative to some) I have had many ups and downs, but have always received help, support, advice and probably most importantlyI haven't felt alone, so whilst the user names may be different hopefully you will find it as supportive as before. All the best, Lyn xx

Posted : 1st November 2013 12:01 am
Posts: 4881

Hi Blues... people come and go, that's life. We adapt and form new allegiances along the way. Its like work, you get use to a certain set of people and then a flurry of people leave but a new set of people arrive. This place still works for me so I stick around. I guess I am the exception to the rule, but that's ok. I do what I have to do to break my cycle of problem gambling. Onwards friend onwards... S.A 🙂

Posted : 1st November 2013 7:41 am
Posts: 0


All the best mate.

Enjoy the weekend,


Posted : 1st November 2013 12:20 pm
Posts: 0

Just dropping by blues and sending you peace and happiness.


Posted : 19th November 2013 12:05 am
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I'm not making a big thing over this, the main reason I have dropped by is to ask a question? How do people deal with the embarrassment when meeting relatives, friends etc for the first time since it all came out?

No bet since 2nd December 2013

Take Care


Posted : 29th December 2013 7:44 pm
Posts: 4422


Fella well done on your continued abstinence.

Regarding your question, my answer was to be honest, there is no shame in admitting your problems, yes with honesty there were folk who looked at there wallet and hid the silver but through my honesty I learnt who truthfully was my real friends and regarding my family my admittance brought relief to many. I today regard recovery a group effort and my 3 hours of madness in October was partly due to the fact I let pride get in the way. If I had picked up the phone my issue could have been better dealt with.

Recovery gifts us a great deal of pride. Share that. Be proud.

Lastly when I think of when I was full on at it, the lies I used to tell those folk were horrific, today although there has been uncomfortable moments, truth and honesty shines through.

No more lying, deceiving.

I like myself more. It reflects on how my relationships grow.

I wish the same rewards for your efforts

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 29th December 2013 9:44 pm
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Thanks for the advice Duncanmac, much appreciated. Its been hard, but I need to get hold of it now as its destroyed most of what I had. I have a job and that is it, if I continue, that will be gone too. Im going to hold my head up (not to be shot at for a change) and give this a good go. I made that decision on the 3rd of December after gambling the previous day and to be honest Xmas is a very hard time to stop for me, but i'm nearly out the other side of Xmas 13 (ODAAT) - hope you are well

Take Care


Posted : 30th December 2013 1:59 pm
Posts: 0
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Good bye 2013 - never in my days did I think anything could be worse than 2012 - you nearly topped it - 2014 please give me a break and without being selfish, give someone else the s**t for a change

Last bet 2nd December 2013

Take Care


Posted : 31st December 2013 11:27 pm
Posts: 4881

Hi Blues, gambling is never spoken about to me when I go to visit my family... but behind the scenes there are whispers.. Is he at it? Is he cured yet? has he sorted himself out? Has he got a girlfriend? etc etc. Its all well meaning stuff, but my life feels hard and then more time passes. Like Dunc's says... just be honest and open where you feel its helpful but without the gorey details... the details are not anyone elses business. Well done on your gamble free time... S.A

Posted : 1st January 2014 9:23 am
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