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52 days done. Day 53 to smash

Posted : 23rd October 2013 6:23 am
Posts: 0

Well done on 53 days and the uplifting posts,you prove change can be done!

Keep posting and going strong

Here's to a gamble,stress free life

Posted : 23rd October 2013 6:42 am
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Thanks for the comment. It's great to feel positive and that is such a difference from 7 weeks ago.

I am very much in my guard though, I could easily undo all the hard work within an afternoon.

Guard up and positive!


Posted : 23rd October 2013 7:31 am
Posts: 0

Thanks Hanz for your profound and inspiring comments on my thread.

You certainly have rewired your brain into having more control over this obsession.

Keep your guard up and stay positive, I know you will always be in control and that means of every morning, afternoon , evening and night time. You have the determination and drive to succeed and each day just continue to say - "Just for today I will not Gamble"-

Well done Hanz, heres to day 90!

Best wishes

Hope x

Posted : 23rd October 2013 10:07 am
Posts: 789

Hi Hanzsolo... thanks for your post to me. Was having a bit of a rough patch but things are looking up today. You're right. I have to stay positive. And good for you for accomplishing abstinence for so long. Keep it up!

Posted : 23rd October 2013 3:41 pm
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Well done Carla! I'm Glad things are looking up...looking forward to reading more about you progressing 🙂

Another day smashed. Told my grandad and Berlin tonight. He was so excited. Makes me very proud and the last 7 1/2 weeks worth it!!!

Onwards and upwards!


Posted : 23rd October 2013 9:54 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Hanz

Just wanted to say that I'm buzzing from reading through your diary. I'm only 3 days in and know full well that i'm in for a tough ride, but i'm really inspired to see how well things are going for you.

If i can *** 7 weeks then I know my mental and financial state will be 10 times better than it's been for years.

Well done mate, keep it up.

Posted : 23rd October 2013 10:23 pm
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I was texting a friend last night about my recovery and this site. He said he was "jealous" at my recovery and wish he could do it . I explained to him how I have used this site and the people on it as a the main influence!

Onwards and upwards for another day.


Posted : 24th October 2013 6:57 am
Posts: 0

Hi Hanz,

Just a quick post to say keep up your positive and encouraging determination.

Not sure if you have read the news today, but there is a professional sporting rehab clinic who have raised serious concerns about the amount of professional footballers taking out pay day loans and gambling with the funds? They want the government to act on the excessive advertising associated with sporting programmes etc. At last if the sporting industry raise concerns then maybe something will be done to curtail these greedy minded individuals.

Any way onwards and upwards.

Have a fab day

Hope X

Posted : 24th October 2013 11:54 am
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Thanks for sharing the above story. I googled it and read a couple of articles on it. It's amazing who gambling effects. Anyone from any walk of life. No matter on situation, family state, financial state, job, race, height.

I wish we could put this forum into the limelight and try and get publicity around the dangers. I take absolute full responsibilities for my actions, I chose to bet and chose to hit the "spin" or "confirm bet" button. But it would if we could educate people about this in schools. I was told about drink, drugs and everything else addictive. But gambling is very rarely, if ever mentioned.

Thanks again hope.

I have a quite evening planned doing some housework tonight. Need to iron and wash a few shirts for work

53 days done and smashed. Roll on tomorrow! .

Onwards and upwards


Posted : 24th October 2013 5:46 pm
Posts: 0

Well done on day 53 Hanz, brilliant achievement.

I agree with what you say about education and gambling addiction not being in the limelight. I reckon there's a lot of people who don't think that it's real, if that makes sense. With drug and alcohol addiction, except for the rare functioning types, there's usually no hiding it and the physical symptoms are there for everyone to see.

With our addiction, it's much easier to hide it, at least until the utter destruction manifests itself. I've also started to think this week about how many people must be in denial about their gambling addiction; kidding themselves and those close to them that it's all alright - just like I did for so long. So many people in the bookies always seemed to be behaving in exactly the same desperate, irrational way as me. I'm glad I'm out and I never want to go back.

I certainly don't know what the answer is to stop this addition spreading even more, but more education and public awareness of this addiction can only be a good thing IMO.

Posted : 24th October 2013 7:46 pm
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Hi Tess,

Good point you touched on there. Everyone in the bookies seems to be in a very same state of mind. I

Guess this always normalised my actions until stepping out the bookies back into the real work as guilt struck.

I'm not suggestions for one minute bookies should be closed down or in the same sentence, drinking banned. But with drinking you have plenty of warning and advise around the dangers long prior to your first drink. It certainly hasn't stopped me drinking but I am aware of the dangers.

If I was made aware the dangers of gambling prior to my first bet @16, maybe then I could've made better life choices? Who knows.

Anyways, as soon as I get work done and finished today. I am off to watch Arctic monkeys tonight, a small treat again and an evening that will cost me about £50 in total. I used to bet that within 2 minutes.

I know what I would rather be doing.

Onwards and upwards!


Posted : 25th October 2013 7:06 am
Posts: 0

Well done Hanz 🙂

Keep it up mate as Life feels so much better.

Posted : 25th October 2013 7:29 am
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Cheers Colin! Looking forward to making it another day tomorrow, I can't wait until gambling becomes a irrelevance in my life. A few years I hope to complete recovery. I don't believe you are in recovery for ever. Just until you retrain the mind and move on .

Looking forward to a check in with Tess tomorrow. It will really help me

Focus through the hardest time of the week for myself.

Arctic monkeys where quality. I had a choice....a evening out for 5 hours or one bet of the roulette wheel or East European basketball for 2 minutes. I am making the right choices in life at the ment. Buzzing!

Genuinely buzzing off enjoyment of a gambling.

Onwards and upwards all!


Posted : 25th October 2013 11:53 pm
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I used to be in bed on a Friday by 9/10pm. The stress of the days gambling usually absolutely killed me. Buzzing of my more relaxed way of life.

Guard up and off to sleep.


Posted : 25th October 2013 11:55 pm
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