Regaining control after slip

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I know how you feel, this evil gambling lark that we have been exposed to in the past have changed us in some way or another.

Just think that we used to be this horrible lying, cheating and different person when we were hypnotised by any form of gambling.

We are all in the process of changing our routines in a completely different way and there will be some days when we may stop to think - hang on, what the heck is going on here?!

But what is so, so important is that we are all gamble free and we are not lining the pockets of those greedy gambling companies. If this means that we have the need to ask people for our pocket money at the age of 40, then that will have to be the way forward, if temporarily.

Have a lovely gamble free evening,

October (44 days to go)

Posted : 9th September 2010 6:01 pm
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As usual folks, thanks for the posts, really really appreciated let me tell you.

Went to GA last night and shared exactly what was bugging me re: control of finances. As I said it, there was a collective nod around the room and I was assured it completely normal. One thing I can say, and I think October touched on it, is that even though i'm a shadow of what I used to be before the gambling disease took over, I feel a far better person than I was a little over three weeks ago.

More time for my family, back playing football, actually genuinely interested in what people have to say, decorating the home etc, all things that went out the window when I was gambling and thinking about my next bet.

As people have said I feel like i've started living life again and have been given one massive opportunity to pt things right.

Another thing that was said to me last night, was don't worry about the financial aspect of things (debt) because time doesnt stand still and each day, you are paying back a small amount of your debt and a day closer to being debt free

Thanks for reading folks and I feel that this site, along with GA, is really aiding in my recovery.

Take Care


Posted : 10th September 2010 11:12 am
Posts: 0


How are you mate? 3 weeks and a day today, give yourself a big pat on the back, how does it feel? I bet your family is really happy with the new you as well.

Also your attending GA meetings, thats great mate, you are attacking the demons from every angle.

Have a great gamble free weekend mate

Take care

Posted : 10th September 2010 12:46 pm
Posts: 0


Good to read such a positive last post - well reading that one again to yourself at times - when you're feeling a little down. Then read your first one - to remember how bad things were at the start. It will illustrate how far you've come mate.

You're doing brilliantly - keep it going - starting to see life for what it is - and we all know it ain't a practice run!! Keep doing the things in life that really matter.

All the best


Posted : 10th September 2010 10:39 pm
Posts: 0

What a lovely post and really good to see you sounding so positive.

You have everything in place in order to be able to beat those evil gambling demon thoughts.

And you WILL! Keep making all of the right choices and life will be fantastic!

Have a lovely gamble free weekend.

November (73 days to go!)

Posted : 11th September 2010 9:10 am
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Thanks for the posts, another gamble free weekend passes and it feels d**n good. Played a match on saturday , lasting the full 90 minutes (well i'd say 75 mins, then just existing for the last 15!!), went for a pint afterwards and really enjoyed it. Took the kids to the park on sunday morning and enjoyed watching them running around and having a ball. No gambling urges at all, which is brilliant but frightening at the same time, as I dont want them to creep in unexpected, and catch me unaware. I have to keep on my toes if I want to continue to enjoy life as it should be enjoyed. I feel that in the last 24 days, I have gone from living in a dream / nightmare like state to actually living life,

Onto Day 25 of this amazing journey

Hope you all have a gamble free day


Posted : 13th September 2010 10:27 am
Posts: 0


What a positive post mate, your on day 25, that is excellent, your also doing the activities you enjoy and spending time with your kids, well done mate.

Which area are you in UK?

Always be on your guard mate, we dont know when these urges will come but we can make sure we keep them at bay.

Take care mate and have a good one.

Posted : 13th September 2010 10:56 am
Posts: 1057

Well done on your progress thus far blues...enjoy your football while you can..our legs cant go on forever and when its gone its a big miss mate...cherish playing with your kids...if theres one thing in the world i would change because of this evil its being able to see them everyday :-(...your positivity is shining through just now and long may that continue...i especially liked your post on phils diary...good stuff,stay strong we can do this 🙂

Posted : 14th September 2010 6:00 am
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Well, 1/4 of a century since my last bet, passed without any urges. Things getting a little rocky at home, and the old me would have gone straight to the bookies and placed stupid amounts of cash on stupid bets, sort of an 'i'll show you' kind of way. Not today, or ever in fact, I will go home, face whatever is coming at me and hold my head up high. Yes i've made a monumental financial mistake thanks to my inability to control my gambling, but i'm not a bad person, and am not beating myself up half as much as I used to.

I'm enjoying the simple things in life at the minute, really and truly am, and I know that one more, just one more bet, will rob me of this contentment and happiness, and I ain't gonna let that happen. The only thing I can control is stopping the gambling, whatever else happens, will happen. Feeling positive on the gambling front today, heres to day 26...

Take care all and have a happy gambling free day,


Posted : 14th September 2010 10:24 am
Posts: 0


Firstly congratulations on Day 26, you have achieved so much over the last 3 and half weeks.

Secondly ofcourse your not a bad person mate, in fact your probably one of the nicest people around, we just done some damage to ourselves but we never set out to hurt anyone.

Your putting all your wrongs right so you are winning your battle.

Take care mate

Posted : 14th September 2010 10:39 am
Posts: 0

Hi Blues just read through your diary page at a time. Saw that it was a rocky start for you. I was even nervous as I flipped through your pages waiting almost to see the dreaded words "of I slipped up" I didnt and its great! Your really fighting this 1 day at a time and already have come far.

Those urges come and go - and i know for myself when things go bad at home or elsewhere its easy to use that as an excuse to gamble. Mind plays very funny tricks somtimes. But so far you seem to have made all the right choices. Dont worry about having or feeling little control over your own finances. Its normal I suppose let it go. It will return - its only money. Well done on all these days bet free. Keep it at 1 day at a time. All the best Blocked.

Posted : 14th September 2010 11:31 am
Posts: 0


Keep it up. One step at a time and one day at a time. You have given up for a couple of months before, so you should know what to watch out for this time.

As someone on these boards says, if nothing changes, nothing changes. Looking forward to your continued success and change.


Posted : 14th September 2010 1:33 pm
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Thanks for the advice and support as always. No gambling urges yesterday, straight home after work and watched the football. Gambling thoughts crept in my head, especially watching the Barcelona game thinking imagine if you backed them when they were 0-1 down, would have got a better price to come back and win. BUT IT WOULDNT HAVE MATTERED how much I could have / would have won. I would be back today losing it and giving back much much more (not just financially, one more bet and I will lose my family, I realise that now which is really helping in my fight). So i'm happy to say, day 26 was a gamble free day and Day 27 will be too

Take Care


Posted : 15th September 2010 10:41 am
Posts: 0


How is it going my good friend? A big well done on resisting the urges, I had similar ones with champions league but as you mentioned it on my post, we dont need it mate, we are far more positive and clear headed when we dont gamble.

Here is to your Day 27, your doing amazaing mate.

Take care

Posted : 15th September 2010 12:55 pm
Posts: 0


Your 10.41am post says it all, I would print it out and keep it in your wallet.




Posted : 15th September 2010 6:44 pm
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